LEE Counseling Newsletter
Nothing Stronger than the Heart of a Volunteer
Happy School Counselor's Week
Updates and New Information
- FAFSA is now OPEN https://studentaid.gov/
- Scroll down for scholarship information
- Course selection for SY 2025-2026 - January 14-February 14
- Counselors are calling out their students to complete their selections
- Saturday school- see below for dates/how to register
- Summa Ceremony- March 20th
Saturday School Information
Things you should be doing this semester
1. Complete FAFSA
2. Sign up for TSI (if needed)
3. Sign up for Saturday school for attendance (if needed) See your AP to confirm
4. Order your cap and gown (it isn't too late to get it delivered to LEE in April)
5. Meet with Ms. Bustamante for college deadlines (you need a pass to come see her)
6. Keep your grades up, this is the home stretch...Finish Strong!!!!
Jostens links
Cap and Gown Online ordering links 😊
DREAM MAJOR Scholarship
o Must be a graduating high school senior (2024 - 2025 school year)
o Completed written application
o Application must be received on time without exception
o 3.0 Minimum GPA overall or progression towards an unweighted GPA of 4.00 over four semesters (For the most recently completed cumulative GPA period in 2024 - 2025
o Official high school transcript. All transcripts must be submitted using the grading policy/GPA scale currently used by their school; additionally, ACT/SAT scores
o Students must reside and attend a high school in Bexar County.
o Acceptance letter from college/university (copy must be enclosed with application)
o Two Letters of Recommendation (LOR) from a high school teacher, counselor, social worker, religious official, or school principal. The letters must include your potential to be successful in college; and have two contact numbers, an e-mail address, and your full name.
Deadline to Apply is March 28, 2025
Randall P Palmer III Memorial Scholarship
· Must be a graduating high school senior (2024-2025 school year)
· 3.0 Minimum GPA overall or progression towards an un-weighted GPA of 4.00 over four semesters (For the most recently completed cumulative GPA period in 2022-2024)
· Must show financial need
· Must demonstrate community involvement
Deadline to apply is March 28, 2025
Your Counselor and Administrator Contacts
College, Career & Military Readiness Advisor
Mr. Paul Goodwin
Updates from our CCMR:
- PSAT testing in NEISD- https://docs.google.com/document/d/15V7xPkCj0zCU11NPfWCpgIxY1N6StC2Fl8GoGuNZEjo/edit
- FAFSA- window opens December 1st. We will be having Parent workshops, stay tuned!
- AP Testing- Payment window will be open October 11- November 12th
- ASVAB- November 8th- see my smore for the QR code to sign up!!
Check out his SMORE for more information!!!
His office is located in the Counseling Office
Trinity Advisor- Elizabeth Bustamante
Bell Schedule and Shuttle Bus Schedules
CTEC Bus Schedule
Before school pick up- in the bus loop
All others pick up- band parking lot
iCSI Bus Schedule
All students are picked up in the band parking lot