Gayman Gazette
October 15th Edition
- Tuesday, October 15th: Kindergarten Fire Prevention Demonstration
- Tuesday, October 15th @ 3:30PM: Jump Rope Club
- Wednesday, October 16th: Kilowatt Kitchen Assembly
- Wednesday, October 16th @ 3:30PM: Kindness Counts Club
- Thursday, October 17th @ 7:45AM: Choir Rehearsal
- Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th: Red Ribbon Week (This may differ from other schools in district)
Monday 10/21 - Wear Red
Tuesday, 10/22 - Show your school Spirit. Wear Gayman gear!
Wednesday, 10/23 - Wear a Super Hero Shirt
Thursday, 10/24 - Wear you favorite sweats
Friday, 10/25 - Wear your favorite sports jersey
- Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th: Art Goes to School
- Monday, October 21st @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - All Cast Members
- Tuesday, October 22nd @ 3:30PM: Jump Rope Club
- Wednesday, October 23rd: Harlem Wizards Assembly
- Thursday, October 24th @ 7:45AM: Choir Rehearsal
- Thursday, October 24th: 3rd Grade PEN Field Trip
- Friday, October 25th @ 5:00PM: Fall Festivial
- Monday, October 28th: Pumpkin Drop Off
- Monday, October 28th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - All Cast Members
- Tuesday, October 29th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Howell Farm
- Tuesday, October 29th @ 3:30PM: Jump Rope Club
- Wednesday, October 30th @ 9:30AM-10:30AM: AM Kindergarten Halloween Party
- Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Parade & Parties (Details Below)
- Thursday, October 31st @ 11:55AM: Early Dismissal (PM Kindergarten Reports)
- Friday, November 1st: CBSD Schools Closed - Offices Open
Quick Links in this Gazette:
Attendance Information:
All absences must be entered through the Parent Portal.
Click here for more information, including directions on how to upload a student absence: Managing Student Attendance.
As we begin the 2024-25 school year, CBSD wishes to remind families of important information regarding attendance. Pennsylvania's school laws, like Act 138 of 2016 and the updated Act 16, outline what is required for mandatory school attendance and procedures to follow when students are absent or late. Learn more.
Early Dismissal for Appointments:
Student dismissal begins promptly at 3:15PM.
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please pick them up no later then 2:45PM. After 2:45PM, your child can be dismissed with the other walkers, bus riders, and car riders in his/her classroom to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for everyone. Thank you!
Volunteering Information:
To volunteer at a class party or chaperone a field trip, your clearances must be up-to-date & on file with Central Bucks School District.
If your clearances are current, upload them into the App Garden - Volunteer Tracker. If your clearances have expired, or you need to begin the clearance process, click on the Required Documents for the directions. For more information, consult the Human Resources Volunteer Required Paperwork webpage.
Halloween Parade Information:
The Halloween parade will be on Thursday, October 31st at 9:00AM. Parking will be limited. If possible, please consider carpooling.
Students will walk out of the building (near the flagpole) and parade on our sidewalk around the school. After reaching Burnt House Hill Road, they will turn and walk to the back playground and re-enter the building by the gymnasium.
NOTE: We will walk the parade route twice.
**Kindergarten students will lead the parade, followed consecutively by the other grades.
Students are welcome to wear their costumes to school. Please have your child bring their masks and/or accessories to school in a bag with your child's name on the bag. Please use your best judgement in costume selection. Costumes of a violent nature are discouraged. There should be no weapons of any kind brought to school on Halloween.
Kindergarten Parade Plans:
October 31st is a half-day of school. PM kindergarten attends.
All AM Kindergarten students are invited to participate in the outdoor parade. Please bring your child to the entrance under the Gayman Elementary School peak, in front of the school, by 8:45AM. Mrs. Feher will bring the AM class to Mrs. Menard's room where they will lead the parade. Please pick up your child after the parade at the drop-off location.
Halloween Party Information:
Parents who are volunteering should enter through the doors under the Gayman Elementary School peak. This will be the only open door. There will be preprinted visitors' badges. We appreciate your help in providing a SAFE and enjoyable experience for the entire Gayman community.
**If you are volunteering and we have not scanned your ID within the past 6 months, please either check in at the office prior to signing in for the party or stop by any day before the party and we can add you to the system.
If you are assisting with the classroom party at the end of the school day and choose to take your child home with you at dismissal, we ask that you sign them out in their classroom with their homeroom teacher.
Gayman Pumpkin Patch:
Get Ready for Gayman’s ANNUAL Pumpkin Patch in the Library!
Each October, we love to put our students’ and families’ creativity on display by creating a pumpkin patch in the library. All students and families are invited to work individually or as a team to create a pumpkin at home to bring in to share for this year’s patch. Please DO NOT carve pumpkins—they will rot in our warm library!
