PSMS Weekly Update
PSMS Weekly Newsletter-January 10, 2025
Jaguars of the Week!
Congratulations Catherine Cunningham and James Moore
Catherine is a huge asset to my social studies class. She is motivated and always engaged in her learning. Her class participation is outstanding. She is always asking questions, answering questions and making connections in her learning. More importantly, she is always polite, kind, and respectful.
James consistently is helpful to others in his class. Whether it's helping them complete a classwork assignment, or just in general helping them clean up or guiding them to do the right thing. James is an excellent example of a hardworking student who is also a gentle leader to his peers.
Both students received PInz gift certificates!
Congratulations to Gian Massa Project 351 Ambassador!
Gian will have the opportunity to collaborate with other ambassadors from Massachusetts for a year of inspirational service, empowering leadership training, and teamwork with a statewide network of friends. Congrats Gian!
Yellow Tulip Project
YTP ambassadors planted three amaryllis plants we placed around the building to provide symbols of hope and Spring arriving after the winter.
Sports Update
The Girls and Boys Basketball teams both won their first home game against Sandwich this week.
PSMS Poetry Slam
A Message from the PTA for 8th Grade Families
Our next meeting is on Monday, 1/13/2025 - 7pm. The Zoom link is below
The PTA would like to encourage 8th grade parents interested in helping to plan the 8th grade End of Year Events to attend the meeting. We would like to start a sub-committee and start planning.
8th Grade Important Information
Thursday, January 9th
PSMS 8th grade students will be attending CCTE’s “Tech Expo'' at Plymouth South High School during the school day with their 8th grade teachers and guidance counselor. The Tech Expo is an opportunity to interact with the staff and students from each of the different tech programs. The tech programs that are offered at both PNHS and PSHS will be featured at this event.
High School Showcase Night at both PNHS and PSHS
PNHS: Parent Info Session 5 - 5:30 in the PAC / Shop Tours 5:30 - 6:30
PSHS: Tech Expo 5:00 - 6:45 in the gym / Parent Info Session 7:00 - 7:30 in the PAC
** Attending from 5 - 6 at PNHS and from 6:15 - 7:30 at PSHS will allow families to experience both schools.
Wednesday & Thursday, January 8th & 9th
Ms. Sarah Vendetti, the district’s Interim Science and Technology Curriculum Coordinator, is coming to PSMS to speak to our 8th grade students about the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Sciences Pathway Program that is offered at both PNHS and PSHS. Handouts will be available for students to take home. Information is available online here. The Biomedical Program is NOT part of the Technical Studies Program.
Interested students are required to apply. Applications will be available as of January 2, are completed online, and are due by January 31st. Students will be notified by the Science Department of their acceptance status in early March.
Thursday, January 16th
Mr. Duffy, Director of the College, Career & Technical Program, will come to PSMS to present our 7th and 8th grade students information about CCTE. Information is available online here.
Interested students are required to apply. The parent portion of the student application packet, signed by a parent, must be submitted to guidance by January 31st. Packets will be available at the guidance offices following Mr. Duffy’s presentation. Students will be notified by the CCTE Office of their acceptance status in very early March.
Week of February 24th
Guidance Counselors will be making classroom presentations to 8th grade students to distribute and review information in the Freshman Academy Transition Guide (Program of Studies book).
Throughout March - early April
Students will meet individually with their guidance counselor to review teacher recommendations for 9th grade academic placements and elective course offerings. Students will leave this meeting with a Course Recommendation / Request Sheet that NEEDS to be signed and returned by April 14th to ensure proper high school program placement.
Please contact me, your child’s guidance counselor, with any questions.
Biomedical Program Information for 8th grade Families
Tech Expo
Yearbook News
Start With Hello
All PSMS students attended the Start With Hello assemblies this week with a presenter from The Sandy Hook Promise Organization. The focus of these assemblies was to build a community and be more empathetic. A student club will be starting soon to focus on building community. Below is a link to the family activity guide the organization provided.
News from the Plymouth Public Library
Coming Up...
Jan 13 PTA Meeting - 7pm, Zoom Meeting
Jan 16 Tech Expo Assembly - Grade 8, 12:30 - 1:30 in the Cafeteria Jan 16 Tech Expo Assembly - Grade 7, 1:40 - 2:35 in the Cafeteria Jan 16 School Council Meeting - 7pm, Zoom Meeting Jan 20 Martin Luther King Jr Day - No School