High School Weekly Update
March 28, 2024
Principal Thoughts
Knight of the Week
"What I will remember about Noah more than anything else is his smile. It did not matter how bad a day he was having, there was still a goofy smile on his face all the time. If I was down, it brightened my day. He would go out of his way to do anything to make someone feel happy or brighten a day."
"Noah was a student who knew what mattered. He knew what it meant to be a friend and what it meant to care for others. He knew he was loved and he knew how to love. He will continue to shine through us."
"'Noah was our source of light and laughter, just like his good stars. He made a family, where ever he was."
"Noah was a terrific student and teammate. He was one of the most genuine, caring young men that I have had the pleasure to be around. He was always at his best when he was serving others."
"While we are sad now, let’s remember the laughter Noah brought to the room—his heart, full of kindness—his desire to protect others. These are lessons I learned from Noah. Along with patience, a lot of patience. If you know, you know."
Live like Noah.
School Closed for Spring Break
School will be closed for Spring Break beginning Friday, March 29 and ending on Friday, April 5. Classes will resume on Monday, April 8.
ACT-SAT Classes
Gray Stone would like to advertise that test prep classes for the ACT and SAT will be taught at the school on Saturday mornings in April. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Save the Date
"Hello, Gray Stone Knights! Let's end the year off with a bang by celebrating the National Honor Society's Fun for Funds: An Athletic Carnival Extravaganza! The schoolwide carnival will take place at Gray Stone on May 3rd, from 5-7 PM. There will be games, food trucks, a silent auction, and more. All funds (which can be paid via cash or PayPal at the event) will go towards funding the Gray Stone Athletic Complex. We hope to see you there!"
Senior Trip
This past week, our seniors traveled to Charleston, South Carolina. They toured the city, visited Fort Sumter, went on a dinner cruise, and participated in several more activities.
Upcoming Athletic Events
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
2024-2025 Bell Schedules
For MS Bell Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are A Days; Tuesday and Thursday are B Days
A Days meet 1st - 6th
B Days meet 6th-1st
Morning Drop-off Changes
In an attempt to make morning drop-off run more efficiently, we are asking our families to make sure they are doing the following:
- Do not pull into the crosswalk to drop off your student. This is where students who park in the back lot cross over, so please stop just short of this.
- Encourage your student to lead a healthy lifestyle by getting in a few extra steps. Do not wait until you get to the front of the line to drop off your student. Your child should exit as soon as you clear the cones by the gym and come to a stop.
- If you have a student driver, please pull to the middle school side to change places as this can slow down the main line of traffic.
- If a staff member is directing traffic at the crosswalk, do not motion to a student to cross. Let the staff member on duty do this.
- Please make sure your student has all their belongings and is ready to exit the vehicle as soon as you come to a stop in the drop-off zone.
- Please proceed to exit the campus after you have dropped off your student. Do not pull into one of the staff/student lots to make a phone call, etc. We have young drivers, students walking, and limited parking.
Your cooperation with this is appreciated.
Afternoon Pick-up Changes
In an attempt to speed up afternoon pick-up, parents who are picking up high schoolers only may use either the Middle School or High School sides after 3:00 p.m. High School students whose ride is on the Middle School side must cross at the crosswalk and not in the middle of the lot. Parents who are picking up middle schoolers only, should continue to pick up on the Middle School side, and parents who are picking up middle and high schoolers should continue to pick up on the High School side. Please make sure you pull into the pick-up lane and do not block the exit lane. We will have staff members out there to assist as we transition to this new policy.
Hollywood Red Carpet GSDS Prom 2024
Date: April 20, 2024
Time: 8:00pm-11:00pm
Location: F&M Trolley Barn
165 E. Liberty St.
Salisbury, NC
Juniors and Seniors should refer to the email sent by Leadership for more details. Tickets are on sale now.
State Soccer Championship Shirts Available
New Gray Stone State Championship shirts are available! Purchase now with a Promo!
Help Needed - Click Below to Sign Up
Friday Drink Sales
Lunch Menu
April 8-12
Monday Pasta (Meat or Alfredo Sauce), Garlic Bread, Side Salad
Tuesday Chicken Pie, Sweet Peas, Fruit, Salad Bar
Wednesday Beef or Chicken Tacos, Black Beans, Rice, Salad Bar
Thursday Hamburgers, Baked Beans, Salad Bar
Friday Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)
Driver's Ed
About Us
Email: slisk@graystoneday.org
Website: graystoneday.org
Location: 49464 Merner Terrace, Misenheimer, NC, USA
Phone: 704-463-0567
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrayStoneDay/
Twitter: @graystoneday