Vowles Elementary
Home of the Vikings- May 12, 2023
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Calendar of Events
May 1-19th- Classroom Requests can be picked up in the Office
May 15th-19th- NWEA Testing
May 17th- DK Fieldtrip to Discovery Museum
May 17th- Writing Night Family Event 6:00-7:00 @ Vowles- Return RSVP's on Monday
May 19th- Classroom Requests due
May 26th- 1st Grade Fieldtrip to Potter's Park
May 29th- No School~ Memorial Day
May 30th- 1st Grade Fieldtrip to the local Library
June 1st- Field Day; All School Picnic from 12:00-12:45 p.m.
June 2nd- Kindergarten Park Day
June 5th- Field Day Make-up
June 5th- Kindergarten Graduation 6:00-7:30 @ Vowles
June 7th- Last Day of School (report cards go home) ~ Dismissal at 11:47
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
Staff Shout Outs
Have you Moved?
Have you recently moved? If so, please call our office so we can change your address for our records and to be sure any summer and Back to School mailings get to you.
If your address is no longer a Vowles address, you will need to fill out School of Choice paperwork to stay at Vowles School for the 2023-2024 School Year.
We want to ensure your child's enrollment and classroom placement for next year is not last minute and stressful for you. Please be sure to keep us updated throughout the summer. Leave us a message at 775-2280.
Field Day
Vowles will be hosting our Field Day for students on Thursday, June 1st. Rain Date is Monday, June 5th. A flyer will be coming soon!
What you need to know about this day:
- All School Family Lunch- Outside- 12:00-12:45 pm. Bring blankets, towels, or chairs to sit on. Some benches and tables will be available. Bring a lunch. Enjoy some time together.
- Students/Families can order a Sack Lunch from our Hot Lunch Program on the morning of Field Day or plan to bring their own lunch. Our Lunch Program will be offering a Turkey Sandwich lunch.
- Mrs. Long, a PaperPie Representative will be on hand doing a mini Book Fair for students and families to purchase books before summer.
- Mr. Hofer and staff have developed different scheduled times of the day for students to go out and have some fun Outdoors.
- Vowles PTO will be providing a snack and Inflatables for outdoor fun.
- Watch the weather. You may want to apply sunscreen to your child before leaving the house that day as they will be outside a bit more than normal.
- Volunteer opportunities are available. Fill out this Volunteer Sign Up and the MPPS Background Check .
Summer Learning Opportunities
At Vowles, we have a couple options for extending your child's learning during the summer.
Think Stretch:
- This is a FREE workbook that every child at Vowles will receive with the support of Title 1 funding. It will be grade-level specific and be given to your child in the last week of school before going on summer break. It has reading, math, and writing components to it. A medal will be awarded in the fall to those students that participate and complete most of their book. Books can be handed in at our Vowles or Fancher Open houses in August.
Vikings on a Voyage:
- We will be sharing a summer program schedule that allows our students and families to meet up with teachers during 6 weeks of the summer at different locations for students to listen to a story, do an activity, have a snack, pick out a book to take home and get their Think Stretch Workbook glanced at. We will be sharing our dates and weekly themes with you in May. We will look forward to seeing our Vikings this summer!
No Food or Outside Drink Reminder
Bus Expectations
We focused on 3 main things to make a successful bus ride:
1. Students must be stayed fully seated while on the bus.
2. Students must use quiet/low voices so the driver can focus on the roads, hear emergency sirens or use his/her walkie to talk to other students while the bus is moving.
3. Students must keep their hands and feet to themselves while on the bus.
We are hoping that families that particularly have students that ride frequently can review these expectations with their child at home.
Morning Arrival and After School Pick Up
Arrival and Pick Up~
As a reminder for your safety and the safety of your child, please use our Crosswalk when you are dropping off or picking up your child. Our circle drive is a "fluid" drive. Cars are coming and leaving. It is difficult to see a student walking in between cars. It is also NOT a good practice that we want students thinking they should walk between cars.
We appreciate your attention to this!
*When it is raining outside or too cold to be out, students will enter the building upon arrival to school.
Clothing Needs
Popcorn Fridays
Safety Emergency Drills
I also encourage you to check out our district website where we have information that pertains to our district school safety. Click here to get to the website.
To Request for Transportation, use the form linked here:
Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Along
- In City Busing Reduction
Vowles Viking Shirts
Covid Protocols
A child will always be served a lunch whether they forgot their lunch, didn't sign up that day for lunch or have not set up their online account yet.
If you have not yet filled out a Free and Reduce Form, please call our office for a hard copy to be sent home. Or, fill out a Free and Reduced form online by clicking here.
Vowles Elementary
Website: https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/
Location: 1560 Watson Road, Mount Pleasant, MI, USA
Phone: 989-775-2280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vowleselementary/