Demo Family Memo
January 31st, 2025
Principal Message
Dear Families,
Another great week for The School of Champions! This week, our Administrative team visited all AVID and Senior Inquiry classes to deliver a special Yondr presentation, helping our students understand the upcoming changes to electronics usage at school.
As part of our commitment to providing an engaging and safe learning environment, all students have been given a Yondr pouch (with their Student ID# and initials). These pouches were distributed in classes today, and we are excited to see how they will help enhance student focus, improve instructional quality, and ensure safety throughout the day.
Starting this Monday, February 3rd, Yondr enforcement will officially begin. All students are required to keep their electronics off and away for the entire school day, except for the PPS Chromebooks, which are still allowed for school-related use.
Thank you for your support in helping us create the best possible learning environment. We look forward to seeing continued growth and engagement from our students!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yondr PPT
Below is the Student Presentation regarding our Yondr pouches. Every student has been assigned a Yondr pouch, with the required expectations. We will begin enforcement Monday, February 3rd.
Schedule/ Calendars
Weekly Schedule- February 3rd -7th
Monday, Feb. 3rd- A Day
Tuesday, Feb. 4th- B Day
Wednesday, Feb. 5th- A Day *Flex
Thursday, Feb. 6th- B day *Flex
Friday, Feb. 7th- All 8 Day
Upcoming Schedule- February 10th- 14th
Monday, Feb. 10th- A Day
Tuesday, Feb. 11th- B Day
Wednesday, Feb. 12th- A Day
Thursday, Feb. 13th- B day
Friday, Feb. 14th - A Day /Valentines Day
Attendance Coach
The JHS Support Intervention Ladder
"The Ladder" is our school's approach to addressing Conduct Violation and unexcused attendance codes, such as LAT (Late after Tardy) and SKP (Skipping). When students have Conduct violations or Unexcused attendance codes without a valid, documented excuse, they will meet with Administration or the Student Attendance Coach and be placed on The Ladder. The steps for The Ladder are located below. For any questions, please contact the Administration (Principal Drake Shelton , Vice Principal Kim Johns , or Vice Principal Garin Gregory) or La'Mar Winston Jr., Student Attendance Coach.
Returning from Lunch Late (LAT) Policy
Policy Guidelines:
30 Minutes to 1 Hour Late: Students who return 30 minutes late up to one hour late will receive 1 step on “The Ladder” and at least 1 detention.
1 Hour Late or More: Students who return 1 hour late or more will receive at least 2 steps on “The Ladder” and 2 detentions.
Consistent tardiness may result in further disciplinary action as outlined in the school’s attendance and behavior policies.
District Policy:
Leaving Campus without permission: Failing to remain on school grounds, at any point after arrival, without authorization which also includes school-sponsored activities such as field trips.
Please remind your student to remain on campus during the school day, except during lunchtime. Leaving campus outside of lunch unexcused is considered a Type 3 violation. This will include a phone call home and the assignment of at least 1 after-school detention.
Below are Jefferson High School's attendance numbers for our entire student body, based on data pulled on 1/30/25
- Green: Students with 90% to 100% attendance
- Yellow: Students with 80% to 89.9% attendance
- Red: Students with attendance below 79.9%
Dear Families and Students,
We are thrilled to announce an exciting event to celebrate 50 of our top-attending students! 🎉 Please recognize and celebrate these outstanding individuals. We will be honoring them at our Quarterly Celebration Breakfast on Thursday, February 6, 2025, in the cafeteria during flex.
This special breakfast honors students who have achieved an attendance rate of 95-100%. Each student will receive a certificate as a token of appreciation for their dedication to attending school and prioritizing their education.
Students will be informed of their invitation during their 5th-period class on Monday, February 3rd, 2025. Families, please encourage your students to take pride in this recognition and remind them to attend the breakfast in the cafeteria during flex on Thursday. Notification will be sent through their email on Monday as well.
We are so proud of the effort and commitment our students demonstrate every day, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements together. Let’s continue to encourage a strong culture of attendance and success!
Thank you for your support in making this a memorable event for our students.
