Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

November 13, 2024
BVTV Broadcast will be back on Thursday!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Darth Clurman – sub Jennifer Hoback
Eric Leach (2-4) – sub Morelle Ellison
Doug Grush – sub Dwane Smith
Keith Mickelson – sub Connor Zari
Shelbie Carson (1-2) – sub Kevin Giloni
Angela Murphy – sub Matthew Jacobs
Taja Ferranini (11-2:30) – no sub
2 IA’s
Student Body
TODAY’s Key Club Meeting is being held at Lunch in the Atrium. Stop by to get updates on community service opportunities and make thanksgiving cards for senior citizens.
- TODAY’s Pals Luncheon will be held in the Small Gym Annex at Lunch.
- Wrestling Parent Informational Meeting is TONIGHT at 6pm in the Cafeteria.
- The Library will be Closed Tomorrow for all services starting 3rd period and through the rest of the school day for ASVAB testing. **Students who receive a pass to take the ASVAB test will need to come to the library at the very beginning of break. Students who do not arrive on time will not be able to take the test.
- Come watch BV’s drama fall play Clue on Stage this Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night. Cafeteria doors open 6:30pm, show begins 7pm. Tickets sold at door, Cash only. $10 general admission and $7 students.
- Continue to support NO VAPE NOVEMBER! Challenge a friend or yourself to not vape the entire month of November! Look for signs in halls & scan the QR code to access resources to Quit.
No School Friday, November 15 for Non-Instructional Day
Upcoming Meetings
- TODAY: 8th Grade Campus Tours 8:45 - 11am
- TODAY: PALS Luncheon Small Gym Annex at Lunch
- TODAY: Key Club Meeting at Lunch in Atrium
- TONGIHT: Wrestling Parent Information Meeting 6pm Cafeteria
- Thursday, November 14: ASVAB Testing 11am - 2pm Library
- November 14, 15, 16: Fall Play "Clue" doors open 6:30pm, play at 7pm Cafeteria
- Friday, November 15: Non-Instructional Day No School
- Friday, November 15: Brood Drive Appointment Requests Due (via Google Form)
- Friday, November 15: BV Band Community Show 7pm Stadium
- Monday, November 18: Winter Ball Guest Pass Applications & Tickets OPEN
- Monday, November 18: Boys Soccer Parent Information Meeting 7pm Atrium
- Wednesday, Nov. 20: Honoring Native American Heritage month (dream catchers in quad)
- Wednesday, November 20: College Application Workshop #5 5th/6th periods Library
- Wednesday, November 20: Girls Soccer Parent Information Meeting 7pm Atrium
- Thursday, November 21: BV Blood Drive (over 16 & staff)
- November 25 - 29: Thanksgiving Break No School
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
Students wanting to participate in conditioning, tryouts and practices, must be registered and cleared through Sports Net before you can start! Physical Forms and instructions are available in the front office.
On going Reminders...
- Friday, November 15 - BVHS Band presents the Fall Community Showcase featuring BV Marching Band & Color Guard, BV Dance Team & guest performance by the Oakmont H.S. Royal Blue Regiment! 7pm in the Bronco Stadium. $10 suggested donation to support band. Cash or Card accepted. Hot cocoa, coffee, and cup of noodles will be available to purchase along with desserts. Hope to see everyone there!
- The Bella Vista Blood Drive for ages 16 and over is being held on Thursday, November 21. All appointments can be made and are DUE by November 15 via the QR Codes around campus.
- The next College Application Workshop is Wednesday, November 20 during 5th/6th periods. Students who have a 5th or 6th period please see Mrs. Sloan in the Library for a pass to attend.
- Seniors don't forget to Schedule your Senior Portraits with Bill Smith Photography ASAP! Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Pre-order a Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
- Attention Students Riding Bikes, Scooters, or Skateboards to School: Park & Lock Up your Bicycle, Scooter, or Skateboard Inside the Bike Rack, Do NOT leave them along the Fence.
- If you have Lost an item stop by the office front desk to check the Lost and Found! All unclaimed items will be cleared out and donated!
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters