Bellevue Public Schools, Bellevue, NE
BPS Rolls Out First 1:1 Schools
We wrapped up Session C2 of blended learning training on October 23, 2019 with 61 new BlendED Professional Learning graduates. Congratulations to each of you! As the iPads roll into the classrooms, we also have our first 1:1 schools. Half of our elementary buildings are now 1:1.
We continue our six days of blended learning training next week for more of our educators where they learn about the components of blended learning including digital workflow, targeting instruction with real-time data, collaboration, engagement, blended learning models, and creation. All of our elementary buildings will be 1:1 by January 24th, 2020.
2019-2020 BPS BlendED Training Dates
Blended Learning Models: Individual Rotation with Choice Boards
Blended learning combines classroom learning with online learning, in which students can, in part, control the time, pace, path and place of their learning. The Individual Rotation model allows students to rotate through stations, at their own pace and can be digital or face to face. Unlike the station rotation model, students do not need to rotate to each station. Choice boards are one way to provide multiple ways to demonstrate mastery of learning and for teachers to personalize learning for every child.
Choice boards are one way to design individual rotations for a learning objective. A choice board is a table which allows students to choose different learning paths around a learning goal. Students can choose an option from each row of the choice board. Each of the options are tied directly to curriculum objectives. Another way to give students choice it to give them 2-5 paths to learn the topic and 2-5 paths to show they have mastered the concept. Two examples are located below this article.
If you wish to explore some choice boards created by our Bellevue Public Schools teachers, click here. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to an instructional coach or building tech coordinator.
Elementary Choice Board Example
Secondary Choice Board Example
New Features in Book Creator
New Templates in Explain Everything
Learning Links
Vrain Waves - Listen to giants in education as you travel around town. Each episode is an interview with educational authors and is full of tangible tips and resources.
Using Digital Manipulatives with Classkick
Badging Up
#iPadAcademy Chat
This is year two of our teacher led #PadAcademy Twitter chat. The chat allows us to have an online conversation, share ideas, and be inspired. Our #ipadacademy chats are held monthly on the second Tuesday at 8:00 PM CST.
The archived chats can be found here.
Hashtags Telling Our Story
One of the most powerful parts of Twitter is the hashtag! It connects people, ideas, and creates communities within Twitter. It is a unique way for our teachers and administrators to share the amazing things happening in our schools, classrooms, clubs, teams and organizations. Our district hashtag, #bpsne, continues to grow and is becoming a powerful tool that we can leverage as a district to connect all of our teachers, students, parents, and community members. We encourage you to continue sharing the great things happening in your classrooms. Here is a list of all of the Bellevue Public School educators on Twitter. Let's create the 2019-2020 Bellevue Public Schools story together!
Tweet Time--Tweets From Those You Know
District Instructional Technology Specialists
Jeanette Carlson
Twitter: @mrsjcarlson
Chelsea Hoglund
Twitter: @choglund87
Ann Feldmann
Twitter: @annfeldmann1
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