Riverside County
Delivering the Heart of Homeschooling
Week of June 10th, 2019
Hello Riverside County!
Congratulations to the 2019 Graduates!
We are so excited to celebrate all the hard work and dedication
of our Inspire students and families!
It's the last week of school! Are you taking any trips? Need a recharge? Or are you schooling through summer? Share with us on social media your summer plans!
Use the hashtag #HowIHomeschoolWithInspire
In this week's newsletter, we spotlight Inspire's
Online Subscription Package option - Adobe Creative Cloud!
Our 'Vendor Spotlight' Tutor with Holly!
Make sure to read about both in this edition as well as
our weekly 'Sharing The Homeschool Heart.'
This week's piece is "Homeschooling is a Gift of Time."
Please reach out anytime and get to know us!
We are so happy to answer all of your questions and guide you through
learning about homeschool philosophy, curriculum, and the homeschool lifestyle!
Don't let yourself drown in worry or fear over homeschooling.
If you find yourself there, reach out!
We are hoping to connect with you soon!
Audrey & Candice
Don't be a stranger...
Summer break is right around the corner! We want to keep in contact with all of our amazing Inspire families this summer. Make sure you subscribe to our weekly Riverside County Newsletter. You can do this by scrolling to the bottom of this newsletter and select the "Follow Riverside County" orange button. After entering your email at the prompts, you will receive a "confirmation" email from Smore. Follow the directions in that email to ensure your name and email are on that mailing list for Riverside County's weekly newsletter!
This is the way to continue to receive the newsletter every week.
Other ways to stay connected:
Facebook - Join our Inspire Charter Riverside County Facebook Page!
Instagram - Follow Inspire Charter Riverside County on Instagram! @inspire_homeschoolcommunity_ie
Make sure to use the hashtag #HowIHomeschoolWithInspire
to share what you are doing this summer!
Contact us! Your Riverside County Family Liaisons!
Audrey Everson (951) 541-4809 or audreye@inspireschools.org
Candice Zuniga (714) 797-1209 or candicez@inspireschools.org
The Adventure of Learning with Inspire Charter School!
Enrollment for the 2019/20 school year has opened!
Head HERE to enroll!
2019 Riverside County Graduation!
Congratulations to our 2019 Inspire Charter School Riverside County
Graduates and Promotes!
A big THANK YOU to our speakers, staff, and of course, our amazing parents!
Inspire Charter Riverside County Graduation 2019
We're so proud of our students!
Your Inspire Riverside County team!
Sharing the Homeschool Heart
Sharing the Homeschool Heart...Homeschooling is a Gift of Time.
Such a broad word. A word with no end. I sit here and think of how precious time is, how we only have our beautiful, precocious, amazing children for a sliver of infinity. I am choosing to see time as a precious gift. Homeschooling has given me the reward of time. Even though my daughter is almost halfway through our homeschooling journey, I am grateful for every minute that I have to build her up, sit and learn something new, or time to just play...just be. I read somewhere a while ago where the author broke down how much time we actually have with our children at each crucial stage of growth and its shockingly short in the grand scheme. I am going to soak up every last drop of time I have with my three children. I get to do that more because of our homeschooling venture.
After a crazy/beautiful day of promotions and graduations led by our amazing team here in Riverside County, I think about the parents that are completing their homeschooling career with their graduating child. What a sense of accomplishment they must have! And now they are on to another adventure. Their daily life was their classroom. Their time to learn and play at the speed that was right for that child was their gift.
Our want for time with our children can coincide with the desire for better education and happiness for them, that is why we homeschool and why homeschooling is a gift to us all.
~ Audrey
Website: https://sites.google.com/inspireschools.org/inspireriverside
Inspire Charter Online Subscription Package 2019-2020
2019-2020 Online Subscription Package (OSP)!
We have more exciting news - the OSP options are getting even better! Since our original announcement in April, we were able to add 2 previous options (Kids Discover Online and Prodigy) as well as 2 new options (Adventure Academy and Elephango). You now have 25 options to choose from!
