Rattler Nurse Connect
October 2021 - Edition 8
Congratulations Mr. & Miss. School of Nursing - Mr. Daley and Miss Domingue
FAMU School of Nursing Homecoming Schedule
Thanks Ms. Donaldson & Mr. Womble
Undergraduate Nursing Programs
Traditional BSN
Breast Cancer Awareness Events
Event 2: The FAMU SON chapters of SNA, Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority, and Sigma Theta Tau participated in “organization on the set day” to support Breast Cancer Awareness month and provide information on nursing organizations.
Excellence in Caring
RN-BSN Fast Track
RN-BSN Fast Track Program - Enrolling for Spring 2022 NOW!
Enrollments are open for SPRING 2022! Learn more by visiting our website or contacting our Office of Student Affairs at (850) 412-7067.
Experiential Learning and Coaching/Remediation
Introduction & Warm Welcome to Our New Remediation Specialists!
High-fidelity Simulation is HERE!
The Experiential Team has resumed high-fidelity simulations.
Simulation is a learning activity utilized in education. Simulations place students in real life-like clinical situations where active and interactive learning takes place in a safe environment. Second-year medical-surgical students participated in simulation this month.
Graduate Nursing Programs
FAMU School of Nursing offers a high-in-demand Adult Gerontology and Women's Health Nurse Practitioner education completely online. Study to become a Nurse Practitioner in only five (5) semesters or less and begin to make a great impact in your advanced professional nursing career in no time. Our convenient student-centered curricula are designed for part-time or full-time study, with multiple admission cycles throughout the year. The program provides a solid foundation and support for success even as you work full-time. Choose to start your NP journey in a career that makes a difference for adults across the lifespan and rewards you professionally. We are now accepting applications for our Spring 2022 start date. Apply today at https://www.applyweb.com/famug/index.ftl (NEW LINK!). For more information about our graduate program, contact Dr. Uloma Onubogu via email - uloma.onubogu@famu.edu or call (850) 599-3017.
New Position Openings: FAMU School of Nursing is Looking for Energetic, Dedicated People
1. Simulation Coordinator
2. Associate Dean/Associate Professor
3. Graduate Faculty (x2)
4. Online Graduate Faculty - Mental Health Health; Nurse Practitioners
Click here to visit the FAMU Human Resources Website
Special need:
5. Subject Matter Experts (SME) - Course development/Course revisions (Adjuncts). All specialities needed!
- Contact Ms. Farlin if you have interest is serving as an SME at annie.farlin@famu.edu
*Please share this information*
* * Stay Connected * *
Connect. Engage. Strike.
Email: nursingdocs@famu.com
Website: https://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?a=nursing
Location: Tallahassee, FL, USA
Phone: 850-599-3017
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/famuschoolofnursing/