Jefferson Jewels
Week of November 4, 2024
Hello Jefferson Leadership Academy (JLA) families and caregivers,
Happy November—this season is flying by. We hope everyone enjoyed our Halloween festival on Thursday. It was so much fun seeing the students in costume and having a great time with friends and staff. Thank you to the families who came out for Tuesday's Black Parent Coalition meeting. It was a great way to get to know our families and learn more about supporting our students.
This week, students will have more opportunities to connect with community members at our Kiwanis Kids and Cops event on Thursday at lunch. On Friday, we are hosting Lunch with a Loved One during the lunch period. We hope that you or a family member will join your child on the quad for lunch. See your child's lunch period below in the flyer.
Quarter 1 ended last week, marking the midpoint for the semester. Please review your students' grades on Canvas to ensure they are working towards being on track for high school, passing their classes with a C or better, completing assignments, and attending school each day. These scholarly behaviors will set them up for success as they prepare for high school. More information about the High School Choice process and pathways is below.
Recently, we have received calls from community members about student behavior after school. Please remind your child that JLA is part of the community and that we want to have positive interactions outside of school. Students should respect our local businesses and homes, throw trash in trash bins, and be mindful of crosswalks and other safe passages as they travel home.
Finally, mark your calendars for no school on Monday, November 11, Veteran's Day.
Here are a few details as you prepare for this week at JLA:
- Regular Day Schedule: Monday- Friday 8:00-2:40
- Kids and Cops Event: Thursday at Lunch
- Lunch with a Loved One: Friday at lunch
- College Shirt Friday: every Friday
- No School: Monday, November 11 (Holiday)
Thank you for your continued support in making this year strong. We are committed to your child's success and are here to help in any way we can. Please let us know how we can further support your students in their journey towards excellence.
In partnership,
Dr. Renée Shipman
Principal, Jefferson Leadership Academy
Week At-Glance
Kiwanis Kids and Cops Event- November 7 at Lunch
Parenting Partners Workshops - November 7
Please save the date for our upcoming 10 Week Parenting Workshops. In these workshops you will be given strategies/tools to help build a stronger foundational relationship with your child/children. Additionally, you will hear from experts (parents like you) about strategies that work for them. More information to follow.
Lunch with a Loved One- November 8
JLA Gratitude Student Challenge
JLA Student Clubs
Picking Up Students Early
When picking up your student before school dismissal, please plan to pick up your student before or after the lunch period. To support lunch supervision, all support staff are unavailable, and we will not be able to release students who are at lunch. Please plan ahead and pick up your student before or after lunch.
JLA Bell Schedule
i-Ready Personalized Lesson Contest
i-Ready Personalized Lesson contest starting this week! All students have access to i-Ready Personalized lessons online through their district portal. These lessons are designed to meet your student where they are in reading and math. The more lessons completed, the more learning! Students can work on i-Ready lessons at home, in the library after school, in class, and in Mrs. Peterson's Room, 1212 on Mondays after school. Let's see who can pass the most lessons this week! Special Prizes will be delivered by Mrs. Peterson to the students in each grade level for passing the highest number of Personalized Lessons this week There will be TWO winners in each grade level, one for math & one for reading.
Does your student need a TAP card?
Currently all JLA TAP Cards have been issued and we are waiting for our next delivery for LB Transit.
Wellness Center November Activities
After School Student Support
Save the Date- ELAC Parent Meeting Invitation
Are You Ready For High School?
8th grade Parents- It's time to start thinking about the process of selecting a high school for your student. This is a very important and exciting time. Here is the schedule for the high school choice site nights where you will be able to visit and learn about our LBUSD high schools!
Visit the School Of Choice website for more information.
Looking for more ways to connect?
For school information
Visit and favorite/bookmark the Jefferson Leadership Academy Website
Visit our Instagram page
@lbjefferson_jags or and request to follow us.
Dr. Renée Shipman
Jefferson Leadership Academy
750 Euclid Avenue, Long Beach, Ca.90804
Pronouns: she/her/hers