- HIGHLIGHTS: 8 curriculum options and 17 educational apps and resources -- including a 24/7, live online tutoring subscription for all subjects!
- Shmoop and Rosetta Stone® Foundations (Spanish, French, and German) are A-G approved curriculum options for high school
- BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: ABC Mouse, Discovery Education Streaming Plus with Science Techbook, and Vocabulary Spelling City
- NEW: Adventure Academy, Beast Academy Online, Elephango, Rosetta Stone Foundations, Dreambox Learning, myON Reader & myON News w/Accelerated Reader, Typing Agent, and TutorMe
This year’s OSP options are valued at more than $2,400 *
* value based on the retail value for the 5 most expensive subscriptions. Please visit our OSP Handbook for additional info and FAQ.
Here is the linked 19-20 OSP Flyer - The flyer is hyperlinked to allow you to click on each of the subscriptions listed and go to the vendor’s website.
This Week's OSP (Online Subscription Package): Adobe Creative Cloud
The 2019-2020 Online Subscription Package (OSP) options are finalized, and we’re spotlighting every option - every week!
This week we look at Adobe Creative Cloud. This is geared towards 3rd through 12th graders.
"Creative Cloud gives you the entire collection of Adobe desktop and mobile apps, from essentials like Photoshop CC to next generation tools like Adobe XD CC. You also get built-in templates to jump-start your designs and step-by-step tutorials to sharpen your skills and get up to speed quickly. It’s everything you need to create, collaborate, and get inspired."
Adobe Creative Cloud through the OSP will include:
- Photoshop - Image editing and compositing
- Lightroom - Digital photo processing and editing
- Spark with premium features - Create custom-branded graphics, web pages, and video stories in minutes
- Adobe XD - Design and prototype UX for the web and mobile
- Illustrator - Vector graphics and illustration
- InDesign - Page design and layout
- Premiere Pro - Video production and editing
- Acrobat Pro - Create, edit and sign PDF documents and forms
- 20+ desktop and mobile apps, free tutorials, and regular updates.
Watch a demo HERE
Q: How many devices can I use Adobe Create Cloud on?
A: You can download and use the programs/apps on as many devices as you want, however, you can only use them on 2 devices simultaneously
For more details on this OSP option and all the other OSP subscriptions, head over to the OSP Handbook.
Have a question regarding the Online Subscription Package? Email osp@inspireschools.org
Website: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud.html?promoid=CD922NLK&mv=other
Inspire Approved Vendor Spotlight!
This Week's Vendor Spotlight: Tutor with Holly
Holly Dodson holds a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Master’s Degree in Instructional Leadership. She taught public school for seven years and has been doing private tutoring in grades K-12 for more than twenty years. Holly attended numerous workshops taught by Andrew Pudewa and completed his Teaching Writing: Structure and Style training. She has used his formula for teaching reluctant writers with students of all ages. Holly has also attended several Nancy Fetzer Writing Institute trainings for Common Core Reading and Writing.
Holly is available to tutor reading, writing, and math (through algebra I). She also offers group writing classes for students of all ages. For students who are unable to attend her in-person writing classes, Holly offers online classes, with teacher feedback and editing of homework via email. She also offers Writing Coach Services, which includes one-on-one instruction through online Zoom meetings with students, as well as editing and feedback on student papers.
- Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
- Master’s Degree in Instructional Leadership
- Experienced tutor–outstanding references available
- 29 years of teaching experience
For more information or to enroll your student, call Holly at 951-302-0540 or email at holly.dodson@verizon.net Website: TutorWithHolly.com and WriteWithHolly.com
Email: holly.dodson@verizon.net
Website: www.tutorwithholly.com
Phone: 951-302-0540
Inspire's Summer Reading Challenge!
This summer, curl up with a good book and play a game of Inspire Bingo for a chance to win prizes!
Each 5 in a row earns a chance to win prizes in our drawing. Return your completed Bingo sheet to the Lending Library by August 15th to submit your entries. The more you read, the more chances you have to win!
