Board Report - 8/16/24

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This is a summary of the Pasco School District Board Meeting on August 13, 2024.
View the School Board Meeting Online
PSD Superintendent Evaluation Training
Thomas Alsbury, Professor at Northwest University and President of Balanced Governance Solutions, presented a training session for the board on conducting a Superintendent evaluation during a Study Session.
Mr. Alsbury covered the concept of balanced governance and its importance in conducting effective Superintendent evaluations. He also discussed the evaluation cycle and timeline, evaluation ratings and performance indicators, a recommended evaluation tool, and recommended focus goals.
The next steps involve selecting performance targets for Superintendent Whitney’s evaluation. Dr. Alsbury will be at the study session on October 8, 2024, for training around the next steps.
Celebrating Student Achievement – Edwin Markham Elementary School
Mira Gobel, Assistant Superintendent of Schools & Social Emotional Learning, presented a board report recognizing Edwin Markham Elementary School for their achievement of growth in one or more student groups during the 2022-2023 school year.
The school was honored by the Washington School Recognition Program, a collaboration between the State Board of Education (SBE), the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), and the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight Accountability Committee (EOGOAC).
Edwin Markham Elementary School received this recognition due to the significant growth achieved in English Language Acquisition and math, reflecting their commitment to fostering academic success.
2024-2025 Adult Meal Price
Kristen Blair, Director of Nutrition Services, presented proposed 2024-2025 adult meal prices to the board. Since adult meals are not subsidized, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the USDA require an annual review to ensure prices cover the cost of meals. For the 2023-2024 school year, adult meal prices were $2.50 for breakfast and $4.50 for lunch.
Ms. Blair suggested a motion for the board to approve adjusting the adult meal prices for the 2024-2025 school year to $3.00 for breakfast and $5.00 for lunch. The board approved the motion.
Annual District Objectives
Superintendent Michelle Whitney presented a draft of Annual Objectives for the Board’s consideration as required by Policy 1630 Evaluation of the Superintendent: Annual Objectives.
The presentation allowed for Board discussion in anticipation of the August 27, 2024, board meeting, where Mrs. Whitney will request board action on Annual Objectives.
Next Board Meeting
Attend in-person, via Zoom, phone, or live-stream.