Updates From D91 Supt. LaOrange
September Updates: Week of Sept. 4
From The Supt's Desk:
This year, Idaho Falls School District 91 is focusing on working with Courage, Compassion, and Conviction. These three guiding values will define our work and efforts to find solutions to challenges. Courage will guide our work as we analyze information to determine needs. Compassion will keep everyone focused on the individual needs of students. Conviction will engage us in monitoring learning and making adjustments to instruction when needed. Let’s take a closer look at Courage.
Courage means we will use information and data to inform our work. Data is more than test scores. Daily practice assignments, projects, quizzes, essays, and other classroom activities are examples of data teachers might use to inform their work. As teachers work with Courage, they will analyze these different sources of data to determine if students are meeting standards established by the state of Idaho. Acting in Courage is the first step in determining what our students already know and what areas they may need more help and assistance to learn.
Each Friday morning, schools in Idaho Falls School District 91 start one hour late to enable teachers to analyze student learning data. This work requires Courage. It is the first step to identify what students know and need to learn. It is an honor to partner with you and the teachers across the district as we determine the need of our students and work diligently to help them learn.
Meet Some Of D91's New Leadership Team
Andrea Williams
Thomas Kennedy
As D91's Director of Intervention & Support, Thomas Kennedy oversees the district's federal programs, including the migrant program. He also oversees interventions for students who may need additional support to be successful.
Tito Paredes
As D91's Director of Technology, Tito Paredes oversees the district's technology department, which takes care of our tech infrastructure, hardware and software. The department also makes sure the 12,000+ computers, laptops and tablets that students use are running.
New ELA Curriculum Focuses On Reading & Writing
The district's new English Language Arts curriculum will help D91's elementary students build a strong foundation in reading and writing. The new CKLA/ELA program by Amplify provides clear instruction in basic reading skills. It is also recognized for helping students build the content knowledge -- vocabulary, facts and principles -- they need to be successful.
In grades K-2, students receive about 2.5 hours of instruction in English Language Arts every day. These lessons focus on foundational skills such as phonics, grammar, spelling and writing. Time is also spent helping students build general knowledge. In grades 3-6, the daily lessons focus on helping students build knowledge about the world around them through reading, word study, spelling, grammar and writing.
The CKLA/ELA program by Amplify was adopted by the board last year after a yearlong review process. It was chosen because of its strong alignment to the science of reading and Idaho's new English Language Arts standards. Click here to learn how you can help your child at home.
We Are #D91Proud!
A shoutout to Kaycee Warnberg! Kaycee is the senior class president at Skyline High School, but she is also one of the state's four regional student government representatives, representing student councils in Region 5-6, planning the state conference and more.
School Board Paperwork Due TODAY!
D91's Zone 3, 4 and 5 seats are up for election in November. Those interested in running must turn in their paperwork by 5 pm TODAY, Sept. 8. Learn more and download candidacy applications.
We are #D91Proud!
Congratulations to Vanessa Causey! Vanessa is a member of IFHS' Hope Squad, and she was just selected to serve on the Hope Squad National Council. In that role, Vanessa will be working with more than 30,000 Hope Squad students across the nation and the world.
Important Dates In September:
- Every Friday! D91 schools start an hour later than normal so teachers can collaborate on student achievement.
- Sept. 13: Board Business Meeting, 5:30 pm, IFHS Media Center
- Sept. 15: IFHS Homecoming Parade
- Sept. 22: Emotion Bowl, Ravsten Stadium, 7 pm KickOff
- Sept. 26: Board Work Session, 4 pm, D91 District Office
- Oct. 5-6: No School!, State & District Professional Development
- Oct. 13: Skyline Homecoming Parade
CTEC Students Have More Ways To Earn Certifications
As part of its ongoing efforts to prepare students for success after high school, D91's Career-Technical Education Center has been focused on helping students earn industry certifications that will give them an edge in today's job market.
Through a brand new two-year alliance with the U.S. Dept. of Labor, CTEC students in D91's trades programs such as welding, industrial mechanics, construction and law enforcement will have the chance to earn OSHA certifications.
"We are very excited about this agreement, which is one of the first with high schools in eastern Idaho," said CTEC Coordinator Beverly Hott. "The alliance will provide students with more opportunities to gain the skills, certifications and hands-on experience they need to land a good-paying career when they graduate from high school."
