Tremont Family Update
July 2023

What's Coming Up at Tremont
May 3-Cake Bingo 6pm (info below)
May 7- Tremont Marathon and Hancock Hustle (May 9th rain date)
May 16-Field Day
May 23-Last Day of School--EARLY DISMISSAL 1PM!
Community Engagement Session on Strategic Planning.
May 9 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Upper Arlington High School, 1625 Zollinger Road
Coming Up on Good Morning Tremont
Good Morning Tremont (GMT) is Tremont Elementary School’s daily video announcement show featuring timely information for students and staff, as well as celebrations of classroom learning, community, and school events. GMT is hosted as “unlisted” on YouTube, viewable only though the link emailed to Tremont staff and families each school day. Throughout the school year, students have the opportunity to create content for GMT individually and as a class, in addition to being recognized as a part of school events.
During the month of May, be sure to watch for recognition of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Stroke Awareness Month, Mother’s Day, International Day of Families, and more! In addition, we are excited to feature takeovers from Mrs. All’s, Ms. Healea’s, Mrs. O’Neill’s, & Mrs. Williams’ classes!
Penny Wars
Put your spare change towards a good cause. All coins can be collected. All proceeds from our penny war fundraiser will support The Dempsey Center at Riverside. Jars will be collected from classrooms at the end of the day on May 10th. All of the coins will be counted and the classroom with the most will win a popsicle party. If we raise over $500, Ms. Kroger will get a pie in the face. The winner will be announced at The Mane Event on May 17th.
Syntero Summer Sessions
As part of our partnership with Syntero, Syntero is excited to offer FREE, in personal and virtual, prevention groups services this summer for students. Prevention services can benefit all students! The goal is to foster healthy, adaptive coping skills to more effectively manage life stressors. Registration opens Monday, May 8that 12pm. Registration link and group information can be found on the attached flyer. If you have any questions please email
TSA Tidbits
Cake Bingo Is Tonight! Join us for the return of this family event TONIGHT at 6PM for an evening of pizza, BINGO, and some fabulous cakes as prizes. Even though the pizza packages can no longer be ordered, you may still RSVP now on the TSA website! CLICK HERE ! Contact Katie Campbell ( with any questions.
New! Hancock Hustle-Volunteers Needed! Hancock Hustle is a walk that Tremont students will participate in on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024. This is a school-wide event to raise awareness of the signs of stroke to help know what to do. Time is very important for a stroke and minutes can make a difference for recovery. Tremont students will become stroke superheroes who know the symptoms and can remind others about them to help save a life! Students will walk around the turf behind the school building and playground. Visitors are welcome to come and watch! Classrooms will be walking between 8:40-11:00am. Ask your child's teacher for their assigned time. B.E. F.A.S.T (Balance, Eyes, Face, Arm, Speech, Time) and save a life! We are in need of 5 parent volunteers to help transition the classes to and from the turf field on May 7th from 8:15-11:15am. Please sign up through the Sign Up Genius below:
New! Tremont Marathon-Volunteers Needed The Jim Long Tremont Marathon will take place on Tuesday, May 7 at 1:45pm for 3rd-5th grade students who qualified to participate. We have approximately 200 students this year who will be running in the 1.3 mile race. This exciting event generates so much Tremont Pride and we are excited to continue the tradition. We are in need of parent volunteers for this event from 1:40-2:40pm. Please see the sign up genius below:
Staff Appreciation Reminder – Week of May 6th
Just a reminder that next week is Staff Appreciation week and we have a number of things planned to celebrate our wonderful Tremont Staff. We are still in need of some donations. Please CLICK HERE to sign-up!
On Wednesday we will continue a Tremont tradition and request each student bring in a flower for their teacher. It can be one you pick from your garden or something you grab from the store.
Schedule for Staff Appreciation Week:
• Monday: Breakfast Cart
• Tuesday: Popcorn Bar
• Wednesday: Flower from the Students & Pizza Lunch
• Thursday: Staff Lounge Gift & Sweet Treat
• Friday: Staff Lunch
Special thanks to Tremont Goodie Shop, K&B’s Cakes & Bakes, Three Bears Cookies, Lion Cubs Cookies, Crumbl Cookie OSU, Flower Galaxy, Yard Party Signs Columbus, Dewey's Pizza, Glenn Avenue Soap, Al’s Delicious Popcorn, Starbucks on Tremont, Chocolate Café, and Parkview Partners Capital Management!
Cafeteria Helpers Needed!
Come volunteer in the cafeteria any Monday-Friday from 11:00-12:30PM! The new Sign Up Genius is available so grab your timeslot between now and the end of the year by clicking HERE. Thanks again for those parents who have volunteered. The Tremont staff is beyond grateful for the extra help!
From the District
Student iPad Distribution Information
Each student will return their old iPad and receive a new 10th-generation iPad as the 2024-25 school year begins. These new devices are equipped with a ruggedized case featuring an attached keyboard and trackpad plus increased storage, processor speed, and a USB-C charging cable and power adapter.
Elementary Students:
Elementary Student devices will be automatically configured and ready for use when they are delivered to classrooms prior to the first day of school.
Middle and High School Students:
All Middle and High School students will need to pick up their device over the summer during the weeks of July 29th and August 5th. Families will need to reserve a time slot during those dates prior to picking up their student’s device when the full schedule is announced.
Device pickups will happen at Upper Arlington High School, on the south end of Golden Bear Boulevard. Families can park in the lot on Brandon Road, and enter through the main doors. In order to receive your new iPad, you must turn in your current device. Please be sure to back up anything you need on your current iPad as your device must be erased before it will be accepted. Be sure to enable iCloud sync within Notability prior to wiping your device or your notes will be irrevocably lost. Students may opt to take their devices home to activate them, otherwise support staff will be available to assist.
For students that cannot pick up their devices during these 2 weeks, we will have iPads available for pickup in each building’s tech office after the start of school.
Strategic planning information and feedback session
Join us for a Listen Learn Lead panel discussion regarding the strategic planning process at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 9 in the black box theater at Upper Arlington High School. During this session, attendees will hear updates from each of the Strategic Inquiry Teams, be able to submit questions for the teams and provide feedback on the work to date. For those who cannot attend, an alternate online update and feedback opportunity will be available the week of May 13.
May 3, 2024
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