Sky Valley Education Center
August 18th, 2022 - THE Back to School Issue!
Mark Your Calendars
AUG. 30th & 31st, & SEPT. 1st & 8th - Family Orientations + Clothing & Curriculum Swap
Sept. 5th-7th - Campus Closed for Labor Day & Staff Collaboration
Sept. 8th-19th - Student Learning Plan Review & Approval
Sept. 20th - First Day of Classes!
Sept. 19th-23rd - First Weekly Contact Required
Sept. 26th - Picture Day, 9am-2pm
Have Back To School Questions?? Orientation is just around the corner!
This year orientation includes campus tours & info booths! It will be held in the large gym for an informational powerpoint. After the slideshow, you'll have ample time to access staff who will be posted at informational booths. We will also be handing out calendars and handbooks.
Information Booths at orientation include:
- Counseling Office
- WSLP help
- Canvas and Allie help
- Volunteer Info and Sign up
- Library help
- “Ask a fellow parent” booth
- Website navigation tours
Clothing & Curriculum Share Fair
We will be having a free clothing AND curriculum swap in the Gathering Room at every orientation. Bring what you can, take what you need! We will also have a limited number of backpacks and school supplies available (while supplies last).
Please feel free to drop off donations of gently used clothes or curriculum prior to the first orientation. You can bring your donations to school Friday August 26th and Monday August 29th between 8 am and 2 pm.
If you have questions, contact Anna Horky at
Parent Assignment #1: Sign up for and attend orientation
We are so excited to see all of our SVEC families. Though classes don't begin until Sept. 20th, our school ramps up soon! Before each student begins classes on campus two very important events must take place.
One of your first “assignments” as parents is to sign up for and attend the annual SVEC Parent Orientation. Orientations last approximately 1 hour and we have FOUR different sessions to choose from!
TUESDAY 8/30 @ 1:00
WEDNESDAY 8/31 @ 10:00
THURSDAY 9/1 @ 1:00
THURSDAY 9/8 @ 10:00
**We have room for 150 participants at each session, and you must sign up in advance**
Sign Up for an Orientation HERE:
Parent Assignment #2: Sign up for a learning plan consultant **if** you have a preference and are not in a specialty class or program
Besides attending an orientation session, another thing that needs to happen before your student starts classes is to have a learning plan consultant (one of our teachers) review and approve their learning plan. Your student’s learning plan is made up of the classes they are taking. If your student is in one of the following programs - we have chosen your consultant based on that program or class.
If your student is in one of the following programs - we have chosen your consultant based on that program or class, so you don't need to.
- Montessori
- Family Co-op
- InteGreated Academy
- Family Forest School
- Fundergarten
- Personalized Learning
- Book Shark
- School2Go
- Academy of Critical Thinking
If your student isn't in one of those programs or classes, we want you to have the chance to choose your consultant, if you have a preference. Please make that selection by the end of the day on Sept. 9th. After that, we will take care of that task and choose for you - which is absolutely okay too!
Pro-tip! If you choose the same consultant for all students in your family it can make life easier.
- One phone call for weekly contact!
- A go-to person for all your family needs.
- One point of communication whenever you have questions.
Sign up for a WSLP Consultant using the link below:
Learning plan FAQs:
Do I need to come in for an appointment for my learning plan? No - learning plan appointments are not going to be required again this year. Your consultant will be reviewing and approving your plan, AND they will be reaching out to connect with you to see if you have any questions. Teachers/Consultants will also have office hours available for parent drop-ins between September 8-19.
How will I know if my WSLP is approved? While your student's WSLP is being reviewed you will see a yellow 'Not Approved' alert in the upper right hand corner of the Schedule View screen.
How will I know if my WSLP (Written Student Learning Plan) has enough in it? Please see the flowchart and “Lego Man” in this newsletter to answer this question.
Sky Valley Education Center
Location: 351 Short Columbia Street, Monroe, WA, USA
Phone: 360-804-2700
Twitter: @MonroeWAschools