Gator Bites
January 16, 2025
Principal's Corner
Hello Gators! Remember we have the day off for Martin Luther King Day on January 20th. Stay warm through our arctic blast this weekend!!
A BIG congratulations to Mrs Graziano and Mrs Lough who were awarded LPS Foundation grants! I’m excited to see some great science in their classrooms as they use this money to enhance their science units. The LPS Foundation has always been very supportive of our teachers and we are grateful.
It looks like some more of our students received smart watches for presents over the holiday. That’s pretty cool. However, we want to remind everyone that smart watches are considered personal electronic devices per our policy and LPS policy. As a result, students need to either turn them into a teacher or turn them off and store them in their locker or backpack at the beginning of the day to avoid the distraction. If a teacher takes a personal electronic device from a student due to improper use or storage, they are available for pick up by a parent at the front office at the end of the day. Thanks for understanding.
A couple of notes for up-coming Dress of Choice. PLEASE READ!!
ALL summer birthdays are invited to enjoy a Dress of Choice on Tuesday, January 21st. This would include any student with a birthday from May 22-August 12. We like to celebrate birthdays with a Dress of Choice at Littleton Academy and we want to celebrate all the summer birthdays too! Did you know Mrs. McEntire has a summer birthday too?
Middle School students voted to add a DOC on the third Monday of the month. If we do not have school on the third Monday, middle school students DO NOT have an additional Dress of Choice that month. Only students and staff with summer birthdays will have a DOC on January 21st NOT all Middle School.
We will have opportunities for additional DOC days due to the coming LAAC survey so take the surveys to get your student more DOC days!!
Stay safe, warm, and healthy everyone.
Summer Birthday Dress of Choice!
If your birthday falls on May 22nd through and August 11th - your birthday Dress of Choice Day is Tuesday - JANUARY 21st! Happy Birthday!
Upcoming Events
Middle School Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following students for earning their place on the Middle School Second Quarter Honor Roll:
Highest Honors (GPA 3.74 and Above)
8th Grade
Elle B, Evan C, Grayson C, Margaret C, Maya F, Josephine G, Matt G, Siena J, Haris J, Thomas M, Coraline P, Stella R, Rayhan T, Harper Y
7th Grade
Jude Ba, Katelyn B, Titus B, Jude Br, Eleanor F, Nina K, Wyatt K, Graham M, Petra N, Shaheen N, Holden N, Shankar P, Roman P, Maximus S, Soren S, Zara T, Finn W
6th Grade
Preslee A, Clara B, Akira B, Wyatt F, Eesha G, Grace G, Anna G, Alice H, Jason J, Tate K, Weston K, Elise M, Clara M, Neriah O, Andrew P, Ember S, Emersyn W, Nora W, Harlow W
Honors (GPA 3.66-3.73)
7th Grade
Cooper K
Chess Club Winners
Congratulations to all of the LA students who participated in the LPS Chess Tournament in December. Special recognition to Shankar P. who won first place in the highly competitive middle school division. LA had a great showing in the 4th grade division as well, with Sawyer N earning 3rd place, Bode C earning 4th place, and Damian N earning 5th place. These achievements took perseverance, well done!
8th Grade Buddies
8th grade buddies are sharing their time and talents with younger gators!
Kindergarten - Five Senses!
Kindergarteners learned about the 5 senses and took part in a taste test.
First Grade - Service Project
The first graders are spreading kindness with an “Act of Service” project. They are designing valentines for Colorado veterans through the Love Letter Project!
Calling All Parents for Junior Achievement!
We are seeking 8 volunteers to teach and inspire our students on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Your responsibilities will include a one-hour after-school training session, TBA, a meet-and-greet breakfast on the morning of February 18th, and teaching a class for a day using the Junior Achievement knowledge and experience you will gain. If you have previously volunteered to teach JA, you do not need to attend the training session. No prior experience or knowledge is needed to make a difference in our students' lives. This one event will cover ALL of your volunteering hours!
Please email Mrs. Graziano at egraziano@lps.k12.co.us if you are interested
in volunteering. Please indicate what grade and teacher you would prefer. I will honor those who reach out to me first.
Thank you for your continued support!