Cardinal Elementary News
March 14, 2025
Parking Lot Safety
Cardinal Families,
We are very concerned about the safety of our students and families in the parking lots.
Several times this year, we have communicated the procedures, and in the last week, we have seen a huge increase in violations of the procedures that have been put in place for the safety of children and to keep the line moving as efficiently as possible.
Please review and adhere to the following procedures. Doing so provides positive modeling of following directions and rules for our children which will help them be successful at school and in the future:
- Children should remain in vehicles or with an adult until the doors open and staff are visible outdoors. There is no supervision before 7:55am.
- The front drive is for drive through drop offs and pick ups ONLY! Please do not park and cross children in the front lot.
- If you are parking and walking your children across, this must happen in the west lot only because we have a crossing guard there to safely cross students and families.
- Please use the cross walk in the west lot and follow the directions of staff.
- Cars dropping off students in the front and west lots may only do so in the right lane. For the safety of the children, do not drop students off in the left lane.
- Please be courteous to others. Do not cut to the front of the line.
- Please travel at a safe speed for the safety of our students, families, and staff.
- When staff give direction, please understand we are doing our job and the intent is to keep everyone safe.
- Please remember that this is an educational environment with children. Please do not yell, argue with, or swear at others in the parking lot or on school property. Doing so may result in a no trespass letter being issued.
Please share this information with others who may be transporting your student to and from school and tank you for your cooperation on this very serious matter.
March 17th-21st
Monday, March 17th:
Early Release for students @ 1:45
6:30-8:00 School Board Meeting at OVHS Community Room
Tuesday, March 18th:
Read in a unique location!
3:00-4:30 Girls on the Run
Wednesday, March 19th:
Wear your words!
11:00-1:30 Pool School (Arends, Eigenauer, & McKay)
3:00-4:00 DI Team Meeting
3:00-4:15 Kindness Squad
Thursday, March 20th:
3:00-4:30 Girls on the Run Practice
Friday, March 21st:
Color Day! 2nd=red 3rd =blue 4th=green 5th= black
3:00-4:00 DI Team Meeting
Upcoming Important Dates:
March 28th 9:00 Vocabulary Parade
March 31st Last Monday Early Release.
April 1st 2nd Grade Music Concert
April 2nd 6:00 3rd Grade Concert "Let's Give Michigan a Hand"
April 5th State DI Tournament @ Ravenna
April 14th No Early Release. School dismisses at 2:55.
April 16th and 17th Smile Program Mobile Dentist
April 25th "Wicked" Fun Special Person Dance
May 10th Girls on the Run Celebration 5K @ Heritage Landing
May 13th 5th Grade Camp
June 3rd 5th Grade Completion Celebration
June 4th End of the Year Assembly- Time and Location TBD due to Fieldhouse Construction
February Students of the Month
Second Grade
Amelia Anderson-Redmon
Brielle Sims
Michael Sones
Kayson Holmes
TaKyra Watts
Zylah Churchwell
Third Grade
Ava Burt
Bennett Stingle
Arrabella McManus
David Steele
Jackson Delger
K.J. Webb
Fourth Grade
Colten Smith
Blake Peterman
Ka'Milah Cole
Elias Coronel
Rosalynn Langlois
Rosalynn will represent Cardinal Elementary at the next school board meeting.
Carter Gamble
Fifth Grade
C'yontae Townsel
Rosalea Rupe
Demari Thomas-Matthews
Bentley Kitchen
Lean Barnes
Admyr Mendoza
Information for Families
2024-25 Parent Survey
Dear Orchard View Parent/Guardian/Family:
We want to hear about your experience with your student’s education. We invite you to participate in completing the School Climate Survey. This survey includes questions about your student’s learning, school safety, sense of belonging, and your personal involvement in school.
Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.
All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know about you and your students’ school perspective. As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent, caregiver or guardian at your student’s school.
We invite all parents, guardians and caretakers to complete this survey for our school. You can take the survey until the survey window closing date of March 28, 2025 by using the following unique school linked here: 2025 Cardinal Elementary Family Climate & Culture Survey.
