Ivy Stockwell Star
February 14, 2025
17- Presidents Day- No School
18- Staff Professional Learning Day- No School Students
19- Ivy's Kindness Challenge Begins
25- Ivy's Talent Show @ Berthoud High School @ 6:00 pm
5- Conferences 3:30-7:00 pm
6- No School Students/ Conferences
7- No School Students and Staff
9- Sunday- Daylight Savings
10- PTO Meeting @ 3:30 pm
11- Virtual School Advisory and Accountability Meeting- Link to the Meeting
17-21- No School- Spring Break
27- GLOW Dance (5:30- Kindergarten Only, 6:00-7:00 All Grades)
Hello Ivy Families,
The 5210+ Challenge began Saturday, February 1, 2025 and is a month-long health program sponsored by UC Health - Healthy Kids Club.
During February - students, school staff and families can learn and practice the 5210+ healthy habits and possibly win individual and school prizes! If you have 80 checks, by the end of the month, you will win a 5210+ T-shirt!!!
Please note, the paper logs are given out ONLY to record a person's progress throughout the month. Students, staff, and families MUST submit their log results ONLINE by Wednesday March 5th (one submission per student, staff, or family).
Online Submission Weblink Form: https://redcap.link/noco5210challenge
The Online Submission Form Link will go live on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025.
Student Logs were given to students to take home in Thursday Folders this week. Parents, you can also find and print Family Logs, as well as more information, by using the QR Code in the upper right corner of the Student Log or by going to the following weblink: https://www.uchealth.org/services/community-health/healthy-kids/5210-school-challenge/
What are the 5210+ healthy habits?
• 5 fruits and vegetables.
• 2 hours or less of recreational screen time.
• 1 hour or more of physical activity.
• 0 sugary drinks.
• + 9 or more hours of sleep.
T-SHIRT PRIZES - All student participants with a minimum of 80 checks on their logs, will receive a 5210+ Challenge T-shirt.
SCHOOL PRIZES – Schools with the highest percentage of participants will also be awarded Wellness Initiative Prize Money to spend on P.E./Recess equipment and/or other school wellness needs.
Dear Families,
As we continue in the winter season, it’s important that your contact information in the Parent Portal is updated to receive any communications regarding school closures or school delays. Please add emergency contacts to your child’s profile also in case you are unable to pick up your child if school is closed early.
February CharacterStrong Trait: Honesty
This month the character trait we are learning all about is Honesty. One way to think about Honesty is “being truthful in what you say and do.” Practicing Honesty helps strengthen our relationships with one another. We practice honesty at school by being true to ourselves and being honest with each other, even in challenging situations.
Family Conversation Starters:
- Share about a time you had to be Honest with another person?
- What is one way you can show Honesty with yourself?
- Share how being Honest with ourselves can help us to be more confident, calm, or focused.
Jessica Hinterberg
School Counselor
Ivy Stockwell Elementary School
Email: Jessica.Hinterberg@tsd.org
Phone: 970.613.6108
Yearbook Personal Ads
Personal Ads are a fun way to send a special message to your student. The cost is $10 (payable to the office by cash or check made out to “Ivy Stockwell”) for a 2 ½” x 4 ½“ ad that includes a photo and special message. Just email your photo and caption (25 words or less) to Tracy Schuldt at tracyschuldt@gmail.com with the Subject Line “Personal Yearbook Ads”. Submit photos with high resolution for best quality (640 x 800 pixels).
Yearbook Business Ads
Do you have a business you would like to advertise in our yearbook? Do you know someone who would like to advertise in our yearbook? Rates are as follows:
$25 for a Business Card Ad
$50 for a Quarter-Page Ad
$100 for a Half-Page Ad
Contact Tracy Schuldt at (224) 558-8269 or email at tracyschuldt@gmail.com with the Subject Line “Yearbook Business Ad”.
Get your Pictures in the Yearbook!
The Yearbook Staff invites parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you’ve got great photos of school events we’d like to see them. Our photographers can’t be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have. To submit photos, please head to https://community.lifetouch.com/invite?code=STALLIONS25-25. Invitation Code is STALLIONS25-25. There are tags available for each grade, as well as multiple activities. Please tag the photos accordingly to ensure a smooth process.
The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book.
Are you interested in your child being ready for kindergarten? The Thompson School District's Integrated Early Childhood Program provides quality preschool experiences for three and four year olds at 15 different sites around the Loveland and Berthoud area.
If your child will be 3 or 4 years old by October 1, 2025, your child may be eligible to participate in the Thompson School District's Early Childhood Program. We ask all interested families to complete our Preschool Interest Form available on our preschool website. If you have any questions about our program, please call 970-613-5052.
Berthoud Parks & Recreation Guide (The image is the link.)
Nutritional Services Menu
We love our Ivy families!
It would be great to hear suggestions for the 24-25 school year! Below is a link to provide our school with feedback to help Ivy be the best we can be.
Thank you,
The office team- Mr. Bryant, Ms. Katie, Ms. Melissa, Mrs. Shadle, and Ms. Anne Marie
Email: annemarie.sanchez@tsd.org- Principal
Website: https://www.thompsonschools.org/IvyStockwell
Location: 175 South 5th Street, Berthoud, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-6100- office
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivystockwell
Twitter: @none