Panther Pamphlet
January 26th, 2025
Principal's Corner
Looking Ahead
Dear Parkwood Families,
It's hard to believe we are almost through the first month of 2025 and heading into February! Thank you everyone for a wonderful and flexible January.
We are so excited for our fun events coming up in February.
Upcoming Events
Kindness Spirit Week
Dates: February 10th - 14th
Join us for our annual Kindness Spirit Week! A flyer with the spirit days is included below. Let's show our school spirit and kindness to one another!
Valentine's Day Dance
Date: February 21st
Our amazing PTO is sponsoring a Valentine's Day dance! More information will be provided below. We hope to see everyone there!
Important Reminders
Please remember to follow all traffic laws during arrival and dismissal. This includes:
- Keeping the bus unloading zone clear
- Not blocking driveways
- Not occupying handicap parking spots unless you have a handicap parking pass
We have several families who rely on these parking spots. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe!
Closing Thoughts
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Warm regards,
Principal Rosecrans
Parkwood Upjohn
Volunteer Information
Volunteer Information
We love when our parents volunteer! Different volunteer opportunities include helping restock our library, helping chaperone field trips, organizing the popcorn for popcorn days, and helping in classrooms if you have arranged this with your child's teacher. Volunteers must have a background check on file. These are in the office if you need a form.
Also our district has an additional layer to help support the safety of our students. This is the Raptor technology sign in tool. Anyone who is not a KPS employee will be asked to sign in using this tool. The machine will scan any visitor's id and check Michigan registry databases. It will then print out a visitor badge for the person to wear and enter our building. If you are just staying in the office to pick up your child or drop something off you will not need to use this sign in tool. Thank you for helping support the safety of our students and please reach out to me if you have any questions.
Resources and Tips
Social Media and Cyberbullying
Digital Media can be used for so many activities that advance learning and improve our lives. They can also have a negative side if boundaries aren't put in place.
We have had many students interact with each other outside of school on social media. This can be a great way for them to connect and build strong friendships. Last week though, we saw 5th grade students bring conflict into the school stating it started from weekend group chats among friends. We weren't able to identify all students in this group chat. This is a friendly reminder for all families to be checking your child's text chats and social media. Digital Citizenship is an important social skill and children learn best when we guide them on how to have healthy digital friendships.
Save the Date
Save the Date:
Feb 12th- Winter Count Day
Feb 19th- K-5th half day, PEEP no school
Feb 21st- Popcorn Friday & Valentine's Day Dance
Feb 26th- Literacy Night More info coming soon
Mar 5th- PEEP/Kindergarten Orientation More Info coming soon
Mar 7th- No School for students, Records Day
Mar 12th- K-5th half day, PEEP no school
Mar 21st- Popcorn Friday
Mar 24th- Monday Spring Conferences 4:00-8:00
Mar 25th- Tuesday Spring Conferences 4:00-8:00
Mar 27th- Thursday Spring Conferences 12:00-4:00, Half Day for Students
Mar 28th- No School for all
Mar 31st- Apr 4th- Spring Break
5th Grade Orchestra Concert
5th Grade Orchestra Concert
Date: Thursday, February 13th
Time: 6:30 pm - 5:45 arrival time
Location: Chenery Auditorium - Enter through Dutton Street doors
Dress Code: "Dress to Impress"
Admission: Admission is free, so please invite your whole family
This is a required performance event, so please do all that you can to ensure that your student is there to perform along side all their orchestra colleagues!
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Take care,
Ben Gudbrandson
Parkwood Orchestra Teacher