Central Elementary School
September 2023 Newsletter
2023/2024 at Central Elementary School is off to a great start. Kids are getting into the swing of new routines and the cooler temps are enjoyed by us all. Our gym floor renovation project is complete and looks awesome! Four square grids were added for indoor recess and PE class use. Fun things ahead - so please take a look at the important date section, as well as classroom specific information from your child's teacher. As a friendly reminder, our parking lot off Howard Street is reserved for Central Staff ONLY. Please park on Grove or State Street when dropping off and picking up your child. As always, please get familiar with our policies listed below to help us with a smooth transition into another great school year!!
Start of School Information
Doors open for students at 8:00 am. School starts at 8:10 am. Kindergarten and first grade students are to be dropped off at our front entrance on State Street. Second through fifth grade students will utilize our Grove Street entrance. If you have a kindergartener and/or first grade student IN ADDITION TO a second through fifth grade student, you are welcome to drop off and pick up on State Street. Parents will say goodbye at the door and students will go straight to their lockers to put their things away before coming into the classroom. Staff members will be inside to greet and assist students at both entrances, as well as at the bus loop. Please review our attendance policy (below) for important information.
Dismissal Information
Central Elementary has a staggered dismissal;
Kindergarten - 2:55 pm
First grade - 3:00 pm
Second through fifth grade - 3:05 pm
Please note that parents are not allowed in the school during dismissal. If you need to meet with your child's teacher or school administration, please reach out to them individually to schedule a meeting.
Parent Volunteers
The Central PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is a wonderful way to get involved with fun activities for the school. There will also be opportunities to volunteer in your child's classroom working with small groups or stations, helping with classroom parties, and more. Please know that it is up to the teacher to establish volunteer needs per classroom.
Student Medication
If your child needs medication (daily and/or as needed) while at school, it must be signed into the office. Please contact the office for forms and procedure. Thank you.
Spirit Week at Central Elementary School
Homecoming Week is Spirit Week at Central
September 25th - 29th
Monday - Mismatch Monday
Tuesday - Tropical Tuesday
Wednesday - Wacky Pattern Wednesday
Thursday - Game Day Gear Thursday (sports team)
Friday - Petoskey Pride Friday (blue and white)
Central Garden
Recess Fun
Fourth Grade - Flywheeler Field Trip
Meet Mrs. Greene - Student Support Specialist
Mrs. Greene is in her second year as our Student Support Specialist. We are so excited that she is here at Central full-time. Mrs. Greene will be teaching social-emotional lessons (SEL) in the classrooms, leading SEL small groups, and meeting one-on-one with students for individual support. She loves getting to know all the students at Central and being part of the Petoskey community.
Meet Miss Amanda - Alcona Therapist
Amanda Stanek is our Alcona Behavioral Health Services Therapist located at Central Elementary. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), with experience involving social skills, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and family issues. This is her fifth school year at Central. If your child is struggling with mental health issues, please reach out to her directly at 231-412-6452.
October 2nd Custodian Appreciation Day
Monday, October 2nd is Custodian Appreciation Day!!
Here at Central we have two custodians, Garfield Forbes (day time) and Josiah Fettig (night time). These two individuals play a key role in running our school. They do thankless jobs that make our school, staff and students shine. Please help us celebrate their hard work on Monday, October 2nd. Cards of appreciation and small gifts of gratitude are welcome.
Thank you Garfield and Josiah!!
Friday, September 22nd - Picture Day
Sept. 25th - Sept. 29th - Spirit Week at Central
Friday, September 29th - Homecoming
Monday, October 2nd - Custodian Appreciation Day
Wednesday, October 4th - Central Run-a-thon
Tuesday, October 17th - Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 19th - Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, October 20th - No School For Students (staff PD day)
Central Elementary School
410 State Street
Petoskey, MI 49770
(231) 348-2110