Upcoming Linder Eagle Events
We have some great things planned for you!
October 29th, Tuesday: SPOOKTACULAR, LINDER FALL FEST! 4:30 - 6PM
October 28th - November 1st: LOVE YOUR BRAIN SPIRIT WEEK!
November 1st, Friday- NO SCHOOL, Student Staff Holiday: Diwali!
Happy Diwali to All Who Celebrate!
Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a beautiful holiday celebrated by millions around the world. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. To our Linder families celebrating, we wish you a joyful and prosperous Diwali!
November 5th, Tuesday- NO SCHOOL, Student Holiday- Election Day!
November 11 - 15: Linder's Scholastic BOOK FAIR!
CASH FREE Purchases
If you would like to create and add funds to your child's Book Fair eWallet click HERE.
November 14th, Thursday: Coffee with the Principal and PTA Meeting
Patti Estep
Interim Principal, ph.512.414.2398