November 2024 News
Dixon County 4-H
"To Make The Best Better"
Hello, Dixon County 4-H Families!
Welcome to our new 4-H Newsletter format!
We hope this is more convenient and enjoyable for you all.
Dixon County Extension Staff
UNL Extension Dixon County
57905 866 Road
Concord, NE 68728
(402) 584-2234
Email: dixon-county@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dixon/educational-programs/dixon-county-4-h/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064661410461
4-H and Extension Calendar
Nov. 3........... Daylight Saving Time Ends – Fall Back
Nov. 11......... Veteran's Day
Nov. 12......... Coffee & Conversation, at Haskell
Nov. 14......... Master Gardener Program Informational Meeting at Dodge County Extension in Fremont, or via Zoom, 6:00 PM
Nov. 18......... Submission Deadline for
. . . . . Achievement Applications
. . . . . County Award Sheets
. . . . . Diamond Clover Forms
. . . . . Clover Kid Sheets
Nov. 18......... 4-H Council, 7:00 PM at Haskell
Nov. 19......... Volunteer Road Show is in Norfolk
Nov. 28-29.... Haskell Closed in observance of Thanksgiving Day
Dec. 2............ Extension Board Meeting, 7:15 PM at Haskell
Dec. 7............ Winter Fest, at Haskell
Dec. 10.......... Coffee & Conversation, at Haskell
Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 UNL Holiday Closedown (Haskell Offices Closed)
Dixon County 4-H 2024 High School Graduates
Austin Back
Graduate of Blair High School
Attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, studying Engineering
Recipient of a 4-H Council Scholarship
Ashlyn Boeckenhauer
Graduate of Wakefield High School
Attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
studying Animal Science and Agribusines
Recipient of a 4-H Council Scholarship
Grace Hansen
Graduate of Ponca High School
Attending South Dakota State University,
studying Animal Science Production Management
Rebeka Lipp
Graduate of Lipp Home School
Attending the Capital School of Beauty, Omaha
Isabella Mellick
Graduate of Ponca High School
Studied Floral Design through IAP Career College
Recipient of a 4-H Council Scholarship
4-H Enrollment is now OPEN!
By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment between now and June 15, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county, and state fairs. While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring. Please note:
- 4-H age is based on age as of January 1, 2025.
- Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
- Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
- Archery is the only shooting sports category in our county. If you are interested in other areas of shooting sports, please contact Wayne or Cedar Counties.
**Volunteer enrollment and screening is not open yet.
2024 Volunteer Road Show
The Volunteer Road Show is a great opportunity to experience project training and new ideas to bring back to your 4-H community. All 4-H volunteers, fair superintendents, parents/caregivers and any adult wanting to find THEIR spark while volunteering with 4-H is welcome!
The 4-H Volunteer Road Show will rotate host locations each year, get registered today at your choice of locations OR attend the virtual session!
Visit https://4h.unl.edu/volunteer-road-show for more specific information and registration link. Registration closes one week prior to each Road Show session. Registration is $15 per person and includes a meal and all supplies for in-person attendees. Virtual attendees will receive a packet of supplies to use during the program. Join us!
Haskell Happenings Newsletter
If your interested in Haskell Ag Lab events and news, you can stay up to date by subscribing to their e-newsletter! Follow the link to read past issues and subscribe to the email list.
Angela Abts
Nicole Luhr
Extension Educator - Water and Cropping Systems
Address: 57905 866 Road, Concord, NE 68728, USA
Email: nicole.luhr@unl.edu
Phone: (402) 584-3853
Monica Ebmeier
Office Manager
Address: 57905 866 Road, Concord, NE 68728, USA
Email: mebmeier2@unl.edu
Phone: (402) 584-2234
"4-H is about building better citizens, teaching values and developing the skills necessary to leading a good and profitable life. And it doesn't matter if you're from a farm environment or from a big city. 4-H worked for me and I've continued to work for it." - Orville Redenbacher, California. 1983 Alumni Winner