Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (9/16-9/20, 2019)
Shout Out!
I've got several shoutouts this week:
- To Chris for fearlessly tackling getting vomit out of the K rug
- To Talia and Sue for covering the afterschool program
- To Carrie for creating the great kindness bulletin board that kids keep visiting.
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Wacky Holidays
Monday: Mediation training; National Collect Rocks Day
Tuesday: Constitution Day
Wednesday: Math PD for teachers at Mohawk, along with other specialists meeting, para meeting, National Cheeseburger Day
Thursday: I will be out at a workshop, International Talk Like a Pirate Day
Friday: National Punch Day (I'm assuming they mean the drink, not a fighting punch)
Friday Fun
Friday fun for Sep. 20th is taking a permitting. If you're interested in joining me for a walk after dismissal, let me know. We can make it as large or small, as easy or as difficult as the group would like.
Did You Know? (thanks for sharing this, Melissa)
Did You Know (Officially updated for 2019)