Welcome Back DeKeyser Staff!!
2017 2018 DeKeyser Elementary
WeLcOmE BaCk!
Here we are again, the start of another great year! When I think how our team has come together and what we have accomplished, I feel so proud! We are continuing on our path of learning and in turn providing our students the best learning possible! Dedication, our own growth mindset and using our strategies with fidelity will once again be the cornerstone of our days, and of course, we will have fun along the way!
This year, we have some changes in staff.
Let's all welcome back Deb Kaiser! She will be in room 4.5 again working with our Learning Center students. So glad to have you back!
Let's all welcome Carol Elly! She will be our Social Worker on Thursdays.
Due to budget cuts, Danielle Price's literacy consultant position has been eliminated. This is such a loss for our staff, and especially for our students. Danielle not only had a strong impact on our students, she was helpful to every staff member in various ways. I'm maintaining hope that she will still be part of our team.... if not, her cheery personality, positive outlook and focus on our Tier 3 learners are things we can keep in mind as the school year continues on.
At this time, I am unclear who will be taking the open 3rd grade position, stay tuned...
I can't wait to hear about everyone's adventures and stories from the summer.
I hope everyone is looking forward to informative, engaging, fun and productive PD days! As I have tried every year, I have some "tricks" up my sleeve. I have been learning how I can be a better leader and keep the momentum in our school and team. Everyone ready???
First some general information about the week:
Monday, August 28th
Tuesday, August 29th
8:30-3:30 (PM - Teacher Work Time)
3:00-4:00 - Kindergarten Kick-Off
4:00-5:30 - Dolphin Day
Wednesday, August 30th
Student Placement Email will be sent to parents
See you on Monday the 28th,
Take care,
Professional Development Topics
Here are just a few of the topics we will be discussing & learning about at the PD Days! (Tentative, order may change)
Day 1
PowerSchool Unified Classroom
Cultural Proficiency
SIP/Cultures of Thinking
Theme for the year - Pod Pals
Day 2
Staff Meeting
*Teacher Binder
*District Policy Changes
SIP/Guided Reading
SIP/ Cultures of Thinking
Please Bring your reflection Journal to Professional Development- I will have a few if needed
Dolphin Day
Parents will be getting their child's teacher assignment emailed to them WEDNESDAY evening, so it will still be unknown at Dolphin Day which teacher students are assigned to. It is VERY important that that information is NOT disclosed, and I am quite sure parents and students will ask!!
DeKeyser Elementary
Phone: 586-797-4400