Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
March 29, 2024
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
It is hard to believe on this beautiful warm and sunny day that we started the week with a foot of snow on the ground! It many ways it makes the week seem extra long as it stretched from the depths of winter to the start of spring. In the middle of it all, there were students balancing and juggling. Trombones and flutes were playing. A weather lab visited Mary Hogan. Students and families were singing together. Students took state assessments and dug into Exhibition. There was just a lot packed into one week! Check out all the things we did this week below!
Be well,
Upcoming Events
Tuesday 4/2 - Last day to preorder a Hawk Water Bottle
Wednesday 4/3 - Walk and Roll to School Day
- Early Release Day - 11.30 for preschool, 12.35 for K-5th grades
Thursday 4/4 - 9am - All School Meeting led by 1st grade
Friday 4/5 - Space art contest entries due to Ms. Kravitz
Sunday 4/7 - 2pm - MESA Fundraiser - Cookies and Canvas (see below) and sign up HERE
Week of 4/8 - Week of the Young Child
Monday 4/8 - Early Release Due to Solar Eclipse - 11.30 for preschool, 12.35 for K-5th grades
- 1pm - Student Council Bake Sale to benefit the Mary Hogan playground
Mary Hogan Hawk Water Bottles - preorder deadline - 4/2
The Student Council and Water Health Club are working to reduce plastic waste.
You can pre-order an all-new reusable Hawk water bottle! These are a much better option than plastic water bottles, which can hurt the environment.
Water bottles are high-quality aluminum, silver at the top and fading into blue at the bottom. They are customized with a Mary Hogan hawk logo on it and will hold 25 oz. They will cost $12.50.
To get one, you must pre-order using this form, so fill it out before April 2nd.
Space Art Contest - Entries due 4/5
- Make a new alien.
- Design your own space ship.
- Create a map of a new planet!
Art is due to Ms. Kravitz by April 5th.
Eclipse Bake Sale to Benefit the Playground
Hello Mary Hogan Hawks and families,
In Student Council, we have been working on a bake sale to help improve our school playground. The time and the day is April 8, 1-2:30. Click this link to sign up to help bring something. You would bring the food on 4/8.
Best to all,
Mary Hogan Student Council
This Week at Mary Hogan
Band and Chorus Concert
The Band and Chorus performed 2 times this week. One time they played for all the students as a rehearsal for their evening concert. The theme was definitely time and friendship and they sounded GREAT!
NBC5 Weather Lab
The NBC Weather Lab came to school this week and Meteorologist Tyler Jankowski shared information and the lab with kindergarteners who all year are thinking about How the World Works and weather.
Counting the Eggs
Miss Deb's class got their eggs and are keeping track of days (counting backwards) until the chicks hatch! Stay tuned as we get closer to hatch day!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Hawk Shirts That No Longer Fit
Dear students and guardians,
If your hawk t-shirt does not fit, we would like to repurpose it into a bag!
Bring it to the front lobby and put it in the box saying t-shirt donations. We are going to sell the bags. The money will go to the student council to help with the projects we do there. We want to raise awareness of repurposing and recycling.
Let's go Hawks!
- Student Council
Students in 2nd and 3rd grade worked on their circus skills this week in PE - balance, juggling, and more!
Do you want to build a snowman?
We finally got a good dump of snow and the students definitely took advantage of it!
What happens when you add an E?
Students in kindergarten were working on what happens to the vowel in a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) word when you add an E at the end. How does an E change "mad" to "made"?
MESA Message
Impact of the Readathon
Every year, MESA determines a per pupil amount that each grade can use for field trips and other experiences for their students. This year, because of your generosity (and the generosity of our Middlebury business community), we were able to increase the per pupil amount from $15 to $30!! We are also going to pay out the following:
NEW - Pre-K will receive the same $30 per pupil amount for their classes (instead of a flat $100 per class). Library, PE, Art, Spanish and Music will get $200 (increased from $100). We also included Library in this group this year. In the past, we have given them Scholastic Dollars (money raised in the book fair that can be used for books and classroom supplies). NEW - $50 each to the following teams: Guidance/ Behavior Interventionists, Special Ed, Reading Intervention, SLP, English Language Learners (ELL), Wellness & Learning Center The Autism Learning Community will receive $250 (approved by vote in a previous MESA meeting)
Here is a link to the Grants that have been approved so far:Grant Requests
Cookies and Canvas - Sunday, April 7th from 2-4 p.m.
Local artist, Gail Dorman, will provide step-by-step guidance to help you create your piece of art to take home. Don't worry if you have no previous painting experience, this event is for everyone! The theme "Lights out, Green Mountains", is a celebration of our community being in the path of totality for the solar eclipse occurring the next day! $35 per student or adult includes all the necessary painting supplies required to make an 11 x 14 canvas painting. Pre-registration and cash or check payment is required before March 31st to confirm your spot. Complementary cookies will be provided. Adults can attend with or without children, but children must be accompanied by an adult.
Click here to sign up:Cookies and Canvas Sign up Genius
And more MESA News!
Lake Monsters Game - Saturday, May 25th 6:05pm (First Pitch) - The Lake Monsters are hosting a Mary Hogan School night. Tickets are $8 and $4 from each ticket goes back to Mary Hogan.Click on the link for tickets: Lake Monsters
Funky Chicken Hats - we have some hats and a few patches left for sale. Please email if you would like to purchase one!
MESA Executive Committee Openings - MESA is looking for new board members. We specifically need a Read A Thon co-chair. If you have interest in getting more involved, please reach out! The executive committee typically meets one additional time per month. Board members will be voted on in the May meeting.
Field Day - Save the date! Thursday, May 30th (rain date Monday, June 3rd). Last year we had an awesome volunteer turnout and the kids had a blast. Let me know if you would like to help this year or have ideas for stations. (email
Teacher Luncheon - MESA hosts a teacher luncheon every year in May (this year is 5/17) for all of the staff and teachers at Mary Hogan. If you would like to buy a teacher or staff person lunch, you can send us payment via venmo/paypal or cash/check . If you include a message in your donation, we will share that message with the teacher or staff person. Typically, lunch is $15 per person. There are over 100 teachers and staff members at Mary Hogan.
The next MESA Meeting is Thursday, April 18th at 6:30pm in the school library. We will also provide a link to join virtually. Our last meeting of the school year is Thursday, May 16th at 6:30pm.
Thank you for your support!
Casey McDonough
MESA Treasurer
Family Resources & Opportunities
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photo of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
Getting Ready for the Readathon
Hawk Helpers
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405