CMSS Newsletter
Week of December 2 - December 6, 2024
Yearbook Sale
For December, the yearbook staff is offering a yearbook for $25.00, to be paid here at school. Students may pick up a green order form in the office. Please return the completed order with the form and payment to the office as soon as possible.
The price of the yearbook will go up to $30.00 in January.
Toy Drive
New Cell Phone Policy
Parents and Guardians,
As we all know, cell phones have become a challenge to manage both in and out of school. It is our common goal to keep students safe. Our current policy requires students to turn their cell phones off and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. Despite this, many students manage to hide their phones in their pockets and use them during class or in the restroom. This behavior puts them and others at risk by being on devices in areas where faculty and staff cannot monitor them.
To enhance student safety and engagement, both middle schools will now have cell phone lockers in each advisory classroom. Beginning Monday, December 2nd, we ask that students place their devices in the lockers each morning. The classroom teacher will keep them secure until the end of the day when students can retrieve them before dismissal. If your child chooses to keep their device in their backpack, it must remain turned off. If a student is found using a cell phone or if it is seen on their person, it will be taken to the office, and a parent or guardian will need to pick it up.
Thank you for your understanding and support in keeping our students safe.
Christmas Alliance
Voyagers of the Week
Take a look at these students who were nominated by their teachers over the past couple of weeks for their outstanding effort, positive attitudes, and talents. Great job, students! Keep up the excellent work!
Navigator of the Week
The Navigator of the Week is Mrs. Brown! Mrs. Brown works tirelessly for our students and our school. She played a key role in organizing the extraordinary Frontier Festival event and works closely with many of our families who speak a language other than English at home. Congratulations, Mrs. Brown! You are greatly appreciated here at CMSS.
Front Parking Lot
We want to address a growing safety concern regarding our front parking lot. While we understand that some families need to use this area to walk their students up or assist those in wheelchairs, we’ve noticed that several parents are dropping off students and allowing them to walk through the parking lot alone. For the safety of all our students, we ask that parents refrain from simply dropping off students in the parking lot. Instead, please use the car line or walk your student to the crosswalk for safe entry into the building. Repeat--You must walk your student all the way to the crosswalk. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe! We appreciate your cooperation and support!
Upcoming Important Dates
Dec 2-6: North vs. South Toy Drive
Dec 16-20: Festive Dress Week
Thursday, December 19th: 5th Grade Pun Parade
Friday, December 20th: Class Holiday Parties