PPHS December Newsletter
#R.O.A.R. #WeArePalPark #TigerTough
Principal's Message
I hope this newsletter finds you and your families well.
As we enter the cold winter months, I’d like to ask for your continued help and support as we look to sustain our fantastic attendance rates. Historically, we see a dip in attendance and increase in tardies during the holiday season. This is partly due to an increase in illnesses but also preventable absences. Please join us in encouraging our students to arrive at school early, especially during inclement weather days, and coming to school on a regular basis. Additionally, please let them know that every day and minute counts! We encourage holiday travel plans to fall within our days off as absences due to voluntary travel are not excused and may have a negative impact on your students academic experience.
On behalf of the faculty and staff at Palisades Park Jr./Sr. High School, I’d like to wish you and your family a happy holiday season.
With Tiger Pride!
Mr. Andrew Garcia
Parent Teacher Conferences & Semester 1 Information
Thank you to all who attended our Parent Teacher Conference Night on Thursday, November 30th. We appreciate your partnership! Please remember to check Q1 grades for your children and reach out to their teachers or counselors if you would like to set up a meeting. We are now in full swing of Q2 which began on November 15th. Please continue to check your child’s grades and attendance on the Genesis parent portal. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
🍂November Recap🍂
Korean Writing Contest
Field Trip to the Whitney
Congrats to our Winners!
PPHS College Fair
PHHS hosted our annual College Fair! 15 colleges brought the vibes, and our students were soaking up all the info.
Heroes and Cool Kids
PPHS students who were nominated by their teachers for their high moral character, attended their first Heroes and Cool Kids training. They collaborated with other HS students from all over Bergen county as part of our participation in the Heroes and Cool Kids program. The program prepares them to work with younger PPSD students in an effort to serve as mentors and help them make healthier choices that will lead to a positive future.
PPHS Athletic Hall of Fame
Unsung Hero Award
Pictured above is Thierry Njete, this year's recipient of the Unsung Hero Award at the 28th Annual Bergen County Boys Soccer Coaches Association Awards Banquet. Also pictured above is Coach Pavin. Congrats to Thiery! Thank you for representing our school and athletics program in such a positive way! We are proud of you!
Joseph Taub Scholar!
Congrats to PPHS Senior, Travis Park, for receiving the Sports Night of Champions 2023 Joseph Taub Scholar Athlete Award! Travis and Kylie Castillo from neighboring Ridgefield both received $10,000 scholarships. Travis, you have made PPHS and your community so very proud. You are a role model for all student athletes at Palisades Park High School. You set the bar high and we couldn't be happier for you.
Skit Night
Pictured above is the cast and crew of Drama Club's Skit Night. They did a wonderful job! All the countless hours of practice paid off as they captivated the audience and made us laugh.
INHS Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Italian National Honor Society held their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Students & faculty donated non-perishable food items for the Pal. Park Food Pantry. Members of the INHS then compiled the donated items into boxes that were donated to our food bank.
Bergen Community College Assembly
Students attended an assembly to learn about the opportunities available to them through BCC. While at the assembly, students were able to apply on the spot with assistance from their representative.
Nutrition Advisory Council Meeting
Students from all grade levels took part in a discussion with representatives from our food service provider, Pomptonian. Students shared their thoughts on aspects of the school lunch program they enjoyed and areas for improvement. Items of note: Keep the Wings of Fire, Bring back the grilled cheese and tomato soup, and more promotions like a burger bar!
🗓️Coming Up🗓️
December 1
- Start of PPHS Door Decorating Contest!
December 4
- Heroes and Cool Kids training session (Heroes Only) @1pm in PPHS Auditorium
December 7
- Senior Financial Aid Night @ 6pm in the PPHS Auditorium
December 9
- Breakfast with Santa @ 8am -12pm in the PPHS Cafeteria & Auditorium
December 11
- Senior Student and Parent Night @ 7 - 8 in the PHS Auditorium
- Start of PPHS Holiday Spirit Calendar
December 12
- Door decorations must be completed by today
December 15
- Door Decorating Contest Vote
December 20
- Winter Concert @ 6:30 - 8:30 in the PPHS Auditorium
December 22
- 1/2 Day
- Last day of PPHS Holiday Spirit Calendar
December 25 - January 2
- NO SCHOOL - Holiday Recess & New Year's Observance