Happy January!
January 2025
Dear Fricano Families,
Happy January!
We hope you all had a restful winter break together with your families filled with joy and time spent with loved ones. As we begin a new calendar year, we are excited to welcome our students back and dive into the second half of the school year.
January brings new opportunities for growth and learning. Continue to support your child's learning at school by asking them about what they learned at school that day, setting aside time for reading together (or to a pet or stuffy if you don't have time), and communicating with their teacher. Please continue to help your child wear weather- appropriate clothing and work on skills such as shoe tying independently!
We hope you have a wonderful month!
Denielle Toth and Taylor Ramsey
Principal and Assistant Principal
Upcoming Dates
- January 20th: No School; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 24th: 1/2 day of school for students- Staff Development
- January 29th: No School; Lunar New Year
- February 5th: Day of Play at Fricano
- February 14th: 1/2 day of school for students- Staff Development
- February 17th: No School; President's Day
Coming up:
March 5th: Literacy Night for students and families 5-6:30pm
Coming February 5th: Global School Day of Play!
As a Reminder:
Just a friendly reminder when coming to pick your child up early or visiting the school, please make sure you have your photo ID out and ready to show at the front door prior to entering!
Erin's Law
Please See Below about Erin's Law Lessons, provided by our School Counselors and Social Worker. These lessons will take place in February.
Emergency Drills and Actions
- Hold in Place/Shelter in Place: Used to limit movement of students while dealing with short term emergencies. Example- A staff member has a medical emergency or a student needs to be transported through the hallway.
- Evacuate: Used to evacuate students and staff from the building. Example- there is a fire inside of the building.
- Lockout: Used to secure school buildings during incidents that post an imminent concern outside of the school. Example- there is an emergency in the outside community.
- Lockdown: Used to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence in or around the school. Example- There is someone with a weapon trying to enter the school.
๐ฉ๐ฝโ๐ซ "When Schools, Families, and Community Groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school and like school more!"
About Us
Website: https://www.starpointcsd.org/fricano
Location: 4363 Mapleton Road, Lockport, NY, USA
Phone: 716-210-2100
Twitter: @FricanoPrimary