October Bang Bear News
*Make sure you except emails from Bang Elementary bang@cfisd.net We send out a lot of communication through school messenger.
*Please be considerate of our neighbors and not block driveways or entrances to the streets.
Car Riders
- must be in line by 8:05 am to not be tardy.
Car Riders (afternoon)
- must be in line by 4:05 pm to not have to sign child out in front office. If you are signing out your child in the front office please have your state issued ID or your child cannot be released.
- gate will close at 8:15 am every morning
School Badges:
Each student is issued one bus and one lunch badge at the beginning of the year. It is a requirement by district for every student who rides the bus to have a bus badge. Bus drivers may refuse to bring a student home if they do not have a bus badge or if they are not eligible for bus transportation. If a replacement badge is needed the cost is as follows:
- $3.00 for each badge
- $1.00 for lanyard
- $1.00 for each plastic sleeve
๐ Our Daily Schedule
๐ Weekly Lunch Menu
๐ Upcoming Events
๐ฃFrom Coach Golemon:
Field Day is coming November 22nd! Please sign up if you would like to volunteer.
We will begin learning Field Day events and stations in October. Our third, fourth and fifth graders will begin practicing push ups, curl ups, and our running pacer test for Fitnessgram.
The CFISD Health Expo will be on November 16th at the Berry Center. Look on the CFISD website for more information.