Cabot School - Newsletter
March 14, 2025
Principal's Corner
Dear Cabot Community,
As we start thinking about The Vermont Comprehensive Assessment Program (VTCAP), I want to remind parents and students that we want to make sure we are taking these assessments seriously and trying our very best on all assessments. No one really enjoys standardized assessments, but these assessments play a part in shaping our Vermont education and are used at the Agency of Education.
I encourage all students in the next few weeks to:
- Get a lot of rest,
- Read all directions and questions slowly and carefully
- Examine every choice before choosing your answer
- Leave the hard problems for last
- Always look closely at charts, graphs, maps, and pictures
- X out (get rid of) answers that cannot be right
- Exhale and take deep breathes
- Double check everything
Thank you for being such a strong and supportive community. As always, we appreciate your partnership in making this a successful year for all.
We are truly fortunate to call Cabot home!
Have a great weekend,
Dr. Jennifer Blake, Principal
Hello Everyone!
We do have only 3 months left of school, and we need to be as productive as possible in our teaching and learning. I have 3 points below I would like to share so we can help our students to be successful.
We all need to reset our minds so that the extra week is part of the regular school year. With Spring “fever” it will not be easy to keep our student's minds focused on school work.
High School students need to work relentlessly to complete their assignments on a weekly basis. We will encourage and motivate our HS students by keeping them after school if necessary and using ski trips or other outings as make-up days. We will communicate with parents in advance in case your child is behind and needs to stay. If we work together, we can make sure our Highschhoolers receive their credit and are prepared for next school year.
When students are absent from school, they fall behind. Please make sure your children attend school unless they are sick, and arrive at school on time in the morning.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Eric Nelis, Interim Assistant Principal
If you are interested in subbing in our school, please come to office and see Jennifer Tidd.
After School Program
Reminder that there is NO afterschool programming next week for March 19, March 20, or March 21.
Girls on the Run will begin next week starting on Monday.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Kiley at kiley.boyd@ccsuvt.net.
Each week one student from every elementary classroom is celebrated as “Husky of the Week.” This is our way to recognize individuals for demonstrating Cabot’s core values: Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance. These values tie directly to our Habits of Character and inform our Habits of Learning– a throughline connecting all of our students across campus.
Yearbook Change
We were going to use an online platform for yearbook purchases, but realize that they are charging more than we would like to charge families. So, instead we will be purchasing them and selling them at school when they arrive for $20.00.
If you have already paid for a yearbook online, we have your order and will be refunding you for the difference.
Expected delivery date is: June 9th
We will be adding more pictures soon for the spring after school club session.
Look What We are Up To!
PreK News -
Thank you, for continuing to send outdoor gear and boots as our weather decides which season we are in daily.
As a reminder, if your child has a change in their Dismissal plan, the CLASSROOM along with Jennifer Tidd needs to know. This can be done by email, in person or over the phone. Our classroom number is 802-563-2289 extension 210.
We hope you have an amazing weekend and are able to enjoy the warmer temperatures!
Kira & Nichole
Oreo spending time with a PM Group friend.
Snow angels and sand shovels
SAVE THE DATE - Cabot Preschool Registration
Grade 5 & 6 News -
Our fifth and sixth grade students have been transported back in time to the era of the American Revolution. As part of our ongoing PBL unit, students selected a colonial character from one of the original colonies, complete with a job and backstory. From a Patriot farmer from Massachusetts to a Loyalist governor from Virginia, our students have been digging deep to research what life was like for everyday people living during this pivotal moment in American history. Students even dressed the part in Colonial Tricorn Hats and Bonnets.
6th Grade RWW pictured above,
6th Grade RWW pictured bottom right.
From Cooking Around the World
Students are thriving sharing their presentations about cooking from different countries.
Our campus was brightened up this week by beautiful sidewalk chalk art!
Peacham Library Art Show
I am excited to announce that Cabot School is participating once again in the annual Peacham Library Art Show. We have only a few spots but please congratulate the following students for this honor and show up on Sunday, March 16th from4-6pm for the reception! Congratulations Nora Churchill 8th grade, Desmond Raynor 4th grade, River Thibault 10th grade, Molly Paire 9th grade, Ryan Goodrich 7th grade, Madison Charette 8th grade, and Chloe Dunham10th grade. Below is the poster and information.
From the Agency of Education
Dear Superintendents and Heads of School:
Please see the below information issued by the Vermont Department of Health regarding current measles outbreaks throughout the United States. The Vermont Department of Health has shared this information to their network of school health contacts. Please pass this information on to relevant school leadership:
The Vermont Department of Health (VDH) has confirmed a case of measles in the state. The Department has developed a Measles Messaging Toolkit to support schools in understanding and responding to potential cases. The Measles Messaging Toolkit provides sample communication resources that can be shared with parents, caregivers, and staff. These materials include key information on measles, the importance of vaccination especially before traveling outside of the U.S., and guidance on what to do in case of exposure or if symptoms of measles occur.
Please use and customize these resources as needed for newsletters, email lists, mailings, and other communication channels to help keep your school community informed and protected. For more information, please visit the Vermont Department of Health website.
Zoie Saunders, M.Ed.
Join Our Baseball Team – Let's Start a Tradition Together!
Dear CCSU Student-Athletes,
We are excited to have the opportunity to get back onto the baseball diamond this spring! After a year without a team, we’re looking to create something special– we’re kicking off a brand-new chapter of baseball with a renewed spirit, bringing together the proud athletic traditions of Cabot, Danville, and Twinfield.
Our focus isn’t just on winning games, but on developing skills, building friendships, and bringing the energy, pride, and excitement back to the diamond. Together, we’ll build a team that stands for hard work, perseverance, and most importantly, teamwork. Let’s create a tradition that will last for years to come.
