Natick Redhawks
Your Weekly Update from Natick High School

Principal's Message
Well attended Open House!
Acapella groups performing "Try Everything"
Acapella groups performing "Try Everything"
It was really nice to see many of you for open house last night. One of the benefits of our open house format, is that you get to walk the halls and schedule of your NHS student. We heard many folks express gratitude for our educator efforts across the evening. In addition to that, it was even better to welcome back a full auditorium of parents/guardians in that way for the first time since 2019! Thanks again for making the effort to be there, it was nice to see you all. Have a great weekend!
Reminders and Important Points
1) Natick Public Schools has partnered with a free, online 24/7 tutoring company to support students in their academic work. With Paperā¢, students get access to free, unlimited, and 24/7 academic support from fully vetted tutors, all from a secure platform. All Paper tutors are experts in their own academic areas, and students can get support across 200-plus subjects in four languages.
Parent Sessions: Paper hosts recurring Info Sessions for Parents/Guardians
Registration form is located in the Parent Resource Guide, GuĆa de recursos para padres
2) Please only use the front loop for drop off and pickup during the school day, and avoid traveling through the faculty/visitor parking lot, as it presents a safety issue for staff trying to park and enter the building. Thanks for your cooperation.
Changing the Game: Making Youth Sports a Positive, Character Building, and Growth Experience
Thursday, October 27 at 7pm via Zoom ā For youth sports coaches at all levels of play, parents and caregivers of active kids
(young people involved in sports and teen athletes are also welcome to attend)
John OāSullivan, internationally known bestselling author, speaker and podcast host, will offer strategies to promote a positive and character-building sports experience for young people. Youth sports should be focused on learning sport-specific skills, as well as helping kids get the most out of their sports experience, all while growing as a person, learning life lessons, and having fun. ASL Interpretation will be provided at this event. Learn more about this FREE online program and register at www.SPARKKindness.org
Please read Grade 9th and 10th parents/guardians. Very Important!
Mandated Screening Letter Grade 9 and 10
Please read Grade 11 parents/guardians. Very Important!
iDecide Survey - Week of 10/24
iDECIDE (Drug Education Curriculum: Intervention, Diversion, and Empowerment), is a drug education curriculum developed to provide behavioral support and psychoeducation for middle and high school students. The program is designed to serve as a secondary prevention effort for youth at risk for escalation to problematic substance use and as an alternative to suspension, expulsion, and other exclusionary practices for school-based substance use infractions. iDECIDE provides schools and communities the resources to empower students to engage in healthy decision making. iDECIDE is not a cessation program, and is not meant to be used in lieu of treatment.
For more information about the iDECIDE program and it's brief survey for students, USE THIS LINK
A VIRTUAL family communication skills workshop providing hope, learning and support for parents and caregivers facing substance use in their families. Sessions will be Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm ET via Zoom. The first session of the 5 week workshop series will be Thursday, Oct. 20th. You can download the program flyer HERE and register using the Google Form Link. Feel free to contact Natick180 at Natick180@natickma.org with any questions.
Yearbook Website
Mr. Fleming has put together a comprehensive website for NHS Yearbook resources. It includes Senior photo requirement guidelines, how to purchase a yearbook, as well as how to advertise. Please see the NHS Yearbook Website here.
An Evening with Starfish - Sunday, October 16th
Please join Ms. Darboe, Ms. Booth, and the Change the World Club for a Starfish International celebration on Sunday, October 16th from 3pm - 4:30pm in the NHS Library.
Updates from the Athletics Department
For all of our Athletic teams schedules, information on how to buy tickets for games, and our school spectator and user guidelines, please REFER TO THIS PAGE.
Please refer to the following document, to find out how to register and when you need to register by.
AP Exam Registration
Natick High School 2022 - 2023 APĀ® Exam Registration Now Open
Registration Dates: September 30, 2022 - October 31, 2022
Cost: $101 per exam
*$10 Late registration fee: November 1, 2022 - November 6, 2022
Here is the link to the 2022-2023 AP Exam Registration Site
Note: These exams are intended for students who are currently enrolled in an AP course at Natick High School or have prepared for exams independently.
Contact our AP Coordinators listed below with questions.
Guidance Department Bulletin
To view our Guidance Departments current bulletin please click here.
Thank you to our PTSO for their ongoing support to our students and faculty. Our PTSO is looking for more volunteers to assist them with their work for the school year. You can learn more about the NHS PTSO, and how to get involved by visiting their website. Thank you in advance for your help!
You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter at the top of their webpage.
Register for the Natick community Suicide Prevention Training. This FREE training is being offered on Thursday, October 20th from 5-7 PM ET at the Morse Institute Library. Email natick180@natickma.org to register and for details.
Reminder for Parents Who Want to Volunteer--CORI Checks
Reminder If you want to volunteer in schools, you must have a CORI check conducted and you must go into the building with identification (drivers license or passport) to do this. Click here for description of what a CORI check is and does. Without a CORI check, you cannot volunteer in the school. Here is the form to fill out for a CORI.
Quick Links
Speak Up, Natick!
Send us your questions or ideas via Speak Up, Natick!
Bullying Incident Report Form
Use this form to report a bullying incident.
PowerSchool Support
Technology Support
COVID-19 Updates
View the latest COVID-19 updates from NPS.
- Title I: Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title II
- Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title VI
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Title IX
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- MGL, Ch.76, Section 5: Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 5