Chief Charlo HOWL Newsletter
February 2024 (1st Edition)
We understand our parking lots fill up quickly, but please remember before and after school, the bus Loop is for buses only. And at all times, handicap parking spots require a handicap plate or permit. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in and around our parking lots!
NO SCHOOL Monday, February 12 - Staff Development
NO SCHOOL Monday, February 19 - Presidents' Holiday
** Safety of our students is our main priority which is why we ask them to use the front office to communicate with home during the day. Refer here for additional information on this practice from our Chief Charlo Parent/Student Handbook.
Kindergarten thru 2nd grade parents, please provide your child with an extra pair of clothes to keep in their locker or backpack in case of a bathroom accident or a needed change after recess.
February 5-9 - 3rd Annual 'Soup'er Bowl Food Drive competition with Lewis and Clark Elementary
February 6 - 100th Day celebration in Kindergarten
February 8 - Early out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
February 12 - Staff Development Day - NO SCHOOL
February 15 - Early out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
February 19 - Presidents' Holiday - NO SCHOOL
February 22 - Early out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
Week of February 26 - Spirit Week
February 29 - Early out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
PTO Events
February 7 - PTO meeting THIS Wednesday, 6:00-7:00pm, located in the library (FREE childcare provided)
Looking Ahead - March 1 - Annual Sock Hop
Cash or check payment will still be accepted at the school's front office.
Please contact Stacey Rossmiller, MCPS Food Service Supervisor, at 406-728-2400, Ext 3023 if you have any questions about your student's account.
Help us tackle hunger again this year and keep Mr. Gaub, Ms. Sonja and Ms. Coryll safe from getting pies in their faces!! This year's winning school Principal and Secretaries will be putting a pie in the face of the other school's Principal and Secretaries at a future assembly.
Suggested items: Peanut butter, Flour, Sugar, Bagged Rice, Cases of water, Canned items, Cooking Oil, Tomato or Spaghetti sauce, Pasta, Boxed meals, Dressings and Condiments, Cereal, Oatmeal, Dry pet food, Baby formula/food, and personal care items (laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc)
Electronic Parent Post
We recognize that some parent/guardians may not be able to get into the school to provide a 'Special Note' or 'Valentine Card'. If you are unable to get into the school and are wanting to leave a note electronically for your student, feel free to email it to Coryll Rupert at and it will be delivered.
Thank you Chief Charlo Community for our AMAZING new Kiln!!
Chief Charlo Apparel, Accessories and more
Proceeds are used for school activities, events, and staff needs.
The Sock Hop is Coming ... March 1st (6:00pm)
All current Chief Charlo School students and their families are invited to attend the annual Sock Hop. Come and dance the night away, play games and socialize with friends!
Avoid the line and purchase presale food and game tickets through your child's teacher.
* Pictures for 2023-2024 Yearbook Still Needed
Check Out Further PTO Details at the Bottom of the Newsletter
February Character Trait - Honesty
Families in Transition Coordinator - Rm 233
The Families in Transition (FIT) Program is here to assist Chief Charlo students and families experiencing housing instability (McKinney-Vento Act) and/or economic hardship. FIT works as a bridge between those families, our school and the district staff to empower students to stay in school and remain successful both in school and as lifelong learners. FIT also provides families access to community resources and services.
FIT is able to provide extra services to our students in need. This may include extra one-on-one educational support, or supplying students with school supplies, weekly EmPower Packs, or basic needs such as clothing, gym shoes, winter gear, toiletries, etc.
FIT is here to support your family, because we care about all of our Wolves - BIG and small!!
I look forward to assisting you!
Coryll Rupert (FIT Coordinator)
728-2400, X4983
Families First Learning Lab
Project Stand - Parent Empowerment Speaker Series
Project Stand, based out of Billings, offers a FREE Webinar series for parents regarding Media Safety EVERY TUESDAY at NOON throughout the month of February. Click HERE for more information and to pre-register. *Project STAND's Parent Resource page
YMCA After School Care Program
The YMCA is committed to supporting families throughout the school year with programs such as After School Care for students in grade K-5 at Chief Charlo, and full day care on no school days through YMCA camps. Financial Assistance is available.
* Openings currently available in the After School Care Program
Chief Charlo Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Current Board Members:
Elyse Johnson, President:
Mindy Glenna, Co-Vice President:
Kristen Owens, Co-Vice President:
Annie Harris, Treasurer:
Meeting Schedule: Monthly meetings typically occur the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month in our school library, 6:00-7:00pm, unless otherwise specified. FREE childcare is always available.
Interested in becoming a member? Everyone is welcome! Membership is free due to our amazing sponsors. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way you can. It's never too late to join and be part of the FUN!!
Check us out at