Students can be entered into a prize draw by returning their completed BINGO activity to the Lending Library or their HST by August 15th.
There are many sweet adventures to be had this summer, all in the pages of the nearest book.
Happy Summer Reading!
Inspire Charter Resources
Natural History Club!
We're excited to announce the all new Natural History Club. This club is designed for all members of the family to explore nature together. We hope to gather at least once a month for nature outings, guest speakers, nature lessons, and FUN! If you are interested in getting more information or joining this club, please complete the interest survey HERE and Glenna Heustis will send you information about the first meet up in August.
Questions? Contact:
Glenna Heustis at glennah@inspireschools.org
New Middle School Program - ChoicePlus Bridge powered by Bridgeway
Spaces will be limited! If interested, please click here http://bit.ly/choiceplusinterest. Ordering will be available starting the first week of June.
More details and pricing can be found in our ChoicePlus Bridge Flier or our 19-20 TK-8 Curriculum Options Flier.
ChoicePlus Bridge Info Sessions
We announced our exciting new Middle School offering last week called ChoicePlus Bridge powered by Bridgeway. Many people have reached out to us with questions, which is fantastic! If you also have questions, or you or one of your families simply want more info, please check out our Info Sessions available below:
Please click the link next to the date and time you wish to attend to register:
June 10 at 1pm - Register Here
June 11 at 9am - Register Here
High School!
Session recordings include:
- The College Application Process
- UC/CSU Application Process
- Common Application Info Session
Make sure you head over to Inspire High School Resource Site for all things High School.
Website: https://sites.google.com/inspireschools.org/highschool/home?authuser=0
Academic Decathlon joining ChoicePlus Academy this Fall!
High School Info Session Recordings
Want to know what high school looks like with Inspire? Amy Edwards, an Inspire teacher, Teacher Trainer for High School, and Homeschool Mom shares her expertise in this recorded High School Info Session! In her Virtual Info Sessions, she covers:
What are California's high school grad requirements?
What makes Inspire unique?
~Program & Curriculum options
~Online classes, live classes, vendors, parent-created & led curriculum, community college classes, and MORE!
On the first slide is a link to the recorded video. You can find the slide show HERE (Select "View" and "Present" and then click "Here" on the first slide to view the recording.)
Inspire Special Education Department Monthly Newsletter!
Dear Inspire Parents,
Inspire Special Education Department is excited to share a new project with you – our Monthly Special Education Website and Newsletters. We hope that you find the information presented in our newsletter meaningful and applicable to your needs. We always welcome your feedback and suggestions on topics to cover.
Inspire Special Education Department Parent and Teacher Newsletter May/June 2019
You can also access our Inspire Cares website to support you in your homeschooling journey and view all of our newsletters!
Anna Lindahl
Statewide Parent Outreach Coordinator
Inspire Charter Schools
Ph: (619) 627-9623
Enrichment item returns!
Dear Inspire Families,
Do you have enrichment items that you are looking to return this year? Please see the graphic for a list of locations and special events where you can drop off your non-consumables you no longer want or need. Please note, non-consumables do not need to be returned until you withdraw from our school, so this is purely voluntary.
Here is the Enrichment Return Item Form for your convenience.
Riverside County Library System EVENTS!
Head over to http://rivlib.info/website/events
Inspire's End of Year Ice Cream Social in IDYLLWILD
Monday, June 10th from 1 - 3 pm
Atomic Cow Creamery
54245 N Circle Dr., Idyllwild, CA 92549
Come and meet local vendors, visit with families, enjoy discounted ice cream from Atomic Cow Creamery, return curriculum and non-consumables to Inspire Enrichment Specialists onsite and make a craft!
Questions? Contact: Mary LaMont at mary.lamont@inspireschools.org
Info Session in HEMET
Our credentialed Inspire teachers will be at the Downtown Deli in Hemet to share what Inspire has to offer and answer questions about our program!