All the information needed—including drop off procedure for October 28th and pick up procedures for October 31st are outlined in our flier.
Questions!? Contact Mrs. Thomas at the library: hthomas@cbsd.org 267 893-4300 x4358
District Information
New Webpage for Easy Access to District Practices:
CBSD recently launched a new webpage, "Making Practices Public," where community members can find one-stop access to important resources concerning operational processes; major initiatives; family supports; and more. The page currently includes information related to on-campus speech and expression; communications structures; administrative areas of responsibility; supporting children at home during times of difficulty; and grade realignment. The page will be updated with new resources as they become available, so families are encouraged to check back often.
TOMORROW: Annual CBSD Wellness Fair:
All CBSD parents and guardians, employees, students and members of the public are invited to the district’s annual and free-to-attend Wellness Fair, to be held this coming Tuesday, October 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Central Bucks High School South (1100 Folly Road, Warrington). Featuring over 60 vendors from various sectors, including mental health professionals, behavioral health experts, and wellness providers, this complimentary event is designed to support mental health, behavioral health, and overall wellness for individuals and families. No pre-registration is required. Learn more
Join the CBSD Team: Various Open Positions Available:
CBSD welcomes qualified candidates to apply for a range of full-time career opportunities with benefits. From head and assistant coaches to a middle school Special Education teacher to a high school Biology teacher to a secondary school counselor to staff nurses to education assistants (and more!), there may be a perfect place for you to make a positive impact in CB. View available positions and apply now!
Lunch costs have increased by $.10 for the 24-25 school year.
The district is continuing to offer free breakfast!
Lunch Cost: $2.85
Create a Meal Payment Account on MySchoolBucks:
CBSD utilizes the online platform MySchoolBucks for school meal payments, making it easy to oversee a child's meal choices and maintain their account balance. It is important that an account is created for every student, regardless of whether they take part in school meals or not.
You can access MySchoolBucks to view and/or set up an account for your student(s) here.
To set up an account, you will need your child(ren)'s student identification number(s), which can be found in the Parent Portal.
Free & Reduced Lunch Information:
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is open. You can access the online application for Free & Reduced Meals by clicking here. The application must be submitted each year AND for each child. If your child received free or reduced lunch last year, you must re-apply for the 24-25 school year.
Learn more by visiting the full informational webpage here.
Gayman Home & School Information
Fall Festival:
Let's have some family fall fun on Friday, October 25th (5pm -7pm)! This is a free entry family event that will have music, games, activities, an outdoor movie, and snacks! There will also be raffle basket tickets (cash or venmo only please!)! We need your help to make this event a success.
· RSVP: RSVP for the Gayman Elementary School 2024 Fall Fest
· Volunteer: Volunteer For Fall Fest
Slient Auction at Fall Fest:
Gayman Home and School Association is a non-profit organization, so your donation will be tax deductible up to the amount allowed by law.
Please click the Google Form link below to submit your donation write-up to GHSA. GOOGLE FORM DONATION FORM
GHSA Family Dues - LAST CALL:
This school year, the Gayman Home and School Association (GHSA) will be continuing to use annual Family Dues to help supplement the cost of all the amazing experiences the GHSA helps bring to Gayman Elementary.
We are suggesting $30 per family. Payments can be made via:
- Venmo @Gayman-HomeandSchool
- Cash or check (send in an envelope with family name to office)
Some of the experiences your children will have the ability to participate in, with the help of the GHSA are: Popsicles on the Playground, Fall Festival, Bingo, Dance, Library Technology, Author’s Day, School Assemblies, and the End of Year Picnic. If you have any questions, please contact us at GHSAinquiries@gmail.com.
Yearbook Sale - 10% off- Now through 10/31:
6th Grade Parents Only:
We need the following photos by November 1st please!
- 1 Baby Picture (Name the photo your child's name please)
- 1 Picture of your child in Kindergarten (Name the photo your child's name please)
- 2 Group Pictures of your child with a few friends (any grade level)
Here is the link to add your child's photos: PHOTO LINK HERE
If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Davis at jenmdavis03@gmail.com
Square1 Art:
Custom Catalogs are coming home this week with your child's Artwork. Orders are placed online and shipped directly to your home within 2-3 weeks of the order date. All orders must be placed by November 8th.
Get a head start, and start ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW, if you'd like! Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear (under the artwork), and you may order!
6th Grade had a fun week of team work!!
In house Team Building on Monday...
And Ropes Course on Thursday and Friday!
Stay Connected:
Gayman Elementary School
Shawn Ortman, Principal
Jennifer Snyder, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Costello, Office Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/gayman
Location: 4440 Point Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 2678934350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516165478928057
Twitter: @CBGaymanES