From Rev. Scott
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Dear Members and friends of UCN,
I have four completely different things for your consideration today:
1) Although my professional contract with UCN is as a "half-time" minister, I want you to know that I am accessible to you on a "full-time" basis. My Sunday responsibilities have me routinely here in Mequon for the first 3 Sundays of every month (and the weekdays in between) and then I tend to travel for the last days of each month. But I want you to know that I allocate my "work hours" over the whole month, regularly take scheduled UCN meetings when I am away, and welcome you to call or write or zoom me when I am away if you have need of your minister, for either personal matters or church business. Please know that you are not bothering me, or violating my "time off" when you reach out to me during any time of the month...I am always accessible to you.
2) As many of you are aware, recently, a "scammer" somehow got a hold of our UCN member directory (please never forward a copy of our directory to anyone if asked) and began texting ones of you pretending to be me, asking for cash gift cards for someone in need, using a local phone number that is not mine. Please know that I will never, ever, ever ask (by text or email) for money (or gift cards) to "help someone out"...this is always a scam. We apologize for the worry and concern these scam calls caused, it seems they reached out to almost everyone in the congregation, and such scams occur in American congregations (of all faith groups) on a sad and regular basis.
3) I hope none of you have missed noticing how quickly Spring seems to be breaking over us here in Southeastern Wisconsin (have you noticed, for example the bright yellow buds on all the willow trees?). Many in Wisconsin have already described this as "The Winter that Wasn't" what with its record high January and February temperatures and its record-low amount of snowfall. While climatologists are telling us that a big part of this warming trend is due to the worrisome and dangerous reality of global/climate warming over recent decades (a scientific reality the human family must urgently address) for most of us these "Spring-like" temperatures so early in March are most welcome. As a four-season cyclist, over recent days I have so enjoyed being able to comfortably get out on my bike...even as I worry about the long-term trajectory of our earthly climate. It is something of an "existential trick" to both shamelessly enjoy the warmer weather, while at the same time remembering that it is a warning sign to everyone on the planet that we must urgently act to reduce our human/carbon footprint. Ah for the days when life seemed simple.
Please be well, hope to see you in church this Sunday when my sermon topic will be "The Spirituality of our (barn) Building"
4. Important Meeting Saturday
The UUA -- Our Parent Denomination -- is significantly revising our UU Purposes and Principles Statement. Here's what you need to know.
As some (but I am sure not all) of you are already aware, since 2021, the UUA (our parent denomination) has been actively engaged in a faith-wide process of reviewing (and suggesting revisions to) Article II of the UUA by-laws (the statement which spells out the "principles and purposes" which guide and inform everything we do as Unitarian Universalists.
Here is the link to the helpful and clear "Article II Study Report" which the Article II Study Commission has issued. I believe once you read it you will understand exactly where the denomination is headed on this important matter. Please note especially the proposed revision of Article II found on pages 19-22 which will replace the older/familiar article II with its 7 principles and sources (found on pages 17-18)
I believe once you read the report -- yes, I know it is a rather hefty 24 pages, but I believe it is a clear and concise and helpful document well worth your time and effort -- you will understand exactly where the denomination is headed on this important matter.
As the report indicates, the final version of Article II (which has been amended and "perfected" many times over the 2+ year process) will be presented for a final adoption vote at this June's virtual UUA General Assembly (to which UCN will hopefully end a full voting delegation...and more on how you might participate in that process will follow from the UCN Board of trustees.
To get our UCN congregation "up to speed" with this important change that is happening within our UUA movement, we have scheduled a congregational information-and-discussion session to be held on zoom on Saturday, March 9 at 10 AM. I urge you to join us for this important congregational conversation if your schedule permits. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95749970200. Meeting ID: 957 4997 0200
You should know that this whole process within the UUA has caused no small amount of controversy, especially among those who do not want "to move on" from our long-standing 7 principles and sources." Honestly, I personally have complicated feelings and thoughts about all this, but clearly the new proposal is on track to be adopted, and does reflect some broad-based "evolutions" that are happening within our denomination. What I think is important now is for the members and friends of our congregation (who are interested) to have the opportunity to 1) fully understand the new proposal, and 2) weigh in on how they feel and think about it. Again, I hope to see you on the Zoom call Saturday, March 9 at 10 AM -- when we will discuss all this in depth with one another.
Until then, all blessings.
Unitarian Church North
Email: info@ucnorth.org
Website: www.ucnorth.org
Location: 13800 North Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI, USA
Phone: 262-375-3890
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnitarianChurchNorth/