CCS Update

American Education Week
November 20, 2024 – November 26, 2024
Wednesday, Nov 20 - Wacky Wednesday!
Staff – Dress like the students! Students – Dress like your favorite staff member!
Thursday, Nov 21 - Thankful Thursday – Write a note thanking your favorite person at CCS for all the positive things they have done to support you!
Friday, Nov 22 - FANtastic Friday! Wear your favorite team’s hat, or shirt, or socks!
Monday, Nov 25 - Motivational Monday – Post a favorite motivational quote on the classroom poster and place in hallway!
Tuesday, Nov 26 - Epilepsy Awareness Walk and Bridge Dedication - Wear Purple! Bring $1!
Schoolwide BINGO on TEAMS – 8 – 8:30
Glow Cornhole - During Resource Classes
Ms. Chase and her look-alike Connor!
Mrs. Michael as Mya
Mrs. Ward and Brooke role reversal!
Mrs. Muffley dressed like Evan
Ms. Lindauer and Garrett (as Ms. Lindauer)
Journee as Ms. Chie!
Nurse Sears and Nurse Morgan
Picture Retake Day on Dec 18th!
Pathfinders for Autism
Wandering and elopement flyer attached
Gift Card Fundraiser
Please join us in our annual gift card fundraiser. Proceeds will be deposited into the Student Activity Fund. Order forms will be sent home on Wednesday. You pay the face value on the card and CCS will get a small percentage of the sales. Local stores (Bob Evans, Applebee's, Burger King, Chipotle, Panda Express, Panera, Papa John's Pizza, Safeway, TJ Maxx) are available as well as MANY other stores. Orders and money (checks made payable to CCS) are due Dec. 4th.
Attendance Notes
Remember to send in a note if your student is absent. You may email Mrs. Michael directly at michaels@calvertnet.k12.md.us. Examples of excused absences include illness, doctor or dentist appointments, death in family, court, or other prearranged absences approved by Ms. Lindauer.
Clothing donations accepted
Remember that CCS accepts donations of gently used clothing and books. Donations can be brought to the office during the school day, if possible. Our students will work their *magic* to prepare items for our Planet Aid donations bin.
End Hunger Food Drive
CCS was notified that OUR school collected 128 pounds of food for the End Hunger Food Drive last month! You all are amazing! Thanks for taking care of families in our community who may be struggling with food insecurity.
Holiday Bazaar 🎄
Thank you for your support!
Many hands make light work and we are happy that many hands were available Saturday to help with the Holiday Bazaar! Thank you, thank you, to all who visited! Congratulations to Joy for participating in her 3rd successful craft fair as a vendor.
Happy Thanksgiving!
We wish everyone a safe, blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
May you always have a reason to be grateful!