Admin Hawk Talk
Welcome To Hawk Talk
Go Hawks!
Upcoming Events
5/23 Early Release
5/24 Band Final Concert on the Lawn
5/28 8th Grade Getaway and Field Day for 6th and 7th
5/29 Parents and Pastries
5/30 Last Day of School
Cafeteria Appreciation
We are so Thankful for our Cafeteria Staff. They're loved! We couldn't do it without them.
Congratulations to our Friend of Education winner Jennifer Hietala, Teresa Muro our Classified Staff of the Year winner, and Taylor Sisson our Educator of the Year for FMS. We couldn't do it without you! Your hard work, commitment and selflessness are beyond appreciated. FMS wouldn't be the same without you. Thank You!
Band and Choir Festival
Our band and choir students represented Fremont Middle School well at festival this year! They performed their best and sounded wonderful! All band and choir groups received Superior ratings! Congratulations! Your hard work paid off and we are so proud of you. Also, thank you to Steve Garner for all of your hard work with our students and getting them prepared. You will be greatly missed.
Watch for signups being sent through ParentSquare
Yearbook lottery
Sign up to be in the lottery now through 5/23.
You will be notified by email on 5/24.
If you are picked... Check or cash for $35 needs to be sent to the school office on Tuesday, May 28th.
Yearbooks will be distributed Wednesday, May 30th.
Parent & Pastries
FMS parents and guardians end of year celebration with your student(s) on Wednesday, May 29th from 8:00 am - 9:00am. We are asking if you can bring donuts or muffins to share with your student(s) and their friends.
We hope that you have seen notices that our district, school, teachers and coaches are moving to a system called ParentSquare to communicate with you.
On May 10, all our teachers will be trained on the system. Some "early adopters" are using ParentSquare now, so they can help their colleagues.
For a brief time, we will have two systems in use to communicate with you.
Messages sent by ParentSquare will look a little different than those sent from our old system.
One of the most notable changes is a new text message code.
ParentSquare messages will be from "66458." Our old system uses code "60680." We will stop using our old system at the end of the school year.
With ParentSquare, parents will be able to set preferences for when (instant or end of day) and how (e-mail, text, app) you get communication from your children's teachers, their schools, and the district.
After our teachers are trained in May, we will send more information to parents about how you can use the system, too!
We appreciate your patience and understanding while we transition to the new system to better meet your needs!
Checking Out To Go Home
Reminder that if a student needs to call a parent because they are sick or need to go home, they must come to the office and use the phone from there. Using their cell phone to make these calls is not allowed and violates our cell phone policy.
Please remind your students to charge their Chromebooks at night. We don't have many extra Chromebooks for students to use during the day.
Student Behaviors
We're seeing an increase in student discipline referrals to the office lately. This includes rough-housing, cell phone usage, disrespect toward students and staff members, tardies, and off task behaviors in class. Please remind your student of their academic and social responsibilities in school.
Need Extra Help With School Work
If you're needing a little extra help with school work we have
Reminder Student Personal Device Not Allowed During School Day
Non-school issued electronic devices and cell phones will not be allowed at any time during school hours from 7:15 a.m. until the dismissal bell at the end of the day at our middle schools.
Electronic devices will be expected to be turned off and placed in a backpack, cinch sack, bag, or similar item used for storing daily school supplies and equipment.
Use of any electronic device is prohibited in locker rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms, or other locations that are private in nature. Any unauthorized or inappropriate use of electronic devices may result in the confiscation of the device. The student’s parent or guardian will be notified and can pick up the device in the front office. Continuous violations of this policy may result in a student losing the privilege of having their electronic device(s) at school. KMS/FMS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices brought to school.
Free and Reduced Lunch