Elms Monthly Parent Newsletter
February 2025
Greetings Elms families. 2025 off to a great start and all students finished up their first semester last month. I hope you were please with your child's last report card. If you have areas of concern, I encourage you to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher to gather more information about their progress at school.
The start of a new year brings with it renewed energy and enthusiasm and I know that the Elms staff is eager to work with all of you hand in hand to ensure a successful and fulfilling educational experience for your children. I highly encourage effective ongoing communication between instructional staff and families. We practice a team mindset at Elms and want every parent to be a part of their child's educational journey. We look forward to seeing you at Elms in every capacity that is available ranging from volunteering in classrooms, on field trips, or schoolwide activities.
As we move into the second semester, I would like to stress the importance of your involvement in your child's learning experience at home as well. Setting aside time for homework, engaging in meaningful conversations about their day, and cultivating a love for reading, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education and the arts are integral aspects of reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom. Your encouragement and support play a significant role in shaping your child's attitude toward learning.
Thank you for working together with us as we continue to try and pursue the absolute best learning experience for your child. Here's to a successful and rewarding second semester, filled with excitement, achievement, and wonder!
Monthly Activities
Popcorn Fridays
February 6th, 20th
PTA Meeting
The next PTA Meeting will be held on February 10th at 7:00 pm. Please join our PTA and attend the meetings the second Monday of each month.
6th Grade Valentine's Day Roller Skating Field Trip
February 13th, 2025, 9:15 am - 1:30 pm - Rollhaven: Saginaw Rd, Flint
Valentine's Day Celebrations
Schoolwide parties will take place on February 14th.
Half day of School
February 14th - 12:15 dismissal
No School
February 17th
Early Dismissal
February 19th. Students will dismiss at 2:05 pm
Elms Lock-In
February 28th
4:00 - 7:00 pm
Black History Month
February is Black History Month. Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It has received official recognition from governments in the United States and Canada, and more recently has been observed in Ireland and the United Kingdom. It began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African Diaspora. It is celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, while in Ireland and the United Kingdom it is observed in October.
The link below a Black History Month Library compiled through the Genesee Intermediate School District.
Valentine's Day Parties will take place on February 14th. 6th Graders will go on their annual Roller-Skating Party on February 13 out Rollhaven in Flint located on the outskirts of Grand Blanc. Look for more information being sent home from your child teachers pertaining to Valentine's Day Celebrations!
Below is a link to Rollhaven's website:
Rollhaven Skating Center | Birthday Parties | Roller Skating | Private Events
Mid-Winter Break
Mark your calendars for our upcoming mid-winter break! This year, the break will begin on Friday, February 14th with only a half day of school and dismissal taking place at 12:15 p.m. There is no school on Monday, February 17th.
Elms Recess Policy
Just a quick reminder that all students participate in outdoor recess during the school day. Elms policy states that all children will go outdoors when the temperature and/ or wind chill is 0 degrees or above. It also states that if a child is well enough to attend school, the child is well enough to participate in all school activities, including recess. Exceptions will be considered for students returning to school from an extended illness of three or more days or those students with a doctor's notice. All other students will be expected to participate in outdoor recess at all times. Please be sure your child has dressed appropriately in a warm coat, hat, mittens and gloves!
Late Student Drop Off
The front of the bus is reserved for bus drop off in the mornings until about 9:15 am.
Looking Ahead
Elms 3rd Grade Play
March 4th - Beginning at 6:30 pm, FHS Auditorium
Parent Teacher Conferences
March 11th - 4:15 - 8:00 pm
Elms & District Spelling Bee
Elms Bee - March 13th- Grades 4th, 5th, & 6th
9:30 am Elms Music Room
District Bee - March 20th 4th - 9:45 am, 5th 10:30 am, 6th 11:00 am (FHS) Auditorium
Make-up day March 21st
Popcorn Fridays
March 6th & 20th
Half Day of School
March 9th - 12:15 pm dismissal
PTA Meeting
March 10th - 7:00 pm
Elms Talent Show
March 17th Dress Rehearsal FHS Auditorium 5:30 - 7:30 pm
March 18th - Talent Show 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Early Dismissal
March 19th - 2:05 pm