October Newsletter
October 3rd - Rosh Hashanah (No School for Students)
October 11th - Ag Day (Students Only)
October 12th - Ag Day (Open to Community)
October 14th - Columbus Day (Building Closed) - No BOCES
November 18th - Picture Retake Day
🚗 CAPE Class
This is a MANDATORY program for 11th and 12th grade students who are applying for school parking permits.
The 2024 sessions will be hosted by the following:
Spackenkill High School - Tuesday, October 15th
Pawling High School - Monday, October 28th
Please plan to arrive at 6:30pm for registration, program begins promptly at 7:00pm. All students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
📸Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day will be Monday, November 18th. This is an opportunity for all students who did not have their picture taken in September or anyone would like to have them redone. If you previously ordered a package, that package should be returned on the retake day and a new package will be made with the new photo. Every student will be issued an ID Card free of charge.
🏀 Harlem Wizards
Come join the family fun as the Class of 2026 is hosting the Harlem Wizards on Thursday, October 23rd. The game starts @7 pm. Wizards gear and concessions will be available for purchase.
Tickets can be purchased online at https://harlemwizards.com/schedule-tickets/
🎭Fall Drama Production
STG Presents Noises Off
What has eight doors, nine neurotic cast members, and a seemingly endless supply of sardines? Michael Frayn's absolutely hilarious comedy, Noises Off!
The Stissing Theater Guild is proud to open the 2024-2025 season with what the New York Times called, "The most dexterously realized comedy ever about putting on a comedy. A spectacularly funny, peerless backstage farce. This dizzy, well-known romp is a festival of delirium." Come witness a troupe of actors attempt to put on a play while battling time, a two-story rotating set, and each other. The laughs truly never stop. You will not want to miss it.
Tickets for the December 6th, 7th, and 8th performances will be available beginning on October 20th at https://stgboxoffice.seatyourself.biz/.
🔥Varsity Club Bonfire
October 2nd - 6:30 pm - 9 pm
The Varsity Club will be hosting their annual Bonfire on Wednesday, October 2nd. This event is for athletes who play on a varsity sports team.
🍁The Fall Ball
Hosted by the Class of 2025
The Fall Ball will be held on Friday, October 25th from 6:30-9 PM in the high school gym. Light refreshments will be served in the lobby by the auditorium. The cost is $8 if purchased in advance, $10 at the door. Tickets will go on sale during lunch periods from October 14th-23rd. This dance is for high students only (grades 9-12). Guests from other high schools will need a signed permission slip returned to school no later than October 23rd.
Spirit Week - October 7 -11
Next week is Spirit Week. Please see the attached flyer for details.
North East Community Center - Community Outreach Opportunities
Free Transition & Resource Fair - Community Based Services, Inc. & Dutchess Cty
📱 Cell Phone Policy Reminder
As we continue to support a productive learning environment, we are reminding students and families of our Cell Phone Policy.
Cell phones may not be used in the classroom setting.
Cell phones should remain locked in their lockers throughout the school day.
If students are found to be using a cell phone during their class, we will be following our District Board Policy outlined in the Student Handbook.
🧥Lost & Found
If your child is missing items, please remind them to check the Student Center in Room 133. There is a large selection of items that have not been claimed.
2024/2025 Clubs
There is still time to join a club and get involved. See the attachment for the clubs that are offered. Attached are several events that are being hosted by various clubs.
Stissing Mountain Facebook Page
Please continue to follow us on facebook.