The Griffin's Nest
Lawrence Virtual School News - May 15-19 2023
Last Week of School
Card Shower for Mrs. Townsend
Send your cards to:
Mrs. Linda Townsend
c/o Lawrence Virtual School
110 McDonald Dr.
Lawrence, KS 66044
We'll be sure she receives each and every one!
LVS Computer Return Information
All students withdrawing from LVS at the end of the year and who reside outside of Lawrence were mailed a UPS label via USPS which should arrive next week.
All Lawrence students withdrawing from LVS or who are returning but will NOT need a device for next year may return their devices to the District Office Mon-Thu between 8:00 am-3:00 pm. Address: 110 McDonald Dr - Lawrence - KS.
If you did not receive a UPS label or have any questions please contact Cindy at 785-330-4375. Thank you for returning your devices as soon as possible. Charges for the units will be added to Graduating and Withdrawing students' accounts until the units are returned.
LVS will be exchanging all our units for new iPad 9's which will be distributed per request prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year. We are working on getting UPS labels out to all students outside of Lawrence by June 15th; please be patient.
In-District (Lawrence) students who will need a device for next year please be on the lookout for a time to exchange your unit this summer. As soon as the iPad 9's become available we will set up some times to exchange your devices.
"Sunflower Summer" offers students and family members the opportunity to experience over 100 Kansas attractions, educational activities, and fun events at no cost from May 26 through Sunday, August 13.
Please visit Sunflower Summer frequently to learn more about this year’s expanded programming options and review the “Participating Locations” section of the page. Attractions, activities, and events from across Kansas include zoos, museums, historic landmarks, libraries, day camps, outdoor events, and more.
High School Academy
Click below to access LVS High School Homeroom Information:
Middle School Academy
Scholastic Book Clubs
Scholastic Reading Club is an opportunity for K-8 students to order books from Scholastic Book Clubs that are delivered directly to your home. When you use the LVS code to purchase books, we can offer free books to share with students.
Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: LVYZB
You can associate your student with Barb Burkart’s “class” when prompted to connect your student to a class. Book orders are due on the 29th of each month.
Questions? Contact Barb Burkart in the LVS office at 785-330-1710
Elementary Academy
A Friend Asks App
Don't Forget LVS when changing your Address, Email, or Phone Number
All phone number and email only changes may be emailed to Cindy Hills at
Meet Our Office Team
Jeff Hamlin: High School Registrar
Daiceonna Henderson: Student Services
Cindy Hills: Business Office
Field Trip Permission Forms in Powerschool
To give advance permission for field trips outside of the Lawrence area please use the link below to complete the permission form. All students must have a permission form signed in order to attend and participate in field trips with LVS, during school hours, regardless if the student's parent is attending with the student or not.
Important Information from the Office
Powerschool Parent Access Information
For new Parents, please make sure you have your Powerschool account registered and active. Returning Parents, you will need to update your login password for the 2022-23 School Year.
Please visit this page for more information.
Free/Reduced Fees Application
IT Work Orders
You can also call IT for support at: 785-330-HELP (4357)
Box Tops Information
LVS Benefits from Boxtops for Education.
Look for Boxtops on paticipating products. Follow the instructions to download the digital app to scan for BoxTop credit for LVS.
Find Us on Instagram and Twitter
Twitter: @LawrenceVirtual
Hashtag: #LVSLetsGo