Rose Festival Court Candidates:
The Rose Festival Committee has accepted the applications of three wonderful candidates for the Rose Festival Court. Jefferson's candidates are Sekora Richey, Janiya Thompson and Aysha Stone. Thank you Wendy Shelton and Abbey Abel for writing their teacher recommendations. Candidates have been told they are not allowed to campaign for themselves, but there is no rule stopping their peers from posting information in support of them. Our two main assemblies will be March 3rd for speeches and March 19th for Announcement of the winner with the Rosarian team.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month and the staff are continuing to celebrate the achievements of African Americans in history. If you are interested in connecting with a teacher to share curriculum or speaking to a class, reach out to selliott@pps.net.
Jefferson Athletics Information: Week of February 1st - February 8th
It is a great time to become a DEMO! We are currently accepting athletic participation registration for the following Winter Sports: Men’s Baseball, Women’s Softball, Men’s Track and Field, and Women’s Track and Field. Please go to FamilyID.com and create an account and sign up to participate. Jefferson High School FamilyID or type in www.familyid.com/organizations/jefferson-high-school-portland
Student-athletes must complete registration, have a valid physical on file, and be cleared by the Jefferson Athletic Office in order to participate in Spring Sports.
Men’s Baseball Coach: Clarence “Tank” Richmond - crichmond@pps.net
Women’s Softball Coach: Ashley Echang - aechang@pps.net
Men’s and Women’s Track and Field Coach: Jordan Polk - crichmond@pps.net
Jefferson High School names Ashley Echang as its’ new Head Softball Coach
We are excited to announce the hiring of Ashley Echang as the Head Softball Coach at Jefferson High School. Ashley is a graduate of PPS and has a love and appreciation of the sport of softball.
Ashley Echang - “I grew up a block away from Peninsula Park as a child and many days were spent playing softball throughout the public parks of Portland. My greatest childhood memories come from smashing the softball across the fields of Columbia, Wilshire, and Delta Park. Not only do I love this sport, I also appreciate the history of the sport as the greatest American pastime, but also can speak to the importance of softball for my Palauan culture. Back home in Palau, softball is a way of life and I was lucky enough to experience real island competition when I lived in Palua in 2017. My passion for the sport is something that I would like to spread amongst the students of Jefferson High School.”
Ashley currently works as the TRIO Assistant Director of Talent Search at Portland State University. She works to recruit, retain, and engage low income, first generation students in PPS to enroll in college on full or partial scholarships.
Ashley is thrilled to bring her diverse background and expertise to Jefferson High School's Softball program. She is committed to fostering a culture of excellence, teamwork, and personal development among the student-athletes while ensuring a competitive edge for the team. She is excited to work within the Jefferson community, while maintaining strong partnerships and developing hardworking student-athletes but also respectable young women to serve our community and world as outstanding citizens.
Please welcome Ashley Echang, Head Softball Coach at Jefferson High School.
Demos I Say!!
ADMISSION: The PIL will be charging admission in the following sports across the district. Wrestling and Men’s and Women’s Basketball. You can purchase tickets at the door or can pre-purchase online prior to the event.
Jefferson HS - Buy Tickets Online
PIL Single Game Ticket Prices -
Adults - $7.00
Students/Senior Citizens - $5.00
Elementary students - Free
Showcases and Tournaments - Prices Excluded
Out of Season Sports Workouts
Open Period : 1/6/25 - 3/2/25
Limited to a maximum of six hours each week per program, not per student (including open gyms).
Allows optional, fundamental skill development with an unlimited number of student-athletes. NO 8th graders or students from other schools may participate.
No competitions/games or tryouts permitted.
