CES June Newsletter
Thank you for a great school year!
Important Dates
Toiletry Collection (Donation to Corinth Community Cupboard): May 28th-June 10th
Buy A Flag Day Coloring Sheet for 25 cents (Donation to Corinth Emergency Services): June 3rd-June 7th
Field Day: June 6th (rain date: June 13th)
Board of Education Meeting: June 10th @6pm
Fourth Grade Band Concert: June 11th @6:30pm
Hometown Hero Breakfast: June 14th @9am
Flag Day Ceremony: June 14th @9:30am (WEAR RED, WHITE, & BLUE)
Color Fun Run: June 15th
Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL: June 19th
Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony: June 21st
UPK Sliding Into K: June 25th at 9am
June Half Days: June 20th, 21st, 24th & 25th
Last Day: June 25th
Save the Date for the Back to School Fair
August 27th from 4-6pm
This event is open to all Corinth Students benefiting from free school supplies, haircuts, children's books, hygiene supplies and other resources offered through the CARE Committee.
RSVP for this event will be required. Watch the CSD Facebook Page and District Website for more information in mid summer!
Support CES with Box Tops!
May 2024 Attendance Rate: 93.75%
Thank you!!!
Thank you to Wild Birds Unlimited, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, The Pennington Company, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Aulman & Nolan Willoughby for their contributions to the Wild Birds Mini Course. The group of 12 second graders loved the class!
CES Reading Databases
Check it out!
The Best Book I've Ever Read Poster Winners!
1st Place: Iris Rogers
2nd Place: Ada Northup
3rd Place: Waylon Semzock
Corinth Free Library Summer Reading Program
Parent Reading Resource
Read Aloud
Mindful Breathing Activity
See the chart below for immunization guidelines from NYS DOH.
Physicals are required for the students entering UPK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11th grades.
June Menus: Let's Eat!
School Bus Drivers Needed
Looking for the same school vacations and summer break as your children? Become a school bus driver! Schedule a test drive today! Call 518-654-2231 or email routing@corinthcsd.org