The Sewell Sabercats
August Newsletter
Meet and Greet Your Teacher, July 31st 1:00-3:00 pm
K-5 families, please come visit your child's classroom teacher on Wednesday, July 31st from 1:00-3:00 pm.
Kindergarten teachers: Ms. Barraza & Ms. Hanson
1st grade teachers: Ms. Dolan & Mrs. Alvarado-Wells
2nd grade: Ms. Mendoza & Ms. Ioannou
3rd grade: Ms. Petrino
4th grade: Ms. Bonsall
5th grade: Ms. Ryan
Ms. Madison, our new Preschool teacher will be contacting preschool parents to set up an orientation time with her. She will not be at the meet and greet your teacher event.
I look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday!
FREE Breakfast and Lunch
All students at Sewell receive free breakfast and lunch. Please make sure your child comes to school early to get their free breakfast. Breakfast begins at 8:00 am.
Parent Drop-off in the morning
Students can be dropped off in the front of the school, in the morning and will enter the building through the front door. Please do not drop off your child before 8:00 am, there is no adult supervision before 8:00 am.
If you enter the building in the morning with your child, you will need to sign-in and obtain a visitors pass to wear while you are on campus. This will support us with maintaining a safe environment on our campus. Thank you for your understanding.
Cones will be placed in the courtyard with your child's teachers name, to identify the area in which they will line-up to enter the building in the morning.
Parent Pick-up at the end of the day
Please be patient the first few days as we work through the parent pick-up routine.
Kindergarten parents, please pick up your child from their classroom at dismissal time.
All 1st-5th grade students will be waiting for their parents on the field, under the solar panels. When you arrive to the pick-up area your child's name is called. Students will exit through the gate, and walk on the sidewalk to their car, and enter the car from the passenger side so they are not going out into the street. Please remain in your car when picking up your child. Remember safety is key, please drive slowly.
In the passenger side window, please display your child's name on a piece of paper along with their grade level. This will assist staff members in locating your child more quickly.
Attendance or Tardy Reporting
If your child will be absent on any given day for any reason, please call our attendance line, 520-584-7200.
If your child is tardy to school, they will need to be checked-in, by a parent, in the front office before going to class.
Excellent attendance is a high priority at Sewell. Missing school can be detrimental to your child's progress. When a child is absent from school, they will need to make-up missing assignments. Please contact your child's teacher via email for make-up work.
School Supplies
All basic school supplies are provided to students (paper, pencils, crayons, etc). Teachers may have a classroom wish list. If they do, they will communicate that with the families in their classroom.
Inclusive Preschool Program: Open Seats 2024-25 school year
Your child will enjoy meaningful friendships and increase their social interaction. They will have peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills. This prepares them for adult life in an inclusive, diverse society. We know students achieve more in place of learning where every student's needs are supported by an inclusive community. Their teacher is early childhood certified, and we keep small class sizes for high-quality experiences for your child.
- Ages: 3 and 4
- must be three by August 31
- Free
- 2½ hours daily
- Morning OR afternoon session
- Classes held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Before/After School Registration
Our Before- and After School Programs offer a safe and fun place for children before school, after school, on breaks, and during the summer. Our programs engage students in various activities that include arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor games, cooking, homework help, explore through field trips, and more! Our Before- and After-School programs are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services and accept DES.
Services Cost
Before School $44.10 weekly (7:00 am - 8:00 am)
After School $81.90 weekly (after school - 6:00 pm)
Before/After School $94.50 weekly
Spots are granted in order of application, so apply soon.
Parent Volunteer
We are looking for parents who would like to volunteer at Sewell. We are looking for parents/guardians that would like to support students with reading, writing, and math. Our librarian could also use support shelving books in the morning. If you are athletic and would like to support students during lunch by playing organized sports, we could use your support teaching our students sportsmanship and staying healthy at the same time.
To volunteer at Sewell, you need to complete the TUSD Volunteer application by using the button below. It will take you to the TUSD application website. If you do not have an account, you will need to set one up. Please let us know if you need assistance, we are here to support you. 😊
Save the Date
July 31st: Meet and Greet your teacher, 1:00-3:00
August 1st: First Day of School
August 20th: Open House/Title I Night (5:00-6:00 pm)
August 21st: NO SCHOOL, Professional Learning Day
September 2nd: NO SCHOOL, Labor day
September 18-20: Parent/Teacher Conference Days (1/2 day)
October 4th: NO SCHOOL, Grading Day
School Hours
8:00 am - Earliest arrival
8:00 am - 8:25 am - Breakfast served
8:25 am - 2:35 pm - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
8:25 am - 1:35 pm - Wed (early dismissal)
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Office Phone Number: 520-584-7200