News from the Nest

- Congratulations Graduates
- Progress Reports & Report Cards
- Upcoming School Board Meetings
- Need Assistance?
- Calling All New Students - Class of 2037
- Upcoming Events
Hello Summer!
I am so very grateful to have joined the Upper Dublin Cardinal Family! Thank you for making me feel welcome, sharing your thoughts, and letting me get to know you. It's only been 6 months since I arrived, but even in that short time I know that Upper Dublin is a special place ~ both within the District and within our larger community.
The last few weeks have been filled with learning, laughter, field trips, activities, and events. From field days to promotional assemblies, we've celebrated our students and their accomplishments this year. It was an honor to participate in many of these events. One sunny day in late May I was soaked in the dunk tank at Thomas Fitzwater and then participated in the Masked Singer at Fort Washington. I have thoroughly enjoyed being included in events like these, interacting with our students, staff, and families.
The graduation ceremony was an amazing culmination of our school year, celebrating not only our graduates and their hard work, but also the family, friends, and staff members who supported their journey over the years. I wish each of you fun and relaxation this summer with your families and friends.
Class of 2024
Progress Reports & Report Cards
Elementary progress reports have been available for parents to view through Infinite Campus since Tuesday, June 11th at 8am. Report cards for Sandy Run Middle School and Upper Dublin High School will be available for parents through Infinite Campus on Friday, June 14th at 11am. For information about how to view progress reports/report cards through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus, please click here.
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Finance Committee - June 18, 2024 @ 6:00 PM (Tuesday meeting)
Legislative Meeting - June 24, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
**All meetings are held in the Cardinal Room at UDHS.
Need Assistance this Summer?
While summer is an exciting time for many families, it also prompts change from the structured schedule that our students experience throughout the school year, which can be difficult for some students and their families. Please know that assistance is available throughout the summer. Many resources can be found by visiting the District's Counseling website.
Raising the Flag
On May 30th, we raised the Pride flag which is a symbol of love, acceptance, and equality. This flag represents our commitment to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued.
Raising the flag celebrates our diversity and the beautiful spectrum of identities that make up our community. It is inspiring to see the many activities and events within our community that promote a sense of belonging and honoring of individuality.
We are proud that Upper Dublin was the first school district in Montgomery county to raise the Pride flag five years ago, and we are thrilled to be able to continue the tradition of being among the first in Montgomery county every year to fly the flag!
Thank you for making our community a place where everyone can live openly and authentically.
Cardinals Class of 2037
Upcoming Events
The Ambler Branch Of The NAACP is a sponsor for the area's 5th Annual Juneteenth Cometh Celebration. Music, Food, Crafts, Culture and much, much more!!! For more details, check out the Juneteenth Cometh Celebration website and flyer.