Bush Banner
January 31, 2025
Dates to Remember
02/03-02/07- Book Fair
02/03- Kinder 100th Day Parade @9:00 am
02/06- 3rd and 4th ELA STAAR Released Practice Test
02/07- PTO Movie Night @ Mitchell Intermediate
02/10- Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
02/11- Coffee with the Counselors
02/12- 3rd and 4th Math STAAR Released Practice Test
02/14- Professional Development Day for Teachers, No School for Students
02/17- Holiday, No School
02/21- PTO Board Meeting, Bush Bucks School Store
02/25- Spring Pictures
02/28- Fourth Grade Field Trip, Kinder Field Trip
A Note from the Principal
Hello Bush Families,
This week our Chess Club hosted by The Knight School had its first meeting and our Bobcats had a wonderful time. We are so excited to bring this club to our school. See the pictures below!
Our students also completed the MAP Growth and Fluency tests this week, and we are so proud of the growth we have seen since the beginning of the year. Great job, Bobcats!
On February 6th and 12th our 3rd and 4th grade students will take STAAR Released practice tests. On these two days, we will have an alternate lunch schedule. Parents are welcome to join us for lunches, but please notice the changes below:
February 6th & February 12th
Kinder Lunch- No Changes
First Grade Lunch- 11:50-12:15
2nd Lunch- 12:05-12:30
3rd Lunch- 12:20-12:45
4th Lunch- 12:35-1:00
Next week is Book Fair and PTO Movie Night at Mitchell. These are two of my favorite events of the year! We hope to see all our families there!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Thompson
Chess Club
If you are interested in having your child participate, or have any questions, please reach out to Coach Justin at The Knight School. His phone number is (325) 668-6913. You can also visit the website at www.theknightschool.com.
Lunch Visitors
Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child. Due to limited space, we ask that you only have lunch with your student.
Lunch Times
Kinder- 11:35-12:00
First- 12:35-1:00
Second- 12:05-12:30
Third- 12:20-12:45
Fourth- 11:50-12:15
Please use the sign up genius link below to sign up:
Transportation Changes
Should you need to change your child’s transportation during the school day, you will need to send an email with the transportation change to bushtransportationchanges@conroeisd.net.
You may include the teacher in the email as well.
1. Student First / Last name
3. How they're going home:
All transportation changes must be received by 2:00 PM. No transportation changes will be accepted over the phone.
Bee Healthy Wellness Bar
Hello Parents,
As you all know, a lot of infectious diseases are spreading right now. We have had a lot of teachers out sick. We would like to set up a Wellness Bar for our Bobcat teachers and staff during Kindness Week. (February 17-20) If you are interested in donating any items to help keep our teachers and staff healthy, please visit the Amazon wish list below:
Thank you!
Cell Phone/ Smart Watch Policy
CISD Electronic Device Guidelines:
Cell phones and smartwatches should be set on silent mode and kept in backpacks, lockers, or other designated storage areas and should not be visible during school hours including instructional time, reward time, free time, lunch, and in the hallways.
Cell phones and smartwatches may be used respectfully and responsibly before school and after school.
Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus.
Use of cell phones and smartwatches may be permitted in extenuating circumstances with permission from a staff member. (ex. to notify parent/ guardian of a late bus)
Kindergarten 100th Day of School Parade, February 3
If you are joining us for the Parade, please park at the Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. Parents may gather around the bus ramp. We will start at 9:00 am. Thank you!
Due to limited space, we donate all unclaimed lost and found items every few months. Our next donation day will be Thursday, February 13th. Please ensure all clothing items, water bottles and lunch kits are marked with your child's name. If you child is missing an article of clothing, lunch box, etc., please encourage him/her to stop by to look for any missing items during lunch or before and after school.
A Note From the Clinic
Counselor's Corner
National School Counseling Week
February 3rd - February 7th
The purpose of National School Counseling Week is to highlight the unique contributions that School Counselors bring to our school system. See below for some facts about School Counselors and what we do.
Fun Fact! Guidance Counselor was a given name for a counselor that focused solely on class selection and career path. School Counselors do that and so much more! Our education and training in counseling strategies helps us grow our students' social and emotional skills. We counsel, we teach and we advocate for our students everyday!
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) provides standards for us to teach. These standards fall into three categories: personal/social, academic and career.
We are so fortunate to be the school counselors for Bush Elementary and appreciate the support of our faculty and parents.. We believe we are “better together” and enjoy working with Bush families and staff to support our students in achieving school success. Click here for more information on counseling in CISD. Click here to visit the Counselor’s Corner on the Bush website. Feel free to contact us by phone or email if you have any questions.
Human Trafficking Prevention Month
It's Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Let’s take extra steps and be diligent about the digital space our children inhabit. Double-check games, apps, and social media sites before they hit download.
Angie McGhee
Counselor Counselor
Grades 3 & 4
Krystal McCure
Counselor Counselor
Grades K, 1, & 2
Barbara Bush Bucks School Store
Bush Elementary is once again hosting our Barbara Bush Bucks School Store. We are in need of donations to make this store happen for our Bush Bobcats. You can purchase items and bring to the front office or ship them directly to the school, whatever works best for you. Our Bush Bobcats earn their Bush Bucks to shop in our school store by following expectations, being good citizens, and exhibiting great character traits. Thank you for supporting our school store!
Bobcat Brews
Support the Bobcat Brews and treat your child’s teacher or staff member of your choice!
Bobcat Brews is offering a $10 punch card for you to purchase for your child's teacher/staff member of your choice. These punch cards make a thoughtful and practical gift for any teacher/staff, allowing them to easily purchase coffee, sodas, chips, candy, and other snacks at the Bobcat Brews Store! Once you purchase the punch card, we will personally deliver it to your child’s teacher/staff member with a special note indicating who purchased it for them.
Thank you for your continued support of the Bobcat Brews Program!
*Punch cards CANNOT be sold to students*
Bush Elementary Academic Night, March 20th
Please notice that the original date has been changed! We will be hosting our Bush Academic Night on Thursday, March 20th from 5-6:30. This is a great opportunity to engage in learning with your Bobcat and see all the great things our students are learning at school! We hope to see all our Bush families there!
Volunteers Needed - Book Fair
If you are interested in helping during our upcoming book fair, please take a look at the sign-up page for dates and times. Your help is GREATLY appreciated! http://tiny.conroeisd.net/vDLz3
Book Fair Time!
Contact Information
Brooke McCoy, Assistant Principal
Sarah Howard, Assistant Principal
Angie McGhee, Counselor
Krystal McCure, Counselor
Campus Information
Our school hours are 7:55-3:10. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 and will go to their homeroom beginning at that time.
Email: bush@conroeisd.net
Website: http://bush.conroeisd.net/
Location: 7420 Crownridge Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-1600
Principal: Elizabeth Thompson, emthompson@conroeisd.net
Mission Statement
Bush Elementary: Our mission is to nurture strong and positive connections with students so they achieve independence, build confidence, and grow in their love of learning. Through enriching experiences and parent and community partnerships, we are committed to helping each student achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally.
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)-709-7700 and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7670.