Mustangs in the Middle Newletter
October 14, 2024
Important Dates to Remember
Optional PSAT Testing for 8th Grader October 15, 2024
End of First Quarter October 18, 2024
"Greet and Treat" at Pat Catan Stadium Monday October 28 from 5:30pm-7:00pm
Halloween Costumes to School October 31, 2024 (Costume expectations are found below)
Orchestra Spiritwear Store is OPEN!!!!
Our Orchestra Spiritwear Store is OPEN!!! We only do a sale every 2yrs so now is the time to Snag your Swag! We would love to increase our visibility in our schools and the community. Next year's Homecoming Parade will be even better with us all dressed in Orchestra spiritwear!
The online store closes Nov. 1st.
If you have multiple children in the orchestra program, we recommend choosing delivery to the building of your oldest child (middle or high school). You can also choose to either pick up your order or have it delivered to your home. Please fill out the order form completely with student name and parent/guardian name.
Click HERE to access the store!
Opportunity for 8th Grade Students - PSAT
On October 15, SMS will offer the an optional test for 8th grade students. The cost is $14.
If interested please click below for more information:
SMS Fall Intramurals
Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:15-4:15
Contact for Questions:
School Information
School Counselors
Mrs. Maroszan-6th grade
Mr. Greer- 7th grade
Mrs. Pietrocini- 8th Grade
School Information
Main Office: 440-572-7090
Building Secretary: Mrs. Hallie Malloy
6th Grade Principal: Mrs. Tera Thomas
7th Grade Principal: Mr. Chris Howell
8th Grade Principal: Mr. Bryan Szczepanski
Strongsville Middle School Principal: Mr. John Telloni
SCS Anonymous Reporting System
Parents/students have access to our anonymous reporting system. CLICK HERE to access. The more information shared when reporting, the better chance we have to investigate and support.