As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent, caregiver or guardian at your student’s school. Please answer all of the questions, or your answers won’t be recorded, but you can mark “I prefer not to answer” if you don’t want to answer a question about you. We hope you will take the time to provide us with this valuable information. Each school’s total survey results will be used to inform and develop appropriate strategies, procedures, and/or programs to enhance our school climate. Thank you for your time and participation!
Heather MacDonald and E'lyse Benson
It's March is Reading Month!
One School, One Book Webpage
Please check out our One School One Book Webpage. You will find information along with The Mouse and the Motorcycle chapter read alouds by Cardinal staff.
Smile Programs... The Mobile Dentists
The Smile Program Mobile Dentists will be visiting Cardinal Elementary on April 16th and 17th. To register online, please click on the link
PTO Meeting
We will be holding our next PTO meeting on Monday, April 14th at 4:30 in the Cardinal Elementary Collab Lab.
Parents or Grandparents are welcome to attend and pizza will be provided by the PTO. Students will receive a book coin for the book vending machine if they have a family member attend the meeting.
Meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month.
During our April meeting, we will be planning for the September 2025 Cardinal Color Run and recruiting sponsors.
Any and all are welcome!
Upcoming Events
Summer Acceleration Program 2025
Registration for Summer Acceleration is now open!
This is an enrichment program open to all current 2nd-5th graders. It is not designed for "remediation". The focus is on keeping kids connected with school and providing them with rich learning experiences over the summer.
The program will run for two 3-week sessions with a focus on Project Based Learning. Students can select topics of interest to them.
The Summer Acceleration Program will be held Monday-Thursday from 8:10-12:10 and each week we will have field trips on Wednesdays.
Transportation is available for families in the district. Breakfast and lunch will be served daily.
2nd Grade Spring Concert
I’m so excited to share that our 2nd Grade Spring Concert is coming up on Wednesday, April 2nd, at 6:00 PM!
Here’s what you need to know:
The concert is on Tuesday, April 1st, at 6:00 PM.
Students should arrive by 5:45 PM and enter through the auditorium doors.
If they’re wearing a coat or jacket, they’ll need to leave it with their adult before heading to the music room.
Please mark your calendars—we can’t wait to see you there and celebrate all the hard work our students have put into this performance! Thank you for your support, and I look forward to an amazing concert night with all of you.
3rd Grade Music Concert
Let's Give Michigan a Hand!
Attention 3rd Grade Parents & Guardians!
I’m so excited to share that our 3rd Grade Spring Concert is coming up on Wednesday, April 2nd, at 6:00 PM! This year’s theme is "Let's Give Michigan a Hand" and the students have been working hard to prepare a wonderful performance for you.
Here’s what you need to know:
The concert is on Wednesday, April 2nd, at 6:00 PM.
Students should arrive by 5:45 PM and enter through the auditorium doors.
If they’re wearing a coat or jacket, they’ll need to leave it with their adult before heading to the music room.
Please mark your calendars—we can’t wait to see you there and celebrate all the hard work our students have put into this performance! Thank you for your support, and I look forward to an amazing concert night with all of you.
OV Spectator Guidelines
Please review our Spectator Guidelines with your children before attending sporting events and other special events.
Conduct on School Property
Please review the poster below.
We are here to work collaboratively to provide a safe, nurturing school for your children. We are happy to meet with you regarding any concerns you may have. We do ask that you follow the expectations outlined below, or you will be asked to leave and schedule a time to meet with us later.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
The Cardinal Elementary Office, Teachers, and Staff
Cardinal Elementary Webpage
On the "Parents" page, there are updates about upcoming activities and other important information for parents.
PBIS Updates!
February Behavior Data
Attendance- Top 5 Classrooms
March 10th-14th
Cardinal Weekly Attendance: 91.81%
Top 5 Classrooms!
#1 Mrs. Dault's 5th Grade Classroom 96.7%
#2 Mrs. Lewis' 5th Grade Classroom 96.0%
#3 Ms. Hemry's 5th Grade Classroom 95.7%
#4 Mr. Becklin's 3rd Grade Classroom 95.5%
#5 Ms. Janusiewicz's 4th Grade Classroom 94.6%
February Perfect Attendance!
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Staff Shout Outs!
If you would like to recognize a Cardinal Elementary staff member, please use the QR code to complete a Cardinal Staff Shout Out.