The Panda Post
October 25, 2024
Glenview District 34
1333 Greenwood Road
Glenview, IL 60026
Main Office (847)998-5055
Absence Calls/Health Office (847)657-2494
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, October 29
Fireman Friendly Visit for K-2 Classes
Tuesday, November 5
NO SCHOOL - Election Day
Wednesday, November 6
WB/GG PTA Meeting at Glen Grove @ 10:15 A.M.
Thursday, November 7 - SAVE THE DATE
Family Literacy Night @ 5:30PM - 7:00PM
**see attached flier
Wednesday, November 27
No School - Institute Day
Thursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29
No School - District Closed
Message From The Principal
Westbrook Families,
We are very much looking forward to next week with our Halloween parades and fall festivities. Please know that our AM preschool and PM preschool through second Grade parade will be weather dependent. These events will not be rescheduled if there is inclement weather. Fingers crossed for a beautiful day! All the information for either parade can be found below.
Please also know that only room parents assigned to this party will be able to access the building after the parade. If you are planning to attend the party, we always suggest checking in with our main office PRIOR to the parade for an easy entrance into the building after the parade. This will help ensure everyone is in the room for the start of the classroom party!
Our Family Literacy night is quickly approaching here at Westbrook. Please mark your calendars for the evening of November 7 from 5:30-7:00. This is typically a very well attended event and this year we have more sessions being offered by staff than ever before! During Literacy Night we will also have our book fair open to all families. We hope you are able to join us for a fun night of literacy activities.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Fall Parties at Westbrook
We are looking forward to our Fall parties that will take place at Westbrook on October 31.
We will again be hosting an outdoor parent parade if the weather allows. There will be two parades this year to accomodate our AM preschool students. The AM parade(preschool students only) will take place on our Preschool/Kindergarten playground and it will begin at 9:45. The PM parade will start at 2:00 and will take place in the back of the building.
Parents/guardians will need to park in the front of the building(or across Greenwood) and walk around the playground or the rear of the building. For the AM parade(preschool students only) parents will be standing on the playground surface. Students will parade around the playground. For the PM parade, parents will line up in our bus lane(this will be blocked from traffic) and students will parade by the bus lane on the sidewalk. Please arrive early as the parades will start promptly and we anticipate many families joining us so parking will be limited.
If you are attending the classroom party as a room representative, you may want to check in at the front office prior to the parade so that you may enter in through the main office quickly following the parade. Only parents that are room representatives helping will be allowed to enter the building.
As you and your students prepare for Halloween, please keep in mind our Westbrook guidelines:
- Please do not let your child bring any type of weapon, fantasy or look-alike. This includes plastic swords, fake guns, or anything that could be perceived as a weapon.
- Costumes that are violent or bloody are not allowed.
- Masks(that are part of a costume or that cover the entire face) are not allowed at school.
- For safety reasons, please be sure that your child can see and walk around easily in his/her costume.
- If you have any doubts about the appropriateness of any portion of your child’s costume, please contact your teacher or the main office and we will be glad to advise you.
- The District 34 community is fortunate to bring together families and staff who have different backgrounds, cultures and languages. It's important for students to choose Halloween costumes that help create an enjoyable and inclusive experience for all of our students.
Preschool students should plan to come to school in their costumes while kindergarten, first and second grade will be given time to change into their costumes after lunch. Please also keep in mind the amount of assistance a student should need when preparing their school costume.
Any student or family that does not want to participate in the following activities will be given alternate activities in our LRC. These activities will be the same fall themed activities provided by the PTA to all students however they will be delivered in a setting without any students wearing costumes.
Attention Kinder Families!
ReadyBodies ~ LearningMinds!
We are excited to announce that the Ready Bodies Learning Minds (RBLM) motor labs are about to begin! Students have been doing the key exercises (Superhero, Popcorn, Giraffe, Rocking Horse) to prepare to do the motor lab exercises. The Ready Bodies Learning Minds program was created to support the developmental, motor, sensory, and academic growth of ALL students. The RBLM motor lab addresses the needs of all students in task-oriented circuit training, supported by consistent, foundational exercises, offering developmental support for the sensory and motor systems. Students will be attending the lab at least once a week and learning new activities each time. They will then practice those activities throughout the week. Overall, it focuses on helping students move their bodies through space in a very specific manner to help integrate reflexes, build body awareness, and coordination that support students throughout their school day. We are grateful to the Glenview Education Foundation for their support of this program in our preschool program and Kindergarten classrooms at Henking, Lyon and Westbrook.
Family Literacy Night - Thursday, November 7th
Westbrook & Glen Grove PTA
Yoga Fundraiser - Join Us For A Fun Yoga Class & Wine After!
District 34 Important Forms and Information
2024-2025 District 34 Calendar
Click Here for the following forms:
Authorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication
Bus Rider Reminders
Cell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form
Dental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades)
Dental Exam Waiver
District Policies/Handbook Info
Eye Exam Form
Eye Exam Waiver
Food Guidelines
Health Examination Form
Westbrook School
Matt Zidron - Assistant Director of Preschool and Student Services
Martha Rode - Assistant Principal of Student Services
Website: https://wb.glenview34.org/
Location: 1333 Greenwood Road, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-657-2491