Weekly Email
Let the crazy wild race begin!
Thank you for the smoothest week of PD I have ever had. You truly are an amazing group of people to work alongside. I don't know what I did to deserve all of you, but I'm glad I did!
Calendar - Make sure you've looked at what to WEAR :)
New Goliad Members
And Sandy Gillaspy will be joining us as a Special Education Aide. Help welcome them in this crazy start of the new school year.
Compliance Courses
Here are the courses you have to take.
- Seizure Training (2 credits)
- Compliance Courses (1 credit)
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy Training (.5 credit)
- Working with Student of Trauma (1 credit)
- 504 training (1 credit)
- Go to Eduhero and complete Food Allergies under My plans (1 credit)
- Complete the COVID course (2 credits)
Total 8.5
Meet the Teacher/Supply Drop Off
Classroom/School Procedures
Common Questions
- Will parents pull through the back parking lot in the mornings to drop students off? No. Let's keep drop off and dismissal consistent.
- Are they allowed to exit their vehicle when dropping off? For the safety of all kids, visitors must stay in cars.
- At supply drop off, will they be able to exit the vehicle? Where will they drive through, the street, or the parking lot? They will stay in their car. Keep it consistent with how we are doing drop off/dismissal.
- If they have multiple students, are they allowed to drop off all supplies at once? Yes if they do not care about meeting their teacher.
- What if we do not get ahold of the family? The worst thing that will happen is they come on the first day of school and we will let them know then who their teacher is.
- What are we doing about fire drills? We will let you know at the beginning of the week which drill to practice with your own class.
- Can we eat in the teacher's lounge? At this time we will not be able to.
- What can we do at recess? We are working on class bags. For now, we will have to be creative. The key is we have to keep classes separate.
- Restrooms? We will do our best to keep them sanitized BUT that is not your job as the teacher. Stick tight to one kid out at a time and have good restroom procedures.
If you do not have kids right at 7:20 we will need you the first-week helping kids get to where they are supposed to go. It will be ALL HANDS ON DECK. Please come help at lunchtime the first week if you are available. #teamgoliad
Please ask if you have questions about your duty spot prior to the first day of school. And after the first day of school, we will look at where we need more support and where some might not need as much. We have some extra people now we can place at different locations.
Virtual Learning
Text @goliadsta to 81010
Goliad Elementary
Email: shannon.klepac@saisd.org
Location: 120 East 39th Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 659 - 3660