Athletics Practice Schedule Week of 2/1/25 - 2/8/25
Basketball 3:45 PM - 8 PM Gyms
Wrestling 3:45 PM- 6 PM Wrestling Room
Swim Contact Coach Lucas Matt Dishman Pool
Upcoming Events: 1/27/25 - 2/1/25
February 1st
Wrestling @ Silverton HS 7:00 AM BL 6:00 AM
February 3rd
Novice Wrestling @ Grant 4:00 PM ER 3pm BL 3:15
February 4th
W. JV Basketball vs Franklin 5:00 PM
M. Frosh Basketball @ Franklin 5:00 PM BL 3:45
M. JV Basketball vs @ Franklin 5:00 PM BL 3:45
W. Varsity Basketball vs Franklin 6:30 PM
M. Varsity Basketball @ Franklin 6:30 PM BL 5PM
February 5th
Wrestling @ Roosevelt 4:00 PM ER 3pm BL 3:15
February 6th
Wrestling @ Wells 4:00 PM ER 3pm BL 3:15
February 7th
Swim Meet at Dishman Pool 6 PM
M. Frosh Basketball vs Roosevelt 5:00 PM
M. JV Basketball vs Roosevelt 5:00 PM
W. JV Basketball @ Roosevelt 5:00 PM ER 3:15 BL 3:45
M. Varsity Basketball vs Roosevelt 6:30 PM
W. Varsity Basketball @ Roosevelt 6:30 PM BL 5PM
February 8th
Women’s Wrestling @ Wells 9am
M. Frosh Basketball @ Benson 12:30 PM BL 11 AM
M. JV Basketball @ Benson 12:30 PM BL 11AM
M. Varsity Basketball @ Benson 2:00 PM BL 12:30 PM
W. JV Basketball vs Benson 2:30 PM
W. Varsity Basketball vs Benson 4:00 PM
Demo Spotlight
Name: D’Ryus Dent
Grade: 12
Activity: Basketball
Favorite meal before a game?
Rice and Salmon
How long have you been participating in this activity?
Since 6th grade
What famous athlete inspires you?
Jared McCain
Best moment of the year?
Our first win vs Franklin
Best part about being a DEMO?
Community and environment. It is a family here.
Student Support Team:
From PPS’s Supporting Immigrant & Refugee Students & Families webpage:
“We are committed to upholding Oregon law prohibiting state and local law enforcement from arresting or detaining people based only on immigration status. Additionally, Oregon law protects student educational records from use for immigration actions. We understand that post-election uncertainties, particularly those related to immigration policies, can create anxiety for our students, staff, and families.”
Know your rights, ACLU OR Immigrants Rights Resources:
If you are an immigrant living in Oregon, you have guaranteed rights regardless of your citizenship status. Whether you are interacting with ICE, are under DACA, or facing employment/student discrimination, it is important to be informed of your rights and stay prepared for any scenario.
The resources in this document are provided by the ACLU of Oregon and includes resources developed by the national ACLU. This document also includes contact information for law firms and organizations in Oregon who aim to be accessible to community members who seek assistance navigating our complex immigration system. Please note that ACLU of Oregon, national ACLU, and law firms and organizations listed in this document cannot guarantee legal services, counsel, or representation.
*Evening Scholars Registration Opening Soon*
We’ve been connecting with students who need credit recovery to enroll them in Evening Scholars for Spring Term (classes start the week of February 24th). If your student needs to make up credits, or is hoping to improve a grade, this is your last opportunity until Fall 2025. Summer Scholars is only going to be available for students seeking credit recovery—not grade improvement. Please reach out to your student’s counselor if you would like to get them registered for Evening Scholars!
If Law Enforcement Asks About Your Immigration Status:
You have the right to remain silent and do not have to discuss your immigration or citizenship status with police, immigration agents, or other officials. Anything you tell an officer can later be used against you in immigration court.
If you are not a U.S. citizen and an immigration agent requests your immigration papers, you must show them if you have them with you. This requirement only applies to immigration agents. You do not have to show any documents to local or state police, except that you do have to show a valid drivers’ license if police pull you over for a traffic violation.
If the police or an immigration agent asks if they can search you, you have the right to say no. Agents generally do not have the right to search you or your belongings without your permission or a warrant.
If you’re over 18 and are not a U.S. citizen, carry your papers with you at all times. If you don’t have them, tell the officer that you want to remain silent, or that you want to consult a lawyer before answering any questions.
More information about immigrant rights can be found here. Additional resources can be found here.