In addition, more than 140 CTEC students worked on earning their CPR certifications this week. Earning the CPR certification is a requirement for the certified nursing assistant, pharmacy tech, fire fighting, law enforcement and emergency medical technician programs, but the training also gives students a valuable life-saving skill.
New Conference Dates!
Parent-Teacher Conference dates have changed. Middle school and high school conferences will be held on Oct. 10 and Oct. 17. Elementary conferences will be held on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. See the 2023-24 Calendar
Testing In September
Reading and math skills are being assessed this month. K-3 students are doing IRI testing, while students in 4-8 are doing IStation testing. Students in K-8 also are taking part in iReady testing to assess their math skills. These tests give teachers data they need to create individualized programs to help students grow.
New School Update!
At next week's board meeting, trustees are expected to announce where the new elementary school will be built on Idaho Falls' south side. They are also expected to finalize the design services contract.
Kudos to Kiddos! Decrease In Chromebook Repairs
A shoutout to Eagle Rock and Taylorview students for taking such good care of their Chromebooks.
Last year, the D91 Tech Department started a new program that assigns each 7th grader a brand new Chromebook with a case, and that device stays with the student until they graduate from high school or leave the district. The goal was for students to develop a sense of ownership so they would take better care of the devices, cutting costs.
The program has been a huge success. In 2021-22, the district spent more than $100,000 on repairs to student devices. Last year, the district spent less than $30,000, a tremendous savings considering the fact D91 has more than 12,000 individual devices being used by students across the district.
What Is An Evacuation Drill?
The fire or evacuation drill is one of the most common drills conducted during the school year. The goal of any evacuation is to move students in a safe and orderly fashion to an on-site or off-site evacuation area when they need to leave the building in case of a fire alarm, report of smoke, gas leak or other hazardous conditions.
Whenever a school conducts a drill or experiences an emergency situation, the district texts parents and provides updates as information becomes available. To receive these texts, parents should make sure their contact information is current in PowerSchool. Questions? Check with school staff or pick up one of D91's School Safety Protocol flyers.
Grizz Sports News!
Congrats to Skyline's athletes of the week --Macy Marlow and Edgar Ramos. Macy scored a hat trick last week in her soccer game against Blackfoot. Edgar, a player on the boys soccer team, was nominated for his "consistent effort, his determination, and his valuable teamwork."
In sports action this weekend, the Grizz football team faces Thunder Ridge in the annual Berger Bowl at Ravsten Stadium. Kickoff is 7 TONIGHT. The girls and boys soccer teams play Shelley TODAY with varsity games beginning at 6 p.m. Skyline's runners will take part in the Tiger-Grizz Cross Country meet starting at 1 pm TODAY at Freeman Park. On Saturday, there's the Skyline Invite Swim Meet beginnin at 8 am at the Aquatic Center. Click here for all the latest Grizz athletic news!
Tiger Sports News!
The Tigers volleyball team looks to continue their hot play after beating Blackfoot at their home opener this week. They will compete in the Triple Threat Showcase at Thunder Ridge TODAY and Saturday.
IFHS' runners will be competing in the Tiger-Grizz track meet TODAY with races starting at 11 am. The football team will be up in Madison TONIGHT with a 7 pm kickoff. IFHS swim also will be competing TONIGHT starting at 6 at the Aquatic Center.
On Saturday, the Tigers soccer teams face Bonneville. The boys have the home game at Ravsten Stadium starting at 11 am. The girls will play at Bonneville starting at 11 am. Click here for all the latest Tigers athletic news & updates.
Are You Ready?
Pay For Lunch w/D91App
D91 Needs Subs!
Want to make a difference? D91 is looking for substitute teachers. Starting rates range from $13.33 to $14.26 with bonuses. Come and join our team. (Click on Employment Opportunities)
Need Help? Consider Free Parent Coaching
One of the FREE services available to parents through D91's partnership with ParentGuidance.org is "Coaching for Parents."
If you need someone to talk to about the challenges of parenting, consider a parenting coach. This FREE parent coaching service includes: weekly calls with a coach, 24/7 texting with 24-hour response, step-by-step resources, tools & tips to help you parent and confidential help.
To learn more and register for coaching, go to the ParentGuidance.org website .