Whether you're an experienced player or someone eager to try the sport, we welcome all to join us in this new beginning. If you have a passion for baseball or are simply looking for a new challenge, come out and join us. Bring your enthusiasm, energy, and willingness to learn.
Important Details:
Spring Sports Registration
Sign up for CCSU Spring Sports here: Sign-Ups
Season Start Dates:
Pitchers and Catchers- March 17th
Full Team- March 24th
Practices will be held in the Danville Gym until we can get out to the Danville Town Field
Transportation from Cabot and Twinfield is available
We can’t wait to see new faces and make this season one to remember. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Nick DeCaro at: nick.decaro@ccsuvt.net
Let’s bring the tradition of baseball back to life—together!
Best regards,
Coach Nick DeCaro
March Breakfast Menu
March Lunch Menu
Guidance Corner -
Danville College + Career Fair
We have been invited to attend a College + Career Fair at Danville School on March 20th at 8:30 am. This event is not mandatory, but we encourage all HS students to attend. Please contact Jackie Batten if you have not received a permission slip for this event!
Application is now open for the 2025 Health & Medicine Institute North, a summer health careers exploration program for students in grades 9, 10, and 11, presented by the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont and the Northern Vermont Area Health Education Center. https://giv.org/summer-institutes/health-medicine/. Participants will experience a wide variety of health and medical careers and earn certifications by learning hands-on skills with the guidance of practicing professionals. The application deadline is March 31.
The Driver Safety + Training class will now start March 18th and go to the end of the year. Students will meet each Tuesday after school at 3:00. Students must have a permit to enroll in the class. If a student does not have a permit, they must wait until the next school year to take the class. There are no exceptions to this rule. It comes directly from the AOE.
Summer Dual Enrollment Registration
Students have access to two vouchers starting the summer after their 10th-grade year! Here are some benefits of dual enrollment:
- Less time required after high school to finish a college degree
- Provides students with a head start on college
- Often, dual enrollment students save money on tuition
More information can be found here: https://education.vermont.gov/student-learning/flexible-pathways/dual-enrollment
CCV’s Early College (EC) program allows rising Vermont high school seniors to spend their entire senior year at CCV earning college credits, finishing their high school diploma, and getting a jump on a college degree, tuition free! After EC, the Free Degree Promise covers a second year at CCV, allowing students to earn an associate degree at no cost.
Join staff and current students for an open house and hear more about these programs, explore the application process, learn about financial aid, and get inspired by these amazing opportunities!
Virtual Information Session:Tuesday, March 25 at 6:00 PM
In-person Open Houses:Tuesday, April 1 at 4:00 PM at CCV Montpelier
Thursday, April 17 at 4:00 PM at CCV Winooski
Tuesday, April 29 at 4:00 PM at CCV Battleboro
To register, visit https://admissions.ccv.edu/portal/ECopportunities
Upcoming Events
- March 18 - Grades 7-12 Bolton Skiing 8:00-3:30
- March 19 - Grades 5&6 to Craftsbury 8:00-12:00
- March 20 - High School College Fair in Danville
- March 20 - Early Release - Students dismissed at 12:00
- March 21 - NO SCHOOL, Teacher Inservice Day
- March 21 - Quarter 3 ends
- March 26 - Grades K, 7&8 to Craftsbury 8:00-12:00
- March 28- Grades 7-12 Bolton Skiing 8:00-3:30
TENTATIVE LAST STUDENT DAY OF SCHOOL - June 17th, dismissal time to be determined.
Community Opportunities:
Cabot Public Library - Upcoming Youth Programs
No D&D 2/25 - Dungeons and Dragons (ages 9 - 13) - Ongoing - Tuesdays, 3:30 - 5:00 pm - Join Losada Stoddard as DM. Learn how to build a Dungeons and Dragons character, and then set out on your Adventures. No experience necessary! Come for the mysteries and magic, tails and talons, puzzles and prophecies! Snacks provided. New members are welcome anytime!
Story and Activity Time (ages birth - 5+) - Ongoing - Wednesdays, 10:30 - 11:30 am - Willey Building 3rd Floor - Join youth librarian Amanda Otto for stories, songs, snacks, crafts and open play! All are welcome!
Extended through March! Chess and Checkers Club (ages 6+) - Wednesdays, February 26th, March 12th & 26th, 2:30 - 4:00 pm - Drop in to play chess and checkers with other kids and special guest players. Don't know how to play? No worries, we will teach you! Younger kids interested in learning to play are welcome with adult supervision. Popcorn provided.
Build a Bluebird House Workshop- Saturday, March 15th - 12:30 - 2:30 pm - The Eastern Bluebird is one of Vermont's most beloved birds. Nest boxes can help bring these birds to your yard. This is a hands-on workshop for ages 6 and up, materials and tools provided. A short history of the birds, as well as tips for placement will be provided. Special thanks to the Conservation Committee, Cabot Trails Committee and Larrabee's Building Supply for their collaboration and donation. Registration required - please email amandaotto.cabotlibrary@gmail
School Day & Dismissal Times
Monday: 8:20am - 3:00pm
Tuesday: 8:20am - 3:00pm
Wednesday: 8:20am - 2:10pm
Thursday: 8:20am - 3:00pm
Friday: 8:20am - 3:00pm
Important People & Contact Information
Dr. Jennifer Blake, Interim Principal jennifer.blake@ccsuvt.net
Eric Nelis, Interim Assistant Principal eric.nelis@ccsuvt.net
Jennifer Tidd, Executive Assistant jennifer.tidd@ccsuvt.net
Jackie Batten, Upper Elementary Guidance Counselor jackie.batten@ccsuvt.net
Lauren Cleary, Lower Elementary Guidance Counselor lauren.cleary@ccsuvt.net