Wildcat Weekly 6/3-6/6
Proud Principal of Pomerado Elementary School 🐾
Hi Wildcats!
We cannot believe that it is the last week of the 23-24 school year already!?! We are excited for all of the fun end of year activities planned this week.
We are so proud of our 5th grade graduating class and are excited to celebrate their accomplishments this week at our 5th grade promotion ceremony on Wednesday, June 5th at 9:15 am.
We are looking forward another wonderful week of learning at Pomerado!
Mrs. Julie Goldberg
We Are Hiring!
Pomerado is a great place to learn and work and we are excited to announce opportunities to join the team!
We are hiring for the following positions:
- Noon Duty, 15 hours per week
- Instructional Assistant, 30 hours per week
- Crossing Guard, 5 hours per week
If you are interested in joining the Pomerado team, please email Mrs. Goldberg at jgoldberg@powayusd.com.
Pomerado Elementary Senior Clap Out 🎓
School Supply Fundraiser!
Pomerado Elementary Suggested School Supplies
Below is a suggested list of supplies for Pomerado Elementary School. All donations are voluntary. A donation is not required to participate in any school activity.
Order Now --> http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=14181
Parents: Please feel free to spread the word. This is a great opportunity to see our Pomerado alumni walk through the halls where it all began at their elementary school.
Counseling Corner
Library News
Summer Reading
Don't forget that students can enjoy PUSD's OverDrive eBook Shelf or the Sora App all year round! Students can access ebooks with their PUSD student ID and four-digit password. Please click here to learn how you can add the SD County Library children's collection to your Sora App!
Students are also encouraged to visit their local libraries this summer for lots of fun and free activities, summer reading incentives, and a quiet, cool place to relax with a good book!
Click here for a sneak peek at what's happening at the Poway Library!
PAWs (Parents And Wildcats) 🐾
Thank You
It's so hard to believe the 2023/2024 school year is coming to an end this week! We want to thank all of the parent volunteers who helped make this year's events, fundraisers and activities possible. We are looking forward to a fun-filled start to the 2024/2025 school year. We hope to see you all at our popsicle party the day before school starts. More info to come in August!
Have a great Summer!
Your 2023/2024 PAWs team
Rose, Sarah, Suzette, Andrea, Brianna, Sage, Amy, Ally and Angeline
PUSD Updates
District Elementary Visual and Performing Arts K-5 program
PUSD is excited to share that a new District Elementary Visual and Performing Arts K-5 program will launch in the 2024-2025 school year.
How will it work?
A team of teachers will visit each school site to teach lessons in the classrooms in the five VAPA disciplines: Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Theater, and Media Arts. The lessons and activities will incorporate best instructional practices, will include global languages and culture, and will be developed through collaboration with VAPA experts from the District and community. This innovative approach will enable students at every elementary school to engage with the VAPA standards in creative and expressive ways, making arts learning more relevant, enjoyable, and impactful. PUSD’s new Elementary VAPA program is made possible through Prop 28 funds.
Save The Date 🗓️
Upcoming End Of the Year Events
- Tuesday, June 4- 2pm Senior Alumni Clap Out
- Wednesday, June 5- 9:15 am 5th Grade Promotion
- Thursday, June 6- Last Day of School (1:25 pm Dismissal)
June Menus 🎓
Pomerado Elementary Contact Information
12321 Ninth Street, Poway CA 92064
Principal: Mrs. Julie Goldberg
Office Contacts
Office Number: (858) 748-1320
Lorena Leonard (Administrative Assistant) lleonard@powayusd.com
ESS: (858) 679-8946
Marcella Clark (ESS Supervisor) maclark@powayusd.com
Attendance Hotline
(858) 679-2604
Attendance Email
A students absence should be reported within 24 hours. When calling or emailing; please state your name, relationship to student, student name, teacher, and reason for absence.