Thursday, Sept.10, 2020
Theme 1, Week 1, Day 3
7:30-8:05 Arrival/Breakfast
8:05-8:10 Transition to Carpet
On The Rug
8:10-8:15 Greeting Circle
Rise and Shine
Morning Stretch - Great Way to Start Your Day - Morning Stretch - Click Show More
8:15-8:35 Circle Time
Find a spot on the carpet
Wish You Well
Calming Strategy STAR
Preschool Pledge of Allegiance - LittleStoryBug
Texas Pledge of Allegiance
Teaching Classroom Rules
This week we will be learning classroom rules. You will need to introduce rules to follow for your school day.
I Can Follow the Rules Song | Music for Classroom Management
Routines to Work On
1. Putting on masks
2. Washing hands
3. Coughing and sneezing into your elbow
4. Walking in a line
5. Staying in your space (6 ft. apart)
6. Sitting Criss Cross on the floor
7. Sitting in a chair with feet in front of you
ABC Hip Hop with Ah-Choo
Shawn Brown - ABC's (Lyric Video)
8:35-8:50 Math/Science
Sorting attributes
Begin learning about attributes (descriptive words). Talk about words that describe your child: what they are wearing, how they look...
Attribute Game:
- Gather 5 items
- Talk about how you would describe each item
- Then take turns describing an item and see if the other person can guess what they are describing
Sorting by Attribute for Kindergarten and Preschoolers
8:50-9:00 Music/Movement
Koo Koo Kanga Roo - I Get Loose (Dance-A-Long)
Tooty Ta | Hip Hop Tooty Ta | Tooty Ta Hip Hop | Tooty Ta Song | Brain Breaks | Jack Hartmann
9:00-9:45 Small Groups/Centers
Learning the letters of your name
- Name puzzle
Switch at 9:20
9:50-10:00 Interactive Activity
10:00-10:15 Restroom/ Line up for Recess
10:15-10:30 Recess
10:30-11:00 Outdoor Learning
Cat and Mouse
Dog and Bone
Duck, Duck, Goose
Drop the Handkerchief
11:00-11:30 Lunch
11:30-12:00 Brush Teeth/Restroom/Story online
Sesame Street: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush PSA
12:00-1:00 Nap
Rise and Shine (R&B Remix)
1:00-1:15 Snack
1:15-1:45 PE
1:45-1:55 Restroom/Water Break
1:55-2:10 Read a Loud
Read the Book This Way to Pre-K!
- Talk about what an author does(writes the words), what the illustrator does(draw the pictures), point to the title(name of the book).
- Stop occasionally while reading to ask your child if they remember what happens next.
- Introduce the vocabulary word: Respect- being courteous to others. Give examples of being courteous.
See It, Say It, Sign It | American Sign Language Alphabet Song | ASL ABCs | Jack Hartmann
2:10-2:20 Wrap-Up Circle Time
2:20-2:30 Get Backpacks/Prepare for Dismissal
Brain Breaks ♫ Action Songs for Children ♫ Goodbye Song ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station