South Park PTO Spotlight
January 31, 2025
Spotlight on the Mom's Night Out Committee!
We are so excited about our fun night at the Board Room for a charcuterie making class coming up. A big thank you to the Mom's Night Out Committee, Lauren Pappas, Amy Elisco, Melissa Glass and Jaclyn Axonovitz, for all their work planning this event! We hope you can join old friends and meet some fellow South Park moms while learning a new skill.
We hope you enjoy the weekend!
Courtney Cohen and Paula Sklar, PTO Co-Presidents
Skate Night 2025
Calling all penguin families! Get ready to lace up your skates! Join us for Family Skate Night Sunday, February 23rd from 5:20-7:20 at Glacier Ice Arena, 670 Lakeview PKWY, Vernon Hills,60061. Please click here for more details and to register your family for this fun night of skating! Pre- registration ends Tuesday, February 18th!
Click here to register for Mom's Night!
Save the date for the Domino's Pizza Fundraiser!
Help support the South Park PTO with a Domino's 'Slice the Price' Card!
- February 10th - 24th!
- $20 a card with $10 donated back to the PTO!
- Purchase a large pizza & get one free...any quantity!
- Unlimited use through 12/31/25!
- Earn awesome prizes by selling more cards!
Volunteers Needed for Winter Booktacular!
Mrs. Jahng is looking for volunteers to help with the Winter Booktacular on 2/5/25. It should be a fun night celebrating the joy of reading. (Please note the change of date!)
Please sign up here to volunteer.
Feed My Starving Children Volunteer Opportunity
Looking for a great way to give back and have some fun! Join us at Feed My Starving Children (742 East Park Ave, Libertyville) Saturday, March 15th from 2-3:45PM. You'll work with other families by packing food to help feed children in other countries.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get our kids involved in a meaningful way!
Space is limited, so please click here to find out more and sign up today!
Sign up to be a PTO Photographer at an upcoming event!
Do you like taking pictures? Please sign up to be a photographer at an upcoming event! Valentine's party sign up is available now. Check out the PTO website for more information and to sign up. These photos will be used in our 2024-2025 yearbook!
Bulls Game Fundraiser
Cheer with us for a brand new fundraiser at the United Center! Join South Park Elementary School PTO for a legendary group outing with the Chicago Bulls.
Ticket prices vary and Proceeds from each ticket purchased will be donated to South Park Elementary PTO!
Fri, April 4, 2025 | 7:00 p.m. CST
Giveaway: Benny Capsule Collection
Purchase tickets here.
PTO meeting on 1/29 at 9am.
Join us via zoom!
Topic: PTO Meeting
Time: Jan 29, 2025 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 2802 4089
Passcode: 725093
Order Fun Lunch!
New to Marla's Lunch- Get Started Here:
GO to: marlaslunch.boonli.com (bookmark that page)
Click on Create an Account
Click on New to Boonli and enter One-Time School Password: DPS299 (case sensitive)
○ IMPORTANT NOTE: Please enter YOUR information for the account registration and enter the STUDENT information for the profile(s)
Go to: marlaslunch.boonli.com (bookmark this page)
Sign In with your existing username & password
Update your Student(s) Profile
○ Click on their name, select their teacher and grade from drop down & click “update profile”
■ If a student has graduated, click on their name & click “remove profile”
3. Once all profiles are updated, you can begin placing orders
PAYMENT INFORMATION: The program accepts payment by Debit Card or Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard & Discover and ACH/ECheck Program
● QUESTIONS: email marlaslunchinfo@gmail.com or call 224.269.0068
● TECHNICAL SUPPORT (help navigating the site): email support@boonli.com or call 800.381.6511
Sign up to be a Library Volunteer
Interested in volunteering in the South Park School Library? More information and volunteer interest form are available on the PTO website.
Love It Labels
Keep your kid's stuff out of the Lost and Found this year (& support a Deerfield small business)!
School is back in session and we've partnered with a local Deerfield small business Love It Labels to label all your child’s gear! Countless belongings get lost throughout the school day, but can easily be returned to your child if it has a label on it!
Make sure to use our special link to order and 20% of the proceeds will automatically be donated back to the South Park PTO!
Sign up to be a Fun Lunch Volunteer
Interested in volunteering during lunch? More information and volunteer calendar on the PTO website.
Order a South Park Birthday Sign!
Celebrate your child's birthday with a hand-delivered lawn sign for their birthday! Purchase your sign for $10 through the South Park PTO website! Additional details regarding purchase and delivery instructions are on the ordering page! Click here to order!
Upload Photos to the 2024-2025 Yearbook!
The Yearbook Committee needs your help! Please submit photos so that our yearbook features as many students as possible. Please note all photos must be taken on school grounds and must include current South Park students.
We are looking for photos from...
- 1st Day of School
- Ice Cream Social
- Family Field Day
- Family Reading Night/Book Fair
- South Park Halloween party/parade
- Winter party
- Music/Orchestra/Band concerts
How to submit photos:
1) Download the HJ eShare app
2) enter our school code: SPPenguins
3) enter your info
4) select your photo
5) add the kid's name(s), grade(s) and event name
Or you can email photos to Agi Notter at aginotter2023@gmail.com. Don't forget to include kid's name, grade and event.
We joined Instagram!
Follow the PTO on Instagram...@southparkfamilynetwork! We will be posting upcoming events and South Park happenings!
PTO Directory & Membership Open
Step 1: Register with the website
If you are new to our school...Welcome!
Please register with the PTO website by creating a login and password.
Registration includes completing the Parent/Family and Student Information & Directory/Publish Preference forms.
The South Park PTO website is your one-stop PTO shop for membership dues/directory, announcements, spirit wear, volunteer opportunities, etc.
Step 2: Purchase the membership
Buying the optional $25 membership for our PTO will allow you access to our mobile/online directory. It also helps fund items for the teachers and the school. This is a yearly subscription; if you were a member last year you will need to sign up again.
**For any families who may need financial assistance with the PTO membership, please contact Dr. Faust.
With your child's class/teacher placement, log onto the PTO website to purchase the Membership/Household Directory.
Step 3: Download the Membership Toolkit App
Once you've purchased the Directory, download the "Membership Toolkit" App for free in either the Apple Store or in Google Play. To filter by grade or by teacher, click on the funnel icon in the upper right corner.
This app will be your "virtual" phone directory, as well as give you the ability to receive PTO announcements.
Questions? - Contact Caroline Chess