Weekly Eagle News
Fall 2024, 1st edition, 8/19/2024 - 8/23/2024
~New Announcements~
Blue & Gold This Friday
1st football game is on August 23rd. Click the picture to go to gofan to purchase tickets. Or you can purchase your ASB discount to get in for free. Please note you must have your school ID from last year to enter at the gate.
Welcome Back Events 8/30
Friday, Aug 30th we have a pineapple pass LTA in the quad at lunch. At the game, we have the Aloha Shirt Blue Zoo Section at 7:00pm. We end the night with our Welcome Back Luau Dance after the game for $5 entry or free for ASB discount card holders. The dance will end at 10:30PM.
Returning and New Clubs
Returning clubs, please check in with Mrs. Hurtado to confirm your club is continuing this year. To setup your meeting day, time and room number, please see Mr. Carter in room 402 or email at james.carter@lmusd.org. Your club must be confirmed prior to any announcements. Club meetings will be announced starting next week on August 26th. Interested in starting a club, see Mrs. Hurtado in room 205 for details.
Spirit Packs for Friday
Cake Walk LTA
Parking Permits 2024-2025 School Year
Sophomore Parking Permits Info
Sophomore student’ planning on reserving a parking permit need to have administrative approval prior to purchasing the permit. Parking is a privilege
Criteria that will be considered through the approval process for Sophomore’s:
Parking availability
Grade Point Average (GPA), 3.0 or higher
Parking permits are to be paid in full at the time of reservation and are non refundable
Work Permits
Attention all students that plan on working this year. Please submit a completed work permit request form to Mr. Coville ASAP, or email him at trevor.coville@lmusd.org. Anybody that needs their current permit extended can stop by Room 510, or email Mr. Coville as well.
Say Cheese
Picture day is this week. Thursday, August 22nd 9th and 10th grade during PE classes in the MPR. Friday, August 23rd 11th and 12th graders during History/Govt & Econ classes.
~AGHS Club Announcements~
Welcome Eagle Families,
Students can purchase an ASB discount card for free entry to all non CIF playoff events online at the AGHS Webstore or at the student business office on campus.
Purchase your digital ticket here: GoFan
How to Purchase Ticket Help Video: click here
SENIORS-Check the AGHS Local Scholarship page on the AGHS website for the most recent scholarships. Academic, Hardship, Vocational, and many more Scholarships are available. Hurry because deadlines are approaching.
~Counselor's Corner~
Schedule Changes
1. All requests must be made by completing a "Schedule Change Request Form" which you can pick up at the AGHS Administrative building after school only. All forms require a parent signature and can be turned in starting on Monday, August 19th.
2. Requests made by email will not be granted unless you are misplaced in a level of a course or have other technical errors in your schedule.
3. The deadline to request a schedule change is Friday August 23rd.
Make Sure to Clear your Absences
Clear Absences by 4pm Tuesday, 9/10/24. Please make sure that the Attendance Office is informed of the reason for any still unverified absences for 8/15/24 - 09/06/24. After that date, we will not be able to make any changes.
College & Military Visits
Seniors and Juniors planning a college/military visit should stop by the Attendance Office to pick up an Excused Absence Request form ahead of their visit. If approved, up to two days may be excused. Visits that will last longer than two days would require a Short Term Independent Study Contract to excuse the absence.
Attendance FAQs
For any other questions about attendance:
Please contact the Attendance Oce:
Last names A-L: contact Mrs. Lewis 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2244
Last names M-Z: contact Mrs. Black 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2243
Spanish: contact Mrs. Robles 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2199
Fax: (805) 474-4222
~Career Center News~
Career Center Hours in Room 208
~Public Service Announcements~
Connect with us!
Email: AGHS@lmusd.org
Website: https://www.aghseagles.org/
Location: 495 Valley Road, Arroyo Grande, CA, USA
Phone: 805-474-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AGEagles
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aghseagles
Twitter: @twitter_AGHSEagles