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The OTMS website has current information about what’s going on at school. It is also a great reference point for information about the district in general OTMS website
See the OTMS website for staff lists by grade, subject or name. This is where you can find email addresses for staff members. Staff Directory
The school day starts at 7:51. Doors will be locked until 7:15, so if students arrive earlier, they will need to wait outside. Students are considered tardy if they are not seated in their classroom at by 7:51. School is dismissed at 3:00. There is no supervision after school for students who are not involved in a school sponsored activity, so students need to be picked up promptly. Class and lunch schedules can be found on the daily bell schedule. Bell Schedule
If your student is absent from school, leaving early, or arriving late you must notify the Attendance Office (not teachers or staff member). Call 913-239-5401, or report it on ParentVue.
Blue Valley contracts with Durham for all bus services. Please contact them directly to sign up for bus services at 913-681-2492. This is a link to the transportation website. Transportation link We highly recommend you sign up for Durhams’s textcaster messages which will inform you of late busses, number changes etc. Textcaster link
Cell phones are not allowed during the school day and should stay in the students’ locker or powered off in the student's backpack during the day (or classroom caddy within each of their classes). Earbuds and air pods should stay in the locker and may be used in class ONLY when directed by teacher for learning purposes.
Canvas is the system used for student access to classes, assignments, individual grades and teacher messages. Your student must grant you access to their Canvas account for you to see their information. If your student misses school, this is where they should check for make up work. Canvas Link
All school fees (registration and individual course fees) are paid via ParentVue. There are also optional fees for yearbooks, PTO membership, etc If you do not order a yearbook by the January deadline, your student will not receive one! Your ParentVue account is also where your contact information is located and where report cards are posted each quarter. If you have more than 1 child in Blue Valley, you can access all your children from your account. ParentVue Login
Every OTMS student is issued a Chromebook for school use. Charge it every night and bring it to school every day. Leave the charging cord at home. Click here for ChromeBook Troubleshooting 101 . For any other problems, please visit the library for support.
6th grade students will get their class schedule on the 6th grade orientation on August 12th. All students will be able to view their class schedule on ParentVue on the day before school begins. All students will have 4 core classes (math, science, social studies and English/Language Arts). The elective classes are determined based on what the student put on the enrollment form and what is available based on the master schedule. All students will have PE for 1 semester (either fall or spring). Proper shoes are required to participate in PE.
Students will practice locker combinations a lot during the first week of school. They will also have the opportunity to try them out at Falcon Take Off on August 5. During the school day, students will have limited opportunities to visit their locker (at lunch and before and after school) Have your student keep their combination in a safe place in case they forget it. Please limit the amount of locker decorations as when they get too full they are prone to jam. Students are not allowed to decorate the outside of their lockers. Please remind students to lock their lockers and not share their combinations so that items don’t go missing.
Students may bring backpacks to/from school but they should not have wheels due to space and for safety due to the busy and congested hallways. Students will carry backpacks with them throughout the day.
Each grade level requests families purchase school supplies prior to the beginning of school in August. A list for each grade level can be found on the OTMS website. Registration Page
If your student forgets an item, you may drop it off at the front office. Please make sure it is clearly labeled with your student’s name. If a student knows you will be dropping off an item, they should come by the office between classes. We want to limit classroom disruptions whenever possible.
Blue Valley uses a system called LINQ to manage your student’s lunch account. This account will follow your student from 1 school to another. You will need to create an account and access it via the web or down the app on your phone. Meal Account Link
OTMS has 2 counselors that work with students. They are divided based on students’ last names. Mrs. Quinn has students with last names starting with A-L and Mr. Lual has students with last names M-Z.
Grades for individual assignments and tests can be found on Canvas. You can look at each class for a list of upcoming homework, quizzes and tests that will or have received a grade. Report cards are posted to ParentVue at the end of each quarter.
There are many athletic teams at OTMS. Click on the sport to see which grade levels may participate. Athletic link In order to participate, students must have a physical 24-25 physical form on file dated after May 1, 2024. Then all information needs to be uploaded to rSchool before a student can participate.
There are so many clubs and activities at OTMS! Clubs vary by year and are dependent on student interest and sponsors. Students may form a new club if they find a staff sponsor and get approved by administration. Activities Page
The OTMS Parent Teacher Organizations puts on student events like our Falcon Activity Nights (FAN) . They also support the staff and school with generous gifts, donations and treats throughout the year. OTMS PTO Website
In the morning, you can only enter front lot making a right hand turn. Cars should follow the loop and pull as far ahead as possible. Students should exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. Do not drop off on 133rd, in the parking lot or at the back of the school. After school, use the same loop. Do not use the back (which is for busses) Students are free to leave at dismissal. We do not escort students to meet rides like at the elementary school.
Each week we put out a newsletter called the Falcon Flyer. It usually comes out on Friday afternoons. We encourage you to read it. It is full of the latest information that is important to our families.