Wednesday, June 12th at 11 am
Downtown Deli
113 N. Harvard Street
Hemet, CA 92543
Questions? Contact Jamie Corcoran at jamiec@inspireschools.org or (951) 260-7803
Info Session in Temecula!
Please come and join a group of our credentialed teachers to learn more about what our program has to offer.
Wednesday, June 12th at 6 pm
Ryan Bros. Coffee
40573 Margarita Rd.
Temecula, CA
Questions? Contact Katie Bock at (951) 733-2088 or kathryn@inspireschools.org
Splash Pad Info Session TEMECULA
It's the LAST DAY of school!!!
Let's kick off the summer with a trip to a splash pad. This will also serve as an info session for interested families, so feel free to bring any friends.
Thursday, June 13th at 11 am
Margarita Community Park
29119 Margarita Rd., Temecula
Questions? Contact Mary Collier at (760) 468-6202
Lake Elsinore Splash Pad Info Session!
Please come and join a group of our credentialed teachers to learn more about what our program has to offer.
Wednesday, June 26th at 10 am
Canyon Hills Park Splash Pad
34360 Canyon Hills Rd.
Lake Elsinore, CA
Questions? Contact Katie Bock at (951) 733-2088 or kathryn@inspireschools.org
Info Session at Romp-O-Rama!
Join our credentialed teachers to learn more about what Inspire offers!
***Enjoy HALF off admission! Includes story time at 11 am***
4300 Green River Road, Ste. 109B
Corona, CA.
Wednesday, July 3rd
10 am - 12 pm
Questions? Contact Andrea at aflournoy@inspireschools.org
Inspire Info Session RIVERSIDE
Monday, August 19th from 10 am - 12 pm
Canyon Crest Towne Centre Splash Pad
5225 Canyon Crest Dr., Riverside, CA.
Questions? Contact Amy Holmes at (951) 355-5371 or at aholmes@inspireschools.org
Saturday, August 31st at 6:07 pm
Angel Stadium of Anaheim
Anaheim Angels vs. Boston Red Sox
Cap off your summer with America's favorite past time! Come sit with fellow Inspire families at the Anaheim Angels vs. Boston Red Sox game on Saturday, August 31st! Stick around after for a Fireworks show! Ticket price includes a ticket to this game and a complimentary educational worksheet for our students - Baseball is a numbers game!
Use instructional funds or pay out of pocket for Inspire Angels Night HERE
Questions? Contact:
Audrey Everson
(951) 541-4809
Candice Zuniga
(714) 797-1209
Inspire Beach Day
Where: Corona Del Mar State Beach
When: Thursday, June 20th
Time: 9 am - 2 pm or stay as long as you'd like!
Details: Bring your beach essentials and a picnic, and come hang out at the beach! Look for our Inspire flags and EZ Up to locate us.
Questions? Zena Fisher 951-990-1415 zena@inspireschools.org
Your Inspire Riverside County Team!
Your Riverside County Homeschool Teachers and Family Liaisons are always here for you! Reach out to your HST or Family Liaison for support, advice, and connections with the homeschool community around you!
Candice Zuniga
Email: Candicez@Inspireschools.org
Phone: 714-797-1209
Audrey Everson
Hi everyone! I am a mom of 3 awesome kids ranging in age from 10 to 6 years old. My husband and I are high school sweethearts and have been married for 16 years. Having homeschooled our children over the last 7 years in 3 different states, I've found homeschooling here in California, especially with Inspire Charter, has been a great fit for our homeschool journey. I am grateful for our ability to homeschool so freely and I aspire to assist other families with their own homeschool adventures!
Email: audreye@inspireschools.org
Phone: 951-541-4809
We want to hear from you!
What do you want to hear more about? Drop us an email!
We'd love to answer all of your questions in regards to homeschooling with Inspire
and what the homeschool lifestyle looks like!
Inspire Charter Schools Contact Info
Website: https://www.inspireschools.org/
Location: 1740 East Huntington Drive #205, Duarte, CA, USA
Phone: